My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1213 1 Blockbuster

Chapter 1213 A Blockbuster

"Hey, your highness, please slow down, the old minister's legs and feet are inconvenient and can't keep up with your steps."

Song He, Minister of the Ministry of War of the Kingdom of Jin, looked at the cute little girl running around on the city wall of Daizhou with a sad face.

The little cutie was lying on the city wall in a snow-white cloak, sullenly put down the binoculars in her hand, and looked up at Hui'er, who was guarding her cautiously.

"Aunt Hui'er, is there really no problem with Admiral's intelligence? Is it true that Huyan Royal Court attacked Xiwang Court when the road was blocked by heavy snow?"

Hui'er nodded solemnly: "Your Highness, the Admiral's secret agents will not lie. Since they have passed on the letter from the golden eagle, it means that the matter must be true."

"Huyan Royal Court is now attacking the Western Turks. This is a solid fact. Hui'er dares to guarantee it with her life."

Little Cutie nodded knowingly, and raised the binoculars again to look at the scenery outside the city, except for the vast white snow, and the delicate willow leaf eyebrows frowned slightly.

"Could it be that Yue'er's calculations are wrong, the defeated army of the Western King's Court will not retreat through the Gulu River? But looking at all the routes on the map, the Gulu River is the best route to retreat to the north of the Yin Mountain!"

Song He held up a map and walked up to the cutie: "Your Highness, Spies Muerte has dominated the grassland for decades, so he is definitely not mediocre, what if he does the opposite and flees from other places? "

"Although Her Royal Highness is talented and intelligent, after all, she has never been to the battlefield in person. She doesn't know that the military situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. The veteran has no intention of laughing at Her Royal Highness."

"I just want to tell Her Royal Highness that everything should be based on facts, speculation is not acceptable!"

The little cutie scratched the back of her head and looked at Hui'er: "If you're not mediocre, how could you be beaten back by your mother's love rival, the little goblin?"

Hui'er stared awkwardly at the cutie, and then looked at Songhe who was aside.In terms of these, she really can't compare with Song He, the Minister of the Ministry of War.

After all, there is a specialization in the art industry, and my strength is in investigating and inquiring about news, not in forming troops.

Song He slowly put away the map: "Your Highness, the reason why the Huyan Royal Court was able to defeat the Western Turks is because of the strength of the soldiers."

"Huyan Royal Court traded a lot of obsolete armor and equipment from my Dajin and Dalong's border exchanges."

"Although we look down on these armaments, they are like nectar from heaven to the Huyan Royal Court, which is extremely difficult to smelt iron."

"With the same ability, a person with a sword naturally has a few percent more chance of winning than a person with bare hands."

"Spith Muerte didn't lose to the Khan Huyan Yunyao of Huyan Royal Court, but to your father Liu Mingzhi."

Hearing Songhe mentioned his father Liu Mingzhi, Xiao Kei's eyes lit up: "Why? Daddy obviously didn't do anything, how could Xiwangting lose to Daddy?"

Song He pondered for a moment and sighed silently: "This matter has to start from the 27th year of Dalong Xuande. Your father Liu Mingzhi was ordered to send me Dajin."

"It can be said that your father's move is a strategy for the weak people. Although the cross-border trade was carried out under the banner of exchanging supplies, your father has no peace of mind from the beginning."

"He has a plan to restrict all the people of the Jin Kingdom and the Turks to the Dalong Border Exchange, and wants to restrict the Jin Kingdom and the Turks to the Border Exchange."

"Using Dalong's Confucianism, it is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but difficult to go from extravagance to frugality!"

"Fortunately, your mother, His Majesty discovered the clues early and stopped the loss in time. Otherwise, the people in the twelve cities in the southern border of the Kingdom of Jin would be trapped in the dream woven by the dragon."

"To Dalong, a Dajin who can only rely on the enemy's country to live is like fish on a sticky board, ready to be slaughtered."

"Your father is a rare national genius, but unfortunately he can't be used by my Dajin."

"The old grand master Rondo failed to make His Majesty keep him even though he was forcing him to die. Instead, he made a mistake!"

"Your Highness, maybe you have the same talents as your father Liu Mingzhi, but your vision is far from his."

"Your father was not well-known when he was in Dalong Jinling, and he could even be said to be a notorious existence."

"It's just that everyone misunderstood him."

"Nineteen years of dormancy, just to make a blockbuster."

Cutie was silent for a while, looking at Songhe quietly.

