My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1220 She Is the Connection

Chapter 1220 She Is the Connection

Young Master Liu's family will all come out to accompany them if they can, and Xiangyun Xiaoxi will naturally not come out.

Yun Xiaoxi herself didn't have a good impression of Li Baiyu because of the issue of the forced marriage contract, and of course she didn't have a bad feeling. She also knew that the prince sometimes couldn't help himself.

What's more, I live here with my cousin, if the prince thinks too much, it will easily cause trouble to my cousin.

Ever since Yinger had to die, Yun Qingshi still lives in seclusion as before, and it seems that she still hasn't gotten out of the knot of choice between Enqing and Aiqing.

Ying'er couldn't come out to meet the guests because she wanted to breastfeed her daughter.

Only Qi Yun and several high-ranking women were present.

After drinking for three rounds, the women saw that the husband and the prince were chatting about things that were not suitable for them and waited for the women to be present, so they found excuses and left.

Even though the third princess, as Li Baiyu's younger sister, chose to leave.

With a slightly drunken face, Li Baiyu took out a piece of rice paper from his sleeve and put it in front of First Young Master Liu: "Brother, Chengzhi from your family, Jingyao, a girl from your elder brother's family, are all about the same age, and they are about to arrive soon." age of marriage."

"Father had promised them baby marriage in the Imperial Study Room before, and now it's time to exchange birthday characters."

"This is the birthday horoscope of the little girl Jingyao. You accept it first. Find a gentleman to calculate it. After the two birthday horoscopes match, you can send your boy's birthday horoscope to the capital."

"What Big Brother means is to let them get married when they are around 15 years old, so as to spread branches and leaves for your Liu family and brighten the lintel."

Liu Mingzhi froze for a moment, sighed silently, slowly picked up the rice paper in front of him, looked through it carefully, folded it and put it in his cuff.

"Brother don't worry, I'll leave this matter to my younger brother. When we get married, I will listen to my elder brother."

If it were someone else, Liu Mingzhi might ask Liu Chengqian to remarry when he was around 19 or 20 years old.

But the opponent was Prince Li Baiyu, Liu Mingzhi vetoed this idea after a little thought.

Now that Li Zheng is old, it is the critical time when Li Baiyu's mind is most sensitive. I don't know if he will make him think too much by delaying his children's marriage.

A gleam of clarity flashed in Li Baiyu's slightly drunken eyes, and he looked at First Young Master Liu cheerfully: "Brother, let's kiss even more!"

"It's a brother, and it will be in-laws again in the future. From now on, the eldest brother will rely entirely on your assistance."

Liu Mingzhi nodded solemnly, and punched Li Baiyu: "Brother, don't worry, my younger brother will definitely feel sorry for him."

Li Baiyu smiled lightly and raised his wine glass: "Brother, if you and I have another drink, it's time for me to say goodbye."

"How is this possible? Eldest brother came from a long distance. No matter what, he had to stay at my younger brother's house for a few days. I just finished drinking the wind wine. No matter what, I have to let my younger brother do his best as a landlord."

"No, no, brother, I still have to pay homage to Marquis Huguo, and by the way, my uncle Nangong Ye in Fuzhou. This tossing will be delayed for too long. I don't want Xia Yushi's son to go to his father like a snowflake. Fly there."

"Okay, since that's the case, I would like to toast my elder brother, and wish my elder brother a smooth journey."

"Have a drink together!"

The two drank the wine in their glasses, and Li Baiyu picked up the horsewhip on the desk: "Brother-in-law, tell Yan'er that the elder brother will come to see her some other day, so I won't say goodbye to her."

"Okay, my brother will send you off."

Li Baiyu was not polite either, and walked towards the gate of the house with his arms around Young Master Liu's shoulders like a pair of intimate brothers.

"Next time big brother comes, you have to lead big brother to the Red House in Yingzhou. I heard that most of the women in the brothels in the frontier fortress are singers from the Western Regions. They are much more bold and unrestrained than the women in the capital and Jiangnan!"

"Brother has heard about it all the time, but he has never seen it before. You can't be stingy, and you can't bear to spend those tens of taels of silver."

"Brother, don't worry, as long as you want to go, there is no problem with my younger brother's contract for you for the next month."

"A word is settled!"

"a man of his words."

