My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1218 The Way of Being a King

Chapter 1218 The Way of Being a King
"Prince, the purpose of your trip to Northern Xinjiang is to find out what Liu Mingzhi has said, and see if he supports your ascension to the throne!"

"Many of the cornerstones in the court who can assist you are already old, and after a hundred years of father, they have also reached the age of returning to their hometowns one after another, and they will not be able to assist you for a few years."

"Since then, Liu Mingzhi, who has a good prestige in the court, is the assistant minister who bears the brunt of it."

"As long as there is no gap between your hearts, you can safely ascend the throne, stabilize the court, and then tell the good stories about the emperor and Liu Mingzhi."

"Liu Mingzhi is the pillar left to you by your father. In the future, if you don't know something, you must accept advice carefully. Remember to accept advice, not ask for advice."

"You are the king of a country, so naturally you have to put yourself in the right position to maintain the dignity of the king and the face of the country."

"Although Liu Mingzhi is loyal to our Li family, he has to guard against it, otherwise Liu Mingzhi will be the next Wenrenzheng who has power over the government."

"Father also doesn't want you to have a estrangement with Liu Mingzhi, but for the sake of Jiangshan Sheji, this is a last resort."

"It's like my father and my mentor. My mentor Wen Renzheng has been helping my father since I was young. He treats me better than my own son, but I still have to guard against him, not because I am ruthless. , unload the mill and kill the donkey."

"It's just that I can't do anything about it."

"Power is in the hands of the government and the public, and the ministers of power are not a single person, but the ministers of power are a force."

"My mentor is loyal to me, but it doesn't mean that his disciples and old officials will not have two hearts. Once the yellow robe is imposed on him, he will have to rebel if he doesn't. If the monarch is weak and the minister is strong, the country will perish."

"The same is true of Liu Mingzhi, he is loyal to me, and he can be loyal to you."

"But when he took command of the Western Expedition, his disciples were all over the six guards in northern Xinjiang."

"From the general to the school lieutenant, the court has a good reputation."

"Loyalty does not lie in Liu Mingzhi, but in how his power treats him and you, the new king."

"When you feel that you can't control Liu Mingzhi, go to your mother's place. I have left you three strategies to make Liu Mingzhi willingly retire and return home."

"But I still don't want this day to come."

"Don't try to be brave and use the coercion of the emperor to force the powerful officials."

"The powerful ministers are fine, but their cronies will obstruct them, because if you remove their boss, everyone in the cronies will be in danger. At that time, the situation will no longer be controllable."

"It's only a matter of day and night to change the day."

"The things of the predecessors are the teachers of the future. Don't let the past of the treacherous hero Cao Cao repeat itself in my Dalong Chaotang, otherwise, after a hundred years, I will have no face to meet the ancestors of the Li family."

"After Liu Mingzhi became the assistant minister, and the old cornerstones that I left you have receded one after another, you have to support some ministers to weigh Liu Mingzhi's power."

"Remember, you must be a treacherous villain. Don't care about those so-called folk reputations. Those Confucian scholars only care about others, and they don't know anything about things above the court."

"It's nothing more than losing the name of a foolish king who doesn't know people well, compared to losing the foundation of the ancestors and ruining the country and the country."

"Although the treacherous ministers have ruined the reputation of the emperor, they are the most intelligent, because they know where their power and status come from, and who they should be loyal to."

"That's why treacherous ministers are the ones who make the ruler feel at ease, but the ruler must be tolerant. Traitors can have power, but they can't be too big. It is best to be almost the same as loyal ministers."

"Otherwise, it will be too big to get rid of, and it will cause chaos."

"Whether you are loyal or treacherous, you must let it become a grasshopper in your hands. It can jump around casually, but if you want to jump out of your palm, then you must not be soft-hearted and just crush it to death."

"A person who can't be controlled by the emperor will be a disaster if he keeps it. Take advantage of his fledgling and get rid of the roots as soon as possible."

"In a word, regardless of loyal or treacherous ministers, the civil and military officials in the court must not let their family dominate, otherwise the country will be unstable."

"The battle between loyalty and traitor is two fierce tigers, and you just need to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight."

"That's the trade-off."

"Liu Mingzhi is a man who can't rub the sand in his eyes, especially when it comes to corrupt officials. He likes to uproot corrupt officials."

"You especially need to control him. Corrupt officials are also useful."

"When you have to kill two, you can not only appease the hearts of the people, but also enrich the treasury!"

