My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1212 The Three Kingdoms Stand

Chapter 1212
Seven years for Baron Ryan.

The 16th year of Qianlong in the Kingdom of Jin.

Turkic Taichang three years.

Huyan Wangting Taichang Dong Khan Huyan Yunyao, taking advantage of heavy snow to block the road, took advantage of the land of Heshuo where the Dalong soldiers and horses were stationed, directly took the king's tent of Shibisi Wangting, and bombarded the Wangting.

Just as Huyan Yunyao expected, the scouts of Shibisixi's royal court could no longer extend their hands into the Heshuo land where the dragon soldiers and horses were stationed.

After taking advantage of the way, the Huyan King's Court soldiers and horses quickly swallowed up seven or eight tribes outside the West King's Court with thunderous force, and without hesitation swung their troops northward, directly attacking the big tent of the West King's Court, which was singing and dancing.

The fifth day of the first month of the third year of Taichang.

The king's tent in Xiwangting turned into a sea of ​​flames under the cannons, and the raging fire in the camp burned for several days before it was extinguished.

The fly in the ointment is that the Khan Spismurt of the Western King's Court is not in the big tent, but has gone to a nearby tribe to find a woman.

Knowing that the king's tent was breached by the people of the East King's Court, and the people scattered and fled without knowing where they were going, Spismoult, who was like a frightened bird, immediately asked his personal guards to gather several nearby tribes to flee away.

With the idea of ​​making a comeback with a strong army and a strong horse, he retreated strategically.

Huyan Junyao didn't expect that God would give Shibis Muerte a chance to escape under the gunfire.

In desperation, Huyan Yunyao could only order the army to gradually wipe out the scattered tribes under the tent of Xiwangting.

Those who are willing to surrender will be brought under the control of Huyan Royal Court after the general of Huyan Royal Court accepts the command of the tribe.

Huyan Yunyao, who was unwilling to submit to him, would not be relentless, and directly bombarded the tribe's camp.

Without rushing up, the people of Xiwangting, who were spending the winter in their tents, died under the artillery fire.

Huyan Yunyao also seemed to like this method of attack, and resolutely prevented the troops from charging on horseback where they could be covered with artillery, and would not engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy.

She has deeply studied the tactics used by her senior brother when he set out to conquer the 36 countries in the Western Regions. At this moment, Huyan Yunyao really understands why her senior brother likes this kind of tactics.

It was only after Huyan Yunyao really had the artillery that she realized that it felt so satisfying to be able to take the head of an enemy miles away without hurting a single soldier.

Therefore, except for the tribes whose artillery can't be used, they have to attack by means of hand-to-hand combat.

Huyan Yunyao simply played a trick on how to use the cannon.

On March [-]rd of the third year of Taichang, Huyan Junyao officially unified the grassland.

The royal court of Shibis, who was once invincible on the grassland, was officially destroyed under Huyan Yunyao's announcement.

The era belonging to Spies Moore has officially come to a successful conclusion.

The era belonging to Huyan Yunyao has come.


"Chen is here!"

"Have you found any trace of that old dog, Spiesmoort?"

"Reporting to the Great Khan, they have not been found yet, and the seven or eight tribes who followed Shi Bismuert's retreat also have no traces. Please forgive me, Khan."

Huyan Yunyao glanced at the vast white grassland with a melancholy face, the tribe of Huyan King's Court was escorting the prisoners belonging to the West King's Court and retreating slowly.

The cattle, sheep and war horses were also whipped and slowly moved towards the east.

"Not guilty, although the momentum of the heavy snow has weakened a lot in the past few days, it still drifts down from time to time. The footprints left by Muerte's old dog will soon be covered by heavy snow and disappear."

"It is not easy to find them on the vast grassland."

"Thank you, Khan, for your understanding."

"Get the map!"

"Yes, Khan, please take a look."

Huyan Yunyao took the map and observed it carefully. After a while, Huyan Yunyao threw the map to Bahana.

