My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1214 The universe is undecided

Chapter 1214 The universe is undecided
In April of the seventh year of Dalong Rui'an, the ice and snow gradually melted.

The spring return to the land in the north is about ten months later than that in the south.

A shocking roar from Yingzhou Governor's Mansion spread throughout the entire corner inside and outside the Governor's Mansion: "What are you talking about, that little brat?"

Young Master Liu, who was dealing with official duties in the study, looked in the direction of Wen Renzheng's courtyard in astonishment, and shook his head helplessly: "Why is the old man so crazy? Is he eunuched or what?"

Qi Yun and the girls also looked over there in surprise, not knowing what happened.

Young Master Liu, who had just raised his pen and dipped it in ink, only felt a gust of breeze blowing in, and then he felt himself rising into the air.

It seemed that in the blink of an eye, he had already appeared in the martial arts arena of the Governor's Mansion, and he was hanging from a tree in a posture of rippling in the wind.

I don't know how many times Young Master Liu has seen this shameful posture, after all, he didn't hang up a few of his sons less often.

Unexpectedly, Feng Shui will turn around, and I will be hung up by others one day.

Young Master Liu looked in horror at Wen Renzheng holding a whip in his hand and staring at him with his beard upside down.

"Old man, you are crazy, how did you get offended by such a good boy?"

Holding a whip in his hand, Wen Renzheng glared angrily at Young Master Liu who was hanging from the tree: "Little brat, this old man understands today what it means to walk through iron shoes and find nowhere to find it. It doesn't take much effort to get it."

"The little bastard I've been looking for for 16 years is actually far away and close in front of me."

"The sky has no eyes, and this old man has dim eyesight. He actually found a bastard like you to be his apprentice. You have made the old granddaughter so miserable!"

First Young Master Liu was stunned for a moment, and he finally understood the reason why he was hung up.

The corner of his mouth twitched a few times. Young Master Liu looked at Wen Renzheng with a tangled face: "Master, listen to my sophistry. Bah. Listen to my explanation. I want to tell you that this is a misunderstanding, do you believe it?"

"This old man believes in your grandma's legs!"

"It's said that rabbits don't eat the grass on the side of the nest. It's better to be a mother. It turns out that you started to attack the grass on the side of the nest more than ten years ago. Why did the old man believe in your evil back then and take you in as a disciple?" , his mother, it’s not human, the old man greets your immortal!"

"Old man, isn't that right? Back then you taught the kid yourself that since there is grass by the nest, why bother looking far away."

"The fucking thing that the old man said is someone else's grass, not your own grass."

Young Master Liu looked helplessly at the old man Wen Renzheng, and it turned out that double standards are not only synonymous with future generations.

Today I was taught a vivid lesson about what double standards are.

This is a fucking double standard.

The grass in your house is fresher than other people's grass or what.

Besides, whether this young master is wronged or not, it's Liu Mingzhi who caused the trouble, and I have a bad relationship with Liu Mingzhi.

This young master is definitely a backer, okay?

"Old man, the conscience of heaven and earth, the boy is young and ignorant, it's just a childish joke, it really has nothing to do with me!"

There is no way, Young Master Liu knows that the explanation is not clear, not only will he not be believed, but he will be treated as sophistry and insanity.

I can only bear the scapegoat with tears in my eyes.

With a snap, the whip in Wen Renzheng's hand hit Young Master Liu's thick flesh.

"Fart, you have delayed your old granddaughter for sixteen years, and you just want to finish it with a joke from your childhood."

"Howling. Old man, you are really deadly. The boy is your direct disciple. Is there anyone like you?"

"Do you want to kill me? This old man has the heart to beat you to death. If this old man didn't show mercy, he would have let you enter the palace to serve the emperor!"

Young Master Liu felt a sudden light somewhere, and looked at Wen Renzheng in horror: "Old man, appease your anger, appease your anger, think twice, a mistake will cause eternal hatred, something has already happened, there must be a solution, right? .”

"Boy, I suggest you put the kid down first, let's talk calmly?"

"The old man can't calm down, 16 years, how many 16 years are there in life, just like this, it's all wasted on you little bastard."

"It's good that this old man didn't crush you to ashes, but you still want this old man to be calm, you have such a big heart!"

Knowing that her husband was hung up by the old man in the martial arts arena, Qi Yun and the girls put down their work and rushed towards the martial arts arena together.

