My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1215 Spirits can enter the heart

Chapter 1215 Spirits can enter the heart

Liu Mingzhi was startled when he folded the letter, and looked thoughtfully at Wen Renzheng, who was sipping tea with his head bowed.

"Old man, there is something in your words!"

Wen Renzheng played with the teacup and glanced at First Young Master Liu quietly: "Oh? Is there something in the old man's words, or is your kid's mood completely different from before?"

"Although the old man is old, his memory has not deteriorated. In the past, you kid would not have thought about this issue."

"It seems that the old man has lost his eyesight. It turns out that Liu Mingzhi in the past not only had profound skills, but also a lot of sophisticated tricks."

Liu Mingzhi was silent, and after a long time Liu Mingzhi stood up slowly, went outside the gazebo and grabbed a handful of snow that was left in his hands.

A moment later, the snow melted into snow water and slipped quietly between Liu Mingzhi's hands.

Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hand and looked at the remaining traces of water in his hand, then turned his head to Wen Renzheng: "Master, my boy has never changed, at least the identity of a lone minister has never changed."

"The boy just wants to protect himself a bit more, so that he will not be retaliated after he retires. The boy asks himself that there is nothing wrong with doing so."

"Old man, you are the senior of the boy, and you have encountered ten times or even a hundred times more than the boy."

"Above Chaotang, a big river and lake, although there is no shadow of swords and swords in the small rivers and lakes, it is far more terrifying than the shadows of swords and swords in the small rivers and lakes."

"Although there are no swords and swords in the great rivers and lakes, there are intrigues and scheming everywhere."

"If you smile at each other in the morning, you may turn to look indignantly in the afternoon."

"Compared to the small rivers and lakes where the sword sees blood and the sword enters the flesh, the big rivers and lakes where the blood is not seen when killing people, and the big rivers and lakes are more awe-inspiring."

"The small rivers and lakes still have true loyalty, but the big rivers and lakes have never been humane."

"The boy sometimes feels pity for those students who failed the exam, and sometimes he feels lucky for them."

"After entering the rivers and lakes, it will be difficult to figure out."

Wen Renzheng poured a cup of tea self-sufficiently, and looked at Liu Mingzhi with a complicated expression: "Boy, the reason you have such doubts is because you are too young."

"If you can grow older by about ten years, you will realize how realistic this world is."

"You have this kind of thinking, on the one hand, it comes from yourself, and on the other hand, it comes from Yanhe."

"Yanhe treats you with great kindness, and at a young age, he is among the respected dukes of the country."

"However, your age makes Yan and the emperor fearful. Although the crown prince has been in front of the emperor for a long time, the emperor's art cannot be seen, let alone learned. If you want to master the emperor's art, you must first rely on it. You have to figure it out yourself."

"But what is lacking in realizing the art of the emperor is time."

"Your current scheming skills are far superior to His Royal Highness's emperor's skills. This is the root cause of Yan He's fear of you."

"If the monarch is weak and the ministers are strong, the country will perish."

"But Yanhe has enough favors for you, and he is reluctant to let you, the proud man of heaven, die young."

"One is that your monarchs and ministers have cultivated the feelings of monarchs and ministers behind you for many years. The second is the reason for the third princess. You are also Yanhe's half son in name."

"For so many years, monarchs and ministers, fathers and sons, their feelings for you in words and private senses are not too bad."

"Otherwise, you, a young talent who is less than [-] years old, would not have such achievements."

"You have a complicated mood, and Yan He's complicated mood may not be much worse than yours."

"The old man has not been in court for many years, nor is it for the sake of words and speeches. From the perspective of a bystander, the old man is saying something fair."

"As the king of a country, Yanhe's move is completely normal. After all, he wants to put the country first, just like us ordinary people take the family first."

"Emperor, you are destined to be lonely and incomprehensible."

"Think about it carefully, how many proud sons of heaven in the past dynasties died halfway, and how many proud sons of heaven were able to live in the temple and call the wind and rain."

"The grandson of the Bai family, the son of the Liu family, the household department, the Longwuwei, and the Huben army, you are even more powerful. Think carefully about your current power."

"You can still be content and live comfortably. Yanhe's regal spirit is generous enough."

"For you, Yan He is more tolerant than the old man back then."