"In "Han Feizi. Yu Lao", there is a bird in Nanshan, which has not had wings for three years, does not fly or sing, and is silent. What is the name?"

"The king said: If you don't have wings for three years, you will grow your wings. If you don't fly or sing, you will watch the people. Even if you don't fly, you will fly to the sky; even if you don't sing, your song will be amazing."

Song He nodded heavily: "His Royal Highness is really familiar with all kinds of classics. Your father Liu Mingzhi is a blockbuster if he doesn't sing well."

"In less than [-] years, he ranks among the princes of the country."

"So, if there is no border crossing market, the Huyan Royal Court will not be able to obtain those armors and weapons. In the war with the Shibisi Royal Court, it is still a matter of five or five who will win."

"Does Master Songhe admire Daddy very much?"

"Respect, outstanding people are worthy of respect. Excluding Dalong and Jin Guo, the veteran also admires your father very much. His appearance has achieved a foundation that others could not complete in decades."

"Yue'er respects Daddy too!"

"Your Highness, that's different."


"His Royal Highness, the Gulu River [-] miles west of Daizhou City, Mr. Baboshu led a hundred thousand ambush soldiers to fight the fleeing people from the Western King's Court."

The two cute people who were talking were suddenly interrupted by scouts from the city carrying command flags.

With a smile on her cute face, she hurriedly lay on top of the city wall and looked down the city wall.

"Are there many war horses in the Western Turkic Belt?"

"Reporting to Your Royal Highness, there are as many as [-] to [-] horses from a distance, and the fleeing troops of the Western Turks are like frightened birds, and they are defeated with one blow."

"Continue to investigate!"


The horseshoes trampled up layers of snow, and the scouts galloped away.

Cutie held her pink fist and looked at Songhe excitedly: "My lord, these [-] to [-] war horses are all our big gold, how much money Yue'er has saved for the treasury!"

Song He came back from being stunned, and looked at the cutie in amazement.

Last June, when the Queen listened to the government behind the curtain, Her Royal Highness speculated that the defeated army of the Shibis royal court would flee far north from the Gulu River, and specifically ordered Baboshu to send [-] troops to Daizhou to wait for the rabbit.

What everyone didn't care about actually came true.

"Your Highness, the old minister knows his mistake. It's because the old minister is short-sighted and doesn't know the true skills of His Highness the Princess."

The cutie took a deep breath: "Master Songhe, the map!"

"Yes, please look, Your Highness Princess!"

Song Hebusily took out the map and put it in front of the cutie while bending over.

The little cutie looked at the engraving on the map, pointed to a place on the map and clicked: "Muli River, the Great Khan of Huyan Royal Court has a deep blood feud with Spies Muert, and he must not be reconciled to Spies Muert If you escape, you will definitely send pursuers.”

"These war horses belong to Yue'er, so we can't let Huyan Royal Court give them away."

"The Golden Eagle's letter tells Uncle that Muzhou's soldiers and horses can go out of the city. As for the reason to stop the Huyan Royal Court's pursuers, it's up to him."

"The old minister obeys the order!"

"and many more!"

"What orders does Your Highness Princess have?"

"Order Mr. Baboshu to capture Spies Muerte alive. If he can't be captured alive, he must keep the whole body."

"Huyan Royal Court must be impatient to get this guy, how much benefit you can get in exchange for him is up to you bosses!"

"The old minister obeys the order!"

After Songhe left, Cutie subconsciously looked at Huier, only to realize that Huier had disappeared at some point.

Shaking her head helplessly, the cutie smiled and continued to look out of the city with the binoculars.

"Daddy, Yue'er must be as powerful as you."

On the city tower, Hui'er stood respectfully next to the empress in a plain white brocade jacket, silently looking at the little cutie on the city wall and smiling outside the city.

"Your Majesty, is Your Highness a blockbuster? After the battle of the Gulu River, Her Highness's name will definitely become famous all over the world. Who can say clearly whether it is the Huyan Royal Court or Her Highness who really destroyed the Western Turks!"

The smile on the queen's cherry lips disappeared in a flash, and she stared deeply at the honest little cutie on the city wall, turned and walked down the tower.

"I only believe that a tiger father has no dog sons, it's still far behind!"

"Back to the palace!"

Hui'er looked at the empress who was obviously happy but pretended to be ambiguous, and shook her shoulders helplessly.

"According to the order!"

(End of this chapter)

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