Chapter 1217
Holding the wine glass in his hand, Liu Mingzhi did not drink it for a long time, his eyes casually glanced at Wen Renzheng, who was slowly pecking at it carefully.

What is the old man's intention in telling himself this matter?
"I hope it's not that girl Liu Xuan."

But what if the so-called leader of the martial arts alliance is really the younger sister Liu Xuan?
Age, kung fu all put the label of this mysterious martial arts leader on Liu Xuan's body.

It is impossible for an existence that can reach such a state at this age without the help of external objects. The first thing Liu Mingzhi thought of was Dao Yahai's Xisui Pill.

The preciousness of Xisui Pill is self-evident, but for Grandpa Bai Hulai, finding Dao Yahai to get some Xisui Pill is just a matter of hand.

Note that it is some and not a few grains.

Regardless of whether this woman is Liu Xuan or not, Liu Mingzhi has already made up his mind. He must investigate this matter thoroughly, otherwise he will have trouble sleeping and eating.

Liu Mingzhi drank all the wine in his glass: "Old man, with the relationship between our master and apprentice, the boy will stop playing with those flamboyant things. Does the old man have any other purpose in telling the boy about this?"

Wen Renzheng held a wine glass in his hand and looked at Liu Mingzhi playfully: "What is the purpose of an old thing that is half buried in the loess, boy, boy, when you have been in the court for a long time, when do you think about things? Always look at things with interests in mind Take the bait?"

"If the old man really had other purposes, what happened here would not be drinking and chatting with you, but turning into a letter and appearing on Yanhe's desk."


Wen Renzheng shook his head desolately and let out a long sigh.

"You don't know whether you should be happy or sad that you can have such an old mind."

"The old man is wrong. Those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black. Sometimes the boy can't control his thoughts at all, and he always thinks more involuntarily."

"I don't know how to control it, maybe it's because I have been worrying about gains and losses for a long time!"

Wen Renzheng shook his head slightly, put the wine glass in front of Wenren Yunshu, and Wenren Yunshu consciously poured the wine from the pot.

"I don't mean to blame you. At this age, I can see everything, but you have to investigate whether it's Liu Xuan."

"It's not the best. If it is, I will persuade her not to do this again."

"The confidence of the imperial court is beyond what she can imagine. Your grandfather Baihulai knows it best. There is one in the clan mansion of the Li family."

Wen Renzheng was taken aback by the way he was holding the wine glass while talking, and watched Young Master Liu put down the wine glass in his hand cheerfully.

"Boy, you have a distinguished guest here, go entertain them, this old man is here waiting for you to come back and continue drinking!"

Liu Mingzhi was startled, and looked at Wen Renzheng in surprise, why didn't he know when a distinguished guest arrived.

If there is, Liu Song should have come to report.

Wenren Yunshu did not doubt him, the more sophisticated a person was, the less he dared to have the slightest doubt about Wen Renzheng's ability.

Young Master Liu has just touched the bottleneck of the Ninth Rank, while the Wenren Yun Shu has already entered the Ninth Rank for many years under the careful guidance of the old man.

After reaching the ninth rank, one can better understand the power of innate masters.

Otherwise, when Young Master Liu first entered the mountain gate, how could Wen Renzheng happen to be waiting at the mountain gate.

"Old man, are you drinking too much? You can't stop drinking."

"Report, report to the young master, the crown prince is here!"

Young Master Liu looked at Liu Song who was trotting in in surprise, and Wen Renzheng glanced at him strangely, then put down the wine glass in his hand in a murmur.

"Hey, what kind of state is a congenital master, I really want to see it!"

Young Master Liu sighed silently in his heart. Although he had passed on his inheritance everywhere, Young Master Liu had no idea whether he could reach this level with his own aptitude.

"Old man, why don't you grow old?"

Wen Renzheng shook his head silently: "No, seeing each other is worse than not seeing each other. I really met this little guy Li Baiyu. It may not be a good thing for you!"


Liu Mingzhi took a deep look at Wen Renzheng, as if he understood something, he nodded silently: "The boy understands, the old man takes it easy."


Liu Mingzhi tidied up his robes, picked up the teapot and rinsed his mouth to relieve the smell of alcohol on his body.

Receiving the prince is not the same as receiving officials from Yingzhou. You should pay attention to the manners you should pay attention to.

"Wait a moment!"

Young Master Liu, who was about to leave, looked suspiciously at the Wenren Yun Shu who had already walked beside him: "Miss Yun Shu, is there something wrong?"

Wenren Yunshu silently took out a horn comb and walked behind Liu Mingzhi, and gently took off his hair crown: "Having been hung on a tree for so long with a messy bun, it's a disrespect for guests. Ordinary people are even rude. Let alone His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

"Let me sort it out for you."

Young Master Liu stood stiffly in the distance, motionless, took a peek at Wen Renzheng, and was relieved to see him silently pouring himself a drink.

Mom!Queque kept it.

"Sit down, how can I help you when you're standing!"

"Okay, okay!"

Young Master Liu sat down on the stone bench helplessly and let himself be manipulated.

Wenren Yunshu tidied Young Master Liu's hair silently like a wife grooming her husband. Wenren Yunshu pinched the hair on the comb and put it away after half a cup of tea.

"All right!"

"Thank you Miss Yun Shu, old man, boy, go first!"


Wen Renzheng nodded indifferently, and Liu Mingzhi walked towards the main hall in a hurry.

After Young Master Liu left, Wen Renzheng put down the IDE glass in his hand and silently looked at his granddaughter sitting opposite.

"Girl, the knot in your heart is still not untied."

"Grandpa, how many 16 years can be forgotten in a few words. As Grandpa said, how many 16 years are there in life?"

"Shu'er regrets it so much. If she hadn't sneaked out for an outing when she was young, she wouldn't have fallen into the water, and there wouldn't have been such a result."

"If Shu'er hadn't been so shy back then, and told grandpa the truth, the ins and outs, the cause and effect of the matter, grandpa would definitely keep him, and there wouldn't be such a result!"

"Fate and chance, the world is impermanent, who would have thought that the childish Tongyan back then would have such a result."

Wen Renzheng drank the wine in the glass with a melancholy expression: "It is precisely because of this that you are determined to follow Grandpa to practice martial arts, but girl, there is no if in this world, only cause and effect."

"Liu Xiaozi entered Dangyang Academy, you are only one step away from seeing him, but no one thought that this boy is the same boy from the past."

"That's right, Shu'er didn't expect that they were all such rogues, such fools, and Shu'er didn't expect that person would be far away in the sky and close in front of him even if he was killed."

"It's a pity that Shu'er is so stupid. Not only did he not recognize each other when they met, but he also tried his best to make him marry sister Yun."

"Girl, do you want to continue waiting?"

"It doesn't matter if you wait or not. Shu'er is already in her twenties this year, and she will be in her twenties soon."

"In the folk language, I have reached the age of old people, and I should advocate helping my husband to take concubines, but I haven't left the cabinet yet."

"Shu'er wants to take a step forward, but did God give Shu'er the way?"

Wen Renzheng pondered for a while, then slapped the wine glass heavily on the stone table.

"Leave this matter to Grandpa. When Liu Xiaozi comes back, the two of you will have a bridal chamber."


"Ah, what? First the bridal chamber and then the worship, and the uncooked and cooked rice, it's a matter of course!"

"It's not grandpa, you don't want to..."

"It's nothing, it's a special situation, so don't stick to the etiquette!"

"Finally getting married is the kingly way."

"That's it, the old man went to the street to buy some medicine."

(End of this chapter)

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