My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1211 picturesque rivers and mountains

Chapter 1211 picturesque rivers and mountains
The first day of December in the sixth year of Ryan.

Liu Mingzhi had nothing to do, he was wearing a big cloak, cooking wine and admiring the snow in the gazebo of the mansion.

Qi Yun didn't know when she came in, and sat down gently to the side and filled her husband with wine: "The snow in northern Xinjiang is really heavy. It has been falling for three days this time. When will it be the end!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qi Yun cheerfully: "Auspicious snow heralds a good year, good fortune and misfortune depend on each other, and I don't know what's going on with the common people's houses in Yingzhou and Fuzhou."

"My husband has already sent Yu Chengle to investigate. I hope that no one's house will be overwhelmed by the heavy snow."

"There are tens of thousands of Ande Guangsha, sheltering the world's poor people with joy."

"Yun'er, how many underprivileged people do you think there are in this world?"

Qi Yun froze for a moment, then shook her head silently: "You, the former servant of the household department, don't even know, let alone the concubine."

"That's right, my former Hubu Zuo Shilang didn't know about it, so how could Yun'er know about it?"

"It's been a year in the blink of an eye, and I don't know what the situation in the court will be like now. People leave the tea to cool down. How many people in the court still remember Liu Mingzhi, who was once a young man who was so successful."

"Today should be the last big court meeting in the court hall. Another year has passed, so fast!"

"Xuan'er, this girl, should have reached the age to leave the court. I haven't seen her for so long, and I don't know if she has someone she likes. Mingli's son is almost one year old. Everything is going so fast!"

Qi Yun looked at Young Master Liu worriedly: "Husband, don't think about it, I know that you are sad because you were relegated to Yingzhou, but you have to go on with your life!"

"The gravel can never hide the brilliance of gold, I believe that one day you will be on top of the temple again."

"I believe in my husband, I have never doubted my husband!"

"Thank you Yun'er for your good words. Where is Sister Ya, why haven't I seen Sister Ya these few days!"

"My sister said that she is going to visit an old friend, and it may take half a month before she comes back."

Young Master Liu looked at Qi Yun nervously for a moment: "Male or female?"

"Hey, who do you think my sister is, girl, just an old friend."

"Yun'er, it's not because of my husband's random thoughts, because my husband cares about your well-being, if I don't care about you, you should say it in your heart, your husband doesn't care about us at all!"

"What kind of person do you take the concubine as? The concubine's sisters don't talk so much."

"Master, I have your letter!"

Liu Song ran over holding a letter, and nodded respectfully to the couple.

Liu Mingzhi took the letter directly and read it. After a while, Liu Mingzhi silently put away the letter, stood up slowly, picked up the wine jug on the stone table, and walked outside the gazebo.

Liu Mingzhi held the jug with both hands and poured the warm wine on the ground with a solemn expression.

"Everyone's righteousness has been remembered through the ages, and in exchange for peace in the world."

"Liu Mingzhi respectfully sends off the old Duke, respectfully sends off the soldiers of the Northern Expedition."

"We will meet again after 18 years, and the names of the gentlemen will last forever."

Qi Yun slowly stood up and walked towards Liu Mingzhi, staring at First Young Master Liu in a daze: "Husband, Mr. Wan?"


Qi Yun sighed silently: "The old man took the coffin to go to war, but he didn't make it through after all."

"Yeah, knowing that the end is approaching, I hold my breath until I regain the lost ground before I die."

"The old man is strong, and the army of the Northern Expedition is strong."

"Boy, Tai Shigong once said that a person is mortal, and he is either heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather."

"There are often thousand-year-old trees in the world, but there are few hundred-year-old people in the world."

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, everything is the past, even though the old man is gone, An Zhi has gone to another world to enjoy happiness!"

Young Master Liu and his wife were talking with a depressed expression when a hearty and unrestrained voice came from all directions towards the gazebo.

Young Master Liu and the other two subconsciously looked towards the sky, their eyes filled with surprise.

The person's inner strength is so deep, my husband and wife can't tell where he is.

It was as if this person was everywhere, making it impossible to trace him.

In the snowy sky, a long sword that was as fast as a meteor pierced the sky and shot towards Young Master Liu's position. The sword aura criss-crossed and even cut a gap of two feet in the snow in the sky.

The sword is fierce and powerful, with an invincible aura, as if nothing in front of him can resist the ferocity of the long sword.

Liu Mingzhi subconsciously wanted to dodge, but he found that his entire body seemed to be covered by sword energy, and it was impossible to avoid it.

Seeing this, Qi Yun wanted to help her husband, but also found that she couldn't exert any strength at all, and her whole body was within the sword's force, and she couldn't even think of resisting at all.

"Haha, good boy, it seems that you have not slackened in your cultivation in the past two years, and you still have the idea of ​​​​resisting under the force of the old man's sword."

The long sword passed directly between Young Master Liu and his wife, skipped over the stone table behind him with a strong wind, and quietly plunged into the snow.

Now that the imposing long sword inserted into the snow did not make the slightest waves, it can be seen that this person's control of the sword has reached the realm of harmony between man and nature.