Looking at the husbands who were tied up and hung on the tree, they all felt distressed, and looked at Wen Renzheng, who was full of anger, and hurriedly surrounded him in puzzlement.

"What's wrong with the old man? How did my husband offend the old man? Can't the little girl apologize to the old man!"

"That's right, old man, my husband is used to being frivolous at ordinary times, so it's inevitable that he speaks a little too much, and what kind of offensive sentence offends old man, old man, you have a lot of people who don't have the same knowledge as him, okay?"

"Old man, there is no difficulty between master and apprentice, so just let your husband down!"


Qi Yun and the girls didn't know why, so they could only persuade each other by hearing Renzheng's good words.

There is no way, let's not talk about the high prestige of people and politics, the king of heaven and earth, relatives and teachers, it is a matter of course for a teacher to beat his disciples, there is really no other good way except to persuade Qi Yun and his daughters for a while.

The three brothers Liu Chengfeng took pictures in the gazebo not far away, looking at the rippling old father, he gasped, and his father would have such a day.


"It's not that the time has not arrived."

"Here comes the hero who punishes the devil!"

If Young Master Liu knew what the three brothers were thinking, he wondered if he would go into a rage and skin the three little brats alive.

Wen Renzheng looked helplessly at a group of girls who begged him for mercy, gritted his teeth and held up a whip to Young Master Liu: "Ask what this little bastard did to his old granddaughter."

"Oh, old man, isn't this more kissing than kissing!"

"That's right, it's a godsend for an apprentice to match a granddaughter"

The girls answered subconsciously, feeling something was wrong as they talked, and looked at Young Master Liu who was hung up with pretty eyes.

Well, it turned out that he was hanged because he provoked his granddaughter.

The girls felt distressed and resentful.

The family flowers can't be fed enough, and they still want to provoke wild flowers, don't they have any strength in their hearts!
Young Master Liu looked at the Youyou eyes of the girls and smiled resentfully: "Ladies, it's a misunderstanding, it's really a misunderstanding, things are not what you think."

"Grandpa, put him down. He's right. It's just a kid's joke. It's Shu'er who is too serious. The past is like smoke, let the past go!"

Wenren Yunshu came over at some point, looking at Young Master Liu who was hung up with pretty eyes, heaved a sigh of relief and said to Wen Renzheng.

Seeing Wenren Yunshu's arrival, Wenren's eyes were a little spoiled, and finally he looked at Young Master Liu angrily: "No, 16 years, how can I let this little bastard go so easily, the old man has to smoke today! His flesh and blood must be torn apart."

"Grandpa, can you turn back the past 16 years by killing him? Let him go. Shu'er is not feeling well, so go back to her room to rest!"

Seeing this, Qi Yun and the girls cast a coquettish look at Young Master Liu and chased after Wenren Yunshu.

Husband got into trouble, so I can't let my wife come out to make things right.

"Master! There is your letter of..."

Holding a letter, Liu Song stared at his young master dumbfounded, subconsciously glanced at Wen Renzheng and stood aside silently.

'Betrayal' was selected again.

Just like when Dangyang Academy faced Qi Yun in the past, Liu Song chose the person who knows current affairs as Junjie.

It's not that Komatsu is weak, but that the 'enemy' is too strong.

First Young Master Liu glared at Liu Song angrily: "Won't you fucking show me the letter?"


Liu Song took out the letter and held it upside down in front of First Young Master Liu. First Young Master Liu silently read the letter in his hand and turned to Wen Renzheng: "Old man, there is something important, how about we talk about it another day?"

Wen Renzheng naturally noticed that something was wrong with Young Master Liu's face, knowing that something important must have happened, so he fell straight down with a swipe of his sword.

First Young Master Liu groaned, tore off the rope on his body and took the letter in Liu Song's hand: "Old man, please sit in the gazebo!"

Wen Renzheng hesitated for a moment, finally nodded and followed.

Liu Mingzhi poured a cup of tea for Wen Renzheng and handed it over, and put it in front of Wen Renzheng together with the letter.

"The grassland is unified, and the Kingdom of Jin sits on the sidelines and waits for a rabbit to make huge profits."

"Three points in the world!"

Wen Renzheng was taken aback, put down his tea, picked up the letter and read it.

After a long time, Wen Renzheng returned the letter to Young Master Liu.

"Boy, the universe is uncertain!"

"What does the old man mean?"

"Who can rule the world is still unknown."

(End of this chapter)

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