Li Baiyu let go of Liu Mingzhi's shoulder and looked at the prince's guards outside the door on their horses: "Brother, big brother is leaving!"

"Bon Voyage!"


Li Baiyu turned his head slightly and looked at Young Master Liu with a faint smile and rode away under the guard of the guards.

Father, as long as my brother-in-law accepts Jingyao's birth date, my son-in-law doesn't have to try anything.

As you said, brother-in-law cares most about his family, and Jingyao becoming his daughter-in-law is the best way to show it.

Liu Mingzhi stared at the imperial guards who disappeared at the corner of the street, his eyes gradually cleared up, and he took out Li Jingyao's birth date from his arms and shook it.

"the student surpasses the master."

"Father didn't pay much, but what he realized by himself will be a pain for the later generations."

"Liu Song!"


Liu Mingzhi handed the rice paper back: "Give it to Young Madam for storage."


First Young Master Liu licked his lips that were a little dry from drinking, his eyes looked forward to the main street, and he looked back towards the direction of the mansion with some hesitation.

"Could it be that the brothels in Yingzhou really have more tricks than the capital? Why don't you go and see? But the old man is still waiting. It's really a dilemma."

beauty?Or a bad old man?
Young Master Liu muttered for a long time and shook his head: "Forget it, I also play mahjong when I go to the brothel. Besides wasting money, I'd better go back and drink with the old man."

After cupping tea, Young Master Liu returned to the pavilion.

After such a long time, the old man Wenren Yunshu is still in the gazebo.

Rather leisurely, I boiled wine and admired the little remaining snow.

It's just that Young Master Liu didn't realize that after he sat down, Wenren Yunshu squatted down on the small bamboo stool and peeked at him with weird and shy eyes.

Young Master Liu picked up the wine glass in front of him and looked cheerfully at Wen Renzheng who was caressing his beard: "Finally, the distinguished guest has been sent away, and the old man has been waiting for a long time. The boy thought it was boring for you to drink alone, so I couldn't help but slip away first." It's over!"

Wen Renzheng looked at the wine glass in Young Master Liu's hand with vague eyes: "It's not a long wait, but since you are sorry, you can punish yourself with three glasses."

"Alright, just listen to the old man, don't say three cups, it's fine for the old man to drink thirty cups."

"If you are ambitious, drink three cups first!"

"Boy, do it first and respect it."

In Wen Renzheng's anticipation, in Wenren Yunshu's shy eyes, First Young Master Liu slowly brought the wine glass to his mouth.


Young Master Liu looked at the wine glass in his hand in surprise, and stopped drinking.

Wen Renzheng's beard twitched slightly, and he tapped his index finger on the table involuntarily, muttering nervously in his heart, could it be that the little bastard has used too much, and the smell is not right?

No, Qingtian San is colorless and odorless and dissolves instantly in water. There is nothing wrong with ordinary drinks, not to mention the strong smell of cattle and horses.

Just in case the old man clearly smelled it too, there was no smell at all, how could Xiao bastard detect something was wrong?
No, why is this old man so nervous? This old man is obviously sending off his granddaughter, a good thing that can't be found even with a lantern. Why is this old man acting like a thief?

Wenren Yunshu buried his head in his chest nervously, secretly thinking that he shouldn't listen to his grandfather, what kind of show is this!Make yourself as if you can't get married.

"Why does this wine cool down so quickly? The gazebo is no better than in the room. Drinking cold wine won't warm you up. Miss Yun Shu, please take care of me!"

After finishing speaking, Young Master Liu spilled the wine in the glass onto the grass.

Wen Renzheng heaved a sigh of relief, it turned out that the wine was cold.

But suddenly I felt distressed again, little bastard, the quantity of Qingtian powder is limited, you just waste it like this, I am looking for... Is it easy to pick up such a pack?

To prevent Young Master Liu from pouring out the water in the jug, Wen Ren picked up the jug and handed it to Wenren Yunshu.

"Girl, re-boil the wine!"

"I know grandpa."

"Boy, the people in the court have a deep understanding of drinking tea to cool the old."

"Do you understand what it takes to regain a foothold on the court?"

Liu Mingzhi pondered for a while: "People!"

"That's right, connections!"

Wen Renzheng looked gently at Wenren Yunshu who was beside him.

"She is the connection!"

(End of this chapter)

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