Liu Mingzhi's expression changed from fear to a light smile, and he looked up at the snowy sky cheerfully.

"Old man, your way of greeting is really different, the boy almost thought it was the enemy who came to seek revenge!"

"Haha. You're still so funny, kid."

As soon as the words fell, a figure appeared in the sky and came straight from the sky.

Liu Mingzhi stared dumbfounded at the figure mixed in the wind and snow. Compared with Qi Ya's lightness kung fu of stepping on the wind and snow relying on foreign objects, Wen Renzheng's way of appearing on the stage was simply incomparably domineering.

It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is volleying.

Is this the ability of a congenital master, a land god?

In the blink of an eye, the figure that had stayed in the air suddenly appeared in the gazebo, and stopped beside Young Master Liu and his wife.

"Boy, girl, it's been a long time!"

"Liu Mingzhi sees his mentor!"

"Little girl Qi Yun has met the head of the mountain!"

"Free gift!"

Wen Renzheng wore a blue-black robe, and slowly took off the hat on top of his head. He looked at First Young Master Liu with his old face and sharp eyes.

"Boy, you didn't take care of your old granddaughter to a place where she shouldn't be taken care of. Excessive sexuality causes disaster, so cut it off for eternity!"

Young Master Liu looked at Wen Renzheng's teasing eyes with twitching corners of his mouth, and was very grateful in his heart. Fortunately, he had kept himself clean and kept himself safe, so that little girl Wenren Yunshu, who had always harbored ill intentions towards him, won her way, and nothing happened.

Otherwise, he might have to serve the emperor for the rest of his life.

"Old man, it's been two years. Where have you been? Last time you wrote a letter, there was no news. The kid thought you went to a corner where no one was around. You are still alive. "

Wen Renzheng glared at First Young Master Liu angrily, and then sighed desolately: "After dealing with a past incident, I went to find a long-lost kung fu!"

In the capital city, just as Liu Mingzhi said, the last great dynasty of Rui'an in six years will come as scheduled.

Li Zheng put down the battle report sent by Suyi Baishu from Beijiang with a depressed face.

It's good news, but also bad news.

Heshuo and Hetao were victorious, and Wanbuhai was mourned.

For a moment Li Zheng didn't know whether to be happy or sad, his mood was so complicated.

Wanbu kelp coffin went out to show his ambition, but the coffin was finally used.


"The old minister is here!"

"Pursuing the old Duke Wanbuhai as King Zhong'an, and Wan Shoujiang as Uncle Zhongyong."

"The old minister obeys the order."

"The Ministry of Households and the Ministry of War will draw up the beard gold for the generals of the Northern Expedition, and their merits will be replaced by their children!"

"I will obey your orders!"

Li Zheng looked desolately at the first place vacated by the military officer's side, which was the place where Wan Buhai used to sit on his knees.

It's a pity that things have changed and people have changed, the position is still there, but the person is gone!

Li Zheng glanced deeply at the gloomy civil and military officials, and finally set his eyes on Prince Li Baiyu.


"My son is here!"

"I want to inscribe eight big characters for the old Duke and all the northern Xinjiang soldiers who died in battle. In your opinion, what should be used for these eight big characters?"

Li Baiyu was taken aback for a moment, then lowered his head and pondered.

After a while, Li Baiyu looked up at Li Zheng.

"The mountains and rivers are picturesque, and loyalty and righteousness are perfect!"

Li Zheng looked at Li Baiyu silently, raised the ink brush on the dragon case and began to retouch the pen, and in a short while, the eight characters were completed in one go.

"The country is picturesque, with loyalty and righteousness. '

"The Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of War will serve as supervisors!"

"Chen is here!"

"Cast bronze medals and distribute them to the homes of every soldier who died in war. Those who hold bronze medals can see that they will not worship officials. The imperial examinations give priority to the descendants of soldiers who died in war!"

"I will obey your orders!"

"The Clan Mansion!"

"Chen is here!"

"Ring the bell six times, tell the heaven above, and tell the people below!"

"Lost land recovered!"

"According to the order!"

"I'm tired, let's retreat!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

The civil and military officials retreated slowly, Li Zhengcai slowly stood up from the dragon chair, and the chief executive hurried up to support him.

Li Zheng broke free from the chief manager: "I'm not too old to walk!"

"Yes, the old slave is convicted."

Li Zheng walked slowly towards the apse: "Turn around the imperial garden."

"According to the order."

On the corridor, Li Zheng looked at the imperial garden with a thin layer of snow in his eyes: "How long has Liu Xiaozi been to Yingzhou?"

"Return to Your Majesty, Duke Ding has only been away for a year!"

"It's only been a year, why do I feel like three or five years have passed!"

"It seems that I am really old, and I can't even remember this."

"Your Majesty will live a long life. I won't say much about the empty words like long live. I will be satisfied with your Majesty's long life."

"You are so courageous, you are not afraid that I will punish you for your crime!"

"Old slave is not afraid!"

"I have repaid the country's favor, and the old people have left one by one. I am also old, old Aiqing, and I am too. Uh-huh."

"His Majesty!"

"Fuhai, send the imperial doctor quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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