Chapter 1216
Liu Mingzhi pretended not to hear what Wenren Yunshu said, and silently picked up the boiled peanuts in front of him and put them in his mouth to chew.

Wen Renzheng glared at First Young Master Liu with a look of hatred for iron and iron, you bastard, you become shameless when you should be shameless, so you can't take the initiative to express your opinion.

What really happened, this old man could really kill you, even if he wanted to, he wouldn't do that for the sake of his granddaughter's happiness for the rest of his life.

You bastard, you're not smart when you should be smart.

Glancing at the granddaughter who had already started cooking wine, Wen Renzheng looked at First Young Master Liu with a gloomy look: "Boy, what do you think of Shu'er's words that strong wine can enter your heart?"

Young Master Liu looked up at Wen Renzheng in astonishment, and trembled when he saw Wen Renzheng's gloomy eyes.

Don't dare to think, don't dare to think, kid doesn't dare to think about anything.

For the happiness of the rest of his life, Young Master Liu's desire to survive is not insignificant.

"Strong wine can enter the heart, and the water will flow more when the knife is cut off, and the sorrow will be even more worrying when the wine is in the heart. Master, Miss Yun Shu is cooking wine, and it will be ready in a short time, let's continue to talk about the topic we just expected .”

"The old man just said that there was an interesting incident in the small rivers and lakes. I don't know what it is?"

Wen Renzheng's left hand on the hem of his clothes creaked. Why is this kid so blind today? Isn't it obvious what he means by being old?

The girl is 27 now, she is too old to be someone else's concubine, besides you, a little bastard who has never been heard from since you seduced the girl's heart, who else can she marry.

Don't you know how to clean up the trouble you caused yourself?
Wen Renzheng complained that Young Master Liu was puzzled, thinking that he had made it obvious enough, but he never thought that the matter was entirely on him.

Exuberant sexuality causes disasters, cut off Yongzhi's warning, faint eyes, put on anyone and dare not think about other places.

What's more, Young Master Liu, who has a stronger desire to survive.

Wen Renzheng pondered for a moment, then cast a gloomy glance at First Young Master Liu again, well, this old man will make you a little bastard spit out the truth after drinking.

Wen Renzheng picked up the chopsticks and put a peanut in his mouth, old man Mu Ran's eyes lit up.

"What kind of dish is this?"

"Boiled peanuts are the best choice for appetizers. I just got them from Xiyang, and I haven't grown many of them now. If it weren't for the old man, you would be reluctant to eat them!"

"I've lived here for so long, you just took it out today, and you still have the face to say it!"

Young Master Liu scratched his head in embarrassment: "I didn't even think about not drinking, but Yun'er knew the boy's habits, so she ordered the servants to deliver it!"

"Young girl Yun has a heart, what a delicious dish!"

"Donghai Liu Sandao, do you still have an impression of Song Qing, the coffin bearer?"

"Of course I remember that these two brothers were the first people in the world that I came into contact with. The Seven Emotional Swords that I first started to practice were given to me by Brother Liu Sandao."

"I haven't seen you for many years, and I don't know how these two brothers are doing?"

"Why, is it possible that what happened in Xiaojianghu has something to do with these two brothers?"

Wen Renzheng swallowed the food in his mouth before he began to speak: "It doesn't matter much, but it is involved."

"Didn't you notice that the number of knight-errants who have left customs in the past two years has decreased a lot?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wen Renzheng in amazement and nodded slightly: "Old man, don't tell me you don't care about it. Since the boy became the governor of Yingzhou and Fuzhou, there were still many people from the world who left the customs one after another in the first half of the year. It seems to have become dispensable."

"There is not a single customs clearance document sent to the boy this year."

"Could something have happened in Jianghu?"

"Grandpa, the wine is ready!"

"Pour wine!"


Wenren Yunshu filled a glass of wine for Wen Renzheng, and poured a glass for Liu Mingzhi without intentionally targeting him.

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and nodded: "Thank you!"

Wenren Yun Shu nodded slightly, but didn't say anything.

Wen Ren put down his chopsticks and picked up his wine glass: "Girl, it's so rare to have a happy reunion, you should also have a drink with Grandpa and Xiaozi Liu."


Wenren Yunshu poured himself a glass of wine and brought it up, Liu Mingzhi naturally did not dare to lag behind and hastily raised his glass.

"Old man, Miss Yun Shu, don't gossip, they are all in the wine, cheers."

The three of them drank all the wine in their cups, and Young Master Liu let out a sigh of relief. He didn't know how the cattle and horses were brewed, and it was comparable to the low-alcohol baijiu of later generations.

Wenren Yunshu filled the drinks for the three of them again, and obediently sat aside and waited.