"Huyan Liaosi, where is Huyan himself!"

"Your brother Huyan Liaosi, Huyan himself sees the Great Khan."

"Huyan Liaosi, Huyan Zi, the two of you led [-] cavalry along the Muli River to Daizhou and Muzhou on the border of the Kingdom of Jin to pursue them."

"Based on the map, according to Ben Khan, the best retreat route for Muerte is the Gulu River [-] miles away from the border of the Kingdom of Jin, where he can escape outside the Yin Mountain unimpeded."

"Cut the grass without eradicating the roots, and the spring breeze will regenerate. Ben Khan doesn't want this guy to make a comeback one day in the future, and stab Ben Khan's heart from behind!"


"I call Yanyu, Yanyu sees the Great Khan!"

Huyan Yunyao waved her hand casually: "No courtesy! All tribes can be cleaned up!"

"Fleeing nine remote small tribes, no trace can be found."

"Should we send troops to pursue and completely kill the weeds?"

Huyan Junyao pondered for a while and shook her head slightly at Huyanyu: "It's okay, if you escape, you can escape. As long as there is no old guy like Shibismurt as their backbone, there will be no leader in the crowd, and it will be difficult to make a big deal."


Hu Yanyu glanced at the prisoners of the West King Court with a somewhat gloomy expression.

"I didn't expect that God was so blind that he let this cruel old dog escape. If he can't be captured alive, how can he comfort the mother's spirit in the sky?"

"Second Brother, Younger Sister has already asked Huyan Liaosi, Huyan and I to bring two elite soldiers to the Gulu River to pursue them. That is the most likely escape route for the old dog."

Hu Yanyu was stunned and hurriedly took out the map from the horse's back and stretched it to Yan Yu's side.

Seeing this, Yan Yu took one side of the map and stretched it out without hesitation. He knew that it was inconvenient for the "husband" to have one arm, so he cooperated tacitly.

After a while, Hu Yanyu put away the map: "Great Khan, the Great Khan personally conquered the Western Turks. Now that the overall situation is settled, there is also a Great Khan sitting here. I am willing to lead [-] eagle archers to hunt down the old dog Muerte."

"Okay, be more careful."

Huyan Yunyao knew that the second brother hated this guy, Spies Muerte, because of his mother's affairs, so it was not easy to stop him, otherwise, even if the second brother didn't say anything on the surface, he would definitely feel extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

"Khan, Yan Yu is also willing to go together."

"Okay, second sister-in-law be careful too."

Hu Yanyu nodded to Huyan Yunyao and turned to look at the general behind him: "Come out Haru, you order three thousand eagle archers, and follow me thousands of miles to chase the Great Khan Shibi Simult of the Western King's Court. Argument!"


After half a stick of incense, Huyan Junyao rode on her sweaty BMW and silently watched the direction of the three thousand eagle archers rushing away.

"Second brother, you dared to kill your father and king for your little sister. Since you were young, you have always loved my little sister the most. Why are you so reluctant to hand over the military power?"

"Conquer the Western Turks, and let you and the second sister-in-law each merge into your own 15 soldiers and horses."

"The two of you, husband and wife, hold one-third of the military power in my royal court. What do you want to do?"

"Yunyao's Khan position was pushed up by you. Obviously you can also call Khan your honor, but you just gave it to the younger sister."

"If you want to be a khan, my little sister will let you. Anyway, you gave it to my little sister."

"But you don't want to take the position, and you want to have an army in your hands. Your thoughts are really unpredictable for my little sister."

"Forget it, let everything take its course."

Huyan Junyao raised her neck and stared at the wolf flag dancing in the wind above her head, the chicken feathers on the felt hat slowly swayed, and Huyan Junyao's pretty face smiled lightly against the sun.

"From then on, there is only Taichang Khan, and Dong Khan has passed away."

"So far, the three kingdoms stand together!"

"Who can compete in the Central Plains and win the world, but it depends on God's will.

(End of this chapter)

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