"But let's get rid of the talented and mediocre people first, and put aside those officials who are corrupt and bribery but have the means."

"Let's talk about fattening!"

"Here is the list of all the corrupt officials in my Great Dragon Dynasty. I have investigated them clearly, but none of them have ever been stabbed. At the beginning, Liu Mingzhi was reprimanded for this because of the Jiangnan incident. The fundamental reason is It’s just to leave you with the peace of mind of the people.”

"The stability of the country is of course inseparable from civil and military officials, but the aspirations of the people cannot be ignored."

"As long as the people feel at ease, and the people have enough food and clothing, there is nothing to worry about some clowns with evil intentions."

"One has no soldiers and horses to follow, and the other has no aspirations of the people. What if you have a magic weapon?"

"That's why the sage said that the people are the most important, the king is the least, and the community is the second."

"However, the era of the sage's words has passed, and now the common people of the country are the most important."

"As long as the people have no complaints against the imperial court, it doesn't matter if those Confucian scholars call you a dishonest and stupid ruler who doesn't distinguish between loyalty and traitors, or insult you as a fatuous and fatuous tyrant, just ignore it and let it go."

"My Dalong has 8000 million people, and there are only so many Confucian scholars. Some sour Confucians who can only chew words, even if you give them a knife, they don't know how to rebel."

"So if you scold them casually but don't move them, you will gain a good reputation in the hearts of the people."

"Of course, don't allow them to act recklessly! It's not impossible to catch two typical examples at the right time, find strong evidence, and sacrifice them with swords to deter Confucian scholars, but there must be a degree."

"As long as the people's will and the general trend follow, you can do it with confidence."

"This is the way to control!"

"As for the candidates to weigh Liu Mingzhi, I've picked two for you from the descendants of the royal family, your second brother Li Bohong, and your fourth brother Li Yunping."

"As for whether it is necessary or not, it is still too early to say, it will be decided according to the changes of the situation."

"As for your third brother, Li Yunlong, he may or may not be used. Don't use him to balance Liu Mingzhi if you are not sure, otherwise it will only lead to fire. Sometimes I can't see through your third brother."

"You understand that he was demoted to Shu and transferred to Jingzhou, but it was just a crime imposed by the emperor to pave the way for you."

"Father really doesn't want to see your brothers killing each other in a hundred years."

"Father also acted helplessly. At the beginning, San'er's power in the court was already too great, so great that I had no choice but to curb his power personally."

"You are kind and peaceful by nature, and you can be a benevolent monarch in a prosperous age. When it comes to cruelty, you may not be San's opponent."

"I'm not afraid to tell you, I did think about making San the crown prince, but after thinking about it, Sanhui will be a wise king, but he will also be a tyrant, which is still a little less than you."

"I won't say much about these words!"

"You must make good use of Liu Mingzhi!"

"No matter what radical things he does, as long as you follow him, he will definitely not rebel."

"There must be no gap between the monarch and his ministers, otherwise, once the sprout takes root, it will be difficult to contain it."

"Father, you also said that my brother-in-law has great prestige in the army, what if he supports the army?"

"King, give him the honor of listening to the tune and not listening to the announcement."

"Ah? Doesn't this make him more powerful? It's against the way of balance!"

"You don't understand this, Liu Mingzhi is fine no matter how you handle him, but his concept of relatives is far different from ordinary people."

"As long as you don't touch his family, the more power you give him, the more guilty he will feel and the less he will rebel."

"Otherwise, why do you think I would marry your third sister to him, why would I marry your daughter Jingyao to his son Liu Chengzhi?"

"Relatives are Liu Mingzhi's lifeblood. If you treat him as a relative, he will naturally not have two hearts."

"My son understands!"

"Go, don't forget to bring him three congratulatory gifts, congratulations on his new daughter!"

"The way to be a king depends on enlightenment, and you will gradually understand it in the future!"

"My son obeys the order!"

"Little brother is greedy for drinking, and I drank two glasses of beer wine to make big brother wait for a long time. Little brother apologized to big brother."

Liu Mingzhi walked into the main hall heavily, deliberately woke up the prince Li Baiyu, and apologized with a smile.

Li Baiyu stood up and helped Liu Mingzhi up, "Why wait so long, we two brothers don't have so many courtesies, please sit down!"

"Brother, please sit down!"

"Liu Song, watch tea!"

(End of this chapter)

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