"The East China Sea, Jiangnan, Southern Region, Shu, and Western Lands have been tossed and tossed by a pair of white and tender little hands in the past two years. I don't know when it will be your turn in the Northern Xinjiang."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wen Renzheng blankly: "Small hands that are as white and tender as jade? The old man, please explain clearly."

"This is something I heard by chance when I went to Shu, people! Always curious, this old man slowly followed the news."

"The small hands that are as white and tender as jade are not fake. These hands are indeed as white and flawless as jade, but it is such a pair of flawless and slender jade fingers that stir up the entire rivers and lakes of Dalong Tianxia.

"The old man was investigating this matter on the way to find the long-lost exercise. When he saw those hands, the old man understood."

"This pair of jade hands is not only flawless white jade, but also extremely overbearing! It has the power to split mountains and rocks, and has the power to overwhelm rivers and seas."

"These hands traveled all over the world and challenged countless famous masters, big and small, in the rivers and lakes. Except for a few old ones, all of them were defeated by these hands."

"Everyone in the world who is defeated by these hands has only two choices, either abolish their martial arts themselves, or call them respect."

"In just two years, there was an additional martial arts alliance in the Jianghu, and the owner of these hands naturally became the leader of the martial arts alliance."

"This person went from single-handedly, ten people, one hundred people, one thousand people, ten thousand people, 5 people, to about 9 or [-] people, and it can be said that he has been singing all the way!"

"Half of the rivers and lakes can be said to be under its control. Those who follow will prosper, and those who go against will not be dead but useless."

"What a domineering person, who is this person?"

"A woman with a voice of about fifteen or sixteen years old, wearing a bamboo hat and light veil!"

"The old man concealed his identity, and took the opportunity to ask him for advice. Twenty-eight years old, half a genius!"

"It is true that talented people come out from generation to generation, and a new generation replaces the old ones."

"He is a half-step innate master at a young age. Except for us old guys who have long been oblivious to the affairs of the world, who else can be his opponent?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly: "This woman knows that the old man and you seniors must maintain their identities and will not take action against him, so they dare to act arrogantly!"

"Since the old man has made a move with her, can you see where this girl came from?"

Wen Renzheng took up the wine glass silently and drank it down in one gulp, and the two of them immediately accompanied Liu Mingzhi.

Wen Renzheng put down his wine glass heavily and stared at First Young Master Liu: "Although I deliberately concealed the move, but the old man forced her to use the strongest kung fu to resist, and the old man could tell at a glance that the move this girl used was, snap fingers to the sky! "

"Snap your finger to Tiangang, is the name Baijia Tiangang finger so familiar?"

Wen Renzheng nodded silently: "One finger covers the sea, two fingers shake the mountains, three fingers star, four fingers open the sky, and five fingers open the sky. This little girl has already practiced the fourth finger to flick the sky, and her skill is even more profound. Bu Xiantian."

"Your mother, Mrs. Liu, the Jade Butterfly Bai Bing didn't even reach the level of finger snapping at this age."

"Your grandfather, Bai Hulai, is in the same state as the old man. As a congenital master, he has only cultivated to the fourth finger in the Tiangang finger state. The fifth finger has always only got the right method, but not the door."

"It is rumored that the five-finger finger of the Bai family's Tiangang finger really has the power to open the sky. It's a pity that I don't have the chance to see it. Even your grandfather Bai Hulai doesn't know if the fifth finger is really so powerful."

"Although this old man has never seen the true face of this girl in Lushan, but the age and kung fu together, the identity of the little girl is obvious!"


"Probably so!"

"It could be one of your little aunts. After all, your grandfather is like a stallion. Eighteen concubines are no joke!"

"The movement made by the little girl has already attracted Yan He's attention."

"After all, one hundred thousand mobs can't be ignored. One hundred thousand well-organized and capable martial arts masters gather together, which can be said to be unspeakable and worrying."

"Could it be the birth of another White Lotus Sect?"

"And this White Lotus Sect is dozens of times more terrifying than the previous White Lotus Sect!"

"Masters in the inner circle, spies and spies come out to encircle and suppress the Wumeng League!"

"The results of it?"

Liu Mingzhi's tone couldn't help but tinged with anxiety, what if this girl is really Liu Xuan.

"It ended without a problem, the Martial League was disbanded, and the little girl's true identity is unknown."

"But who knows if it really disbanded, or hibernated?"

"One martial arts master can't turn the tide. If a hundred thousand martial arts masters hold together, they can form an army. How many imperial troops can you say to destroy it?"

"I hope the old man is wrong, I hope this person is not Liu Xuan girl."

PS: Brothers, please understand that the company's affairs are piled up like a mountain, and it is too busy to return to work. You can only eat and save manuscripts. It is really difficult for the younger brother to keep updating.

Hope brothers understand!
(End of this chapter)

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