"Sometimes don't just look in front of your eyes, think about it from the perspective of the other party, kid."

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a moment and looked at Wen Renzheng with complicated eyes: "But the boy has always been loyal to the Li family and to his father, and has never had a second heart."

Wen Renzheng flicked his fingers, and a cup of tea on the table fell steadily into Young Master Liu's hands without even spilling a drop.

Liu Mingzhi was no longer shocked by Wen Renzheng's superb kung fu, no matter how good he was, he got used to it after seeing more.

Silently looking at the teacup in his hand, he raised his eyes subconsciously to Wen Renzheng who was sitting on the stone bench: "Old man, this is?"

Wen Renzheng raised his teacup high: "Drink a cup of tea, calm your mind, and enlighten yourself." After speaking, he drank the tea in the cup in one gulp.

Liu Mingzhi took a sip of the slightly bitter tea, and aftertaste of the sweet tea, he calmed down and meditated.

After an unknown amount of time, Liu Mingzhi slowly opened his eyes, looking at the teacup in his hand.

"It is precisely because the boy is loyal enough that my father did not kill the proud son of heaven in the mouth of my old man!"


"Boy, sit quietly and think about your past, and you will find that this world is actually so simple and unpretentious, and family affection is greater than everything else."

"Emperors also have feelings, but emperors have to be ruthless."

"You kid is not satisfied!"

Liu Mingzhi sighed silently, and walked back slowly towards the pavilion. He claimed to know Li Zheng, but he didn't realize until today, do he really know Li Zheng?
"Boy, let's not talk about these things. Do your duty as a courtier. After you retire, you will be safe and sound, and spend your old age in peace."

"You just talked about the big rivers and small rivers and lakes. After talking about the big rivers and lakes, the old man will accompany you to chat about the interesting things above the small rivers and lakes."

Liu Mingzhi collected his mind, took a deep breath and looked at Wen Renzheng with a light smile: "Boy, listen carefully, warm the wine?"


Seeing that Wen Renzheng agreed, Liu Mingzhi was about to call someone to let Qi Ya come over to warm up the wine, and get some side dishes by the way, Qi Ya was the most drunk among the girls.

Unexpectedly, before he could open his mouth, Wen Renzheng looked at himself with complicated eyes, held his breath, and opened his mouth slightly to his courtyard: "Girl, come here to warm the wine for grandpa!"

It seemed that only Liu Mingzhi could hear the soft words, and the servants who passed by a little more than ten steps away couldn't hear what Wen Renzheng was saying.

In the blink of an eye, Wenren Yunshu leaped lightly in a sky blue woven jacket from the direction of Wenrenzheng's courtyard.

Wenren Yunshu gently blessed Wen Renzheng: "Grandpa, what wine do you want to drink?"

"You can drink whatever wine you like."

Wenren Yun Shu's pretty face was startled, and she glanced at First Young Master Liu, who was holding the bridge of her nose angrily: "Grandpa!"

"Why, grandpa wants to drink, can't you do it?"

Wenren Yun Shu shook his head silently: "Shu'er didn't mean that, Grandpa wait a moment, Shu'er will come whenever he goes."

"Boy, if you were put in a few years ago, you would have been hanged for ten days and ten nights with your old temper. Unfortunately, now that you are old and old, you have already cultivated your heart and mind, otherwise you would have to peel off your skin even if you don't die. "

"Yes, yes, what the old man said is true, the boy knows his mistake."

Young Master Liu knew what the old man meant, so he had no choice but to bow his head and apologize.

I'm used to taking the blame, and it's not bad this time or twice.

"Grandpa, this is the appetizer that the eldest lady asked the servants to bring!"

"Okay, put it here!"

The servant girl put down the four exquisite side dishes, and nodded respectfully to the two: "Your maidservant will leave."

"Just put the charcoal fire here!"

"Yes, Miss Yun Shu!"

The maid had just stepped back when Wenren Yunshu walked in with two servants holding a jar of wine in her arms. The servants put down the charcoal basin and then retreated consciously.

Wen Renzheng put down his teacup and looked at the wine jar in Wenren Yunshu's arms.

"Girl, what wine?"

"The cow and the horse fall!"


"Spirits can enter the heart!"

(End of this chapter)

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