My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1221 It's been a long time

Chapter 1221 It's been a long time

Young Master Liu was stunned: "Sir, don't be joking, why is Miss Yun Shu?"

First Young Master Liu stopped talking, Wenren Yunshu was really a connection.

It can be said that all the contacts of Wen Ren's family are in Wen Ren Yunshu's body. Among the six ministers above the court, three are powerful ministers, and among the nine ministers, five ministers of the temple are all disciples of Wen Renzheng.

Zuoxiang Tong Sansi is a student of Renzheng.

Although Wen Renzheng has not been in the imperial court for many years, but he is a Dalong who pays attention to the king, relatives and teachers of heaven and earth. If anyone can marry Wenren Yunshu, it can be said that he will reach the sky in one step.

You can be called a brother with the Zaifu of the current dynasty, and you can be called a brother and brother with the six ministers.

This is just Wen Renzheng, although Wen Ren's family ended up living in Sichuan for a long time because of the matter of the third prince, but the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse.

Who dares to say that Wenren has no influence in the court.

Even though some people thought that Wen Renzheng had retired and would not show face, they did not dare to show Wenren Yun any shame.

Today, [-]% of the civil and military ministers in the court, the former emperor Wen Renzheng, who has power over the government and the public, hold some shady handles.

Although Wenren Yunshu is not in the court, as long as he wants to ask someone to do something in the capital, it is just a matter of his hands.

Marrying Yun Shu, a Wenren, is not a step up to the sky, but it is not far off.

However, ordinary people can't marry yet, and the concept of a right family is not something ordinary people can break.

Even though Young Master Liu, who has the experience of later generations, understands the importance of being well-matched, let alone the ancients who care more about these things?

Being well-matched is a shackle that can never be broken.

Young Master Liu, who has lived in Dalong for so many years, understands this even more. The prestige of the family can never be compared by one person.

There is a difference between high and low in life. This is something that can't be changed even if you talk about it.

Young Master Liu looked at Wen Renzheng's meaningful eyes, then glanced at Wenren Yunshu, muttering in his heart, did Wen Renzheng find someone he likes for Wenren Yunshu?Giving myself a warning.

Or was he trying to test if he had any unruly thoughts about Wenren Yunshu?

Young Master Liu shuddered and nodded to Wen Renzheng with a sneer.

"Old man, don't worry, the boy understands that if one's sexuality causes disasters, one will be cured forever. I understand, I understand."

You know your mother. I don't get angry, I don't get angry, it hurts my health.

Wen Renzheng's face was almost embarrassing, and he looked at First Young Master Liu helplessly.

How did this little bastard become so suspicious after entering the court?How did Liu Mingzhi, who used to be upright and straightforward, become like this?
The old man said it so straightforwardly, why can't you understand it?How did you hear the warning that the old man's sexuality will cause disasters, and he will be ruled forever?
He raised his eyes and glared at First Young Master Liu, Wen Renzheng shook his head helplessly, does this kid really not understand, or is he pretending to be confused?
"Grandpa, the wine is ready!"

Wen Renzheng didn't worry about whether Young Master Liu really didn't understand or pretended not to understand.

After drinking the old-fashioned wine, it doesn't matter whether you are true or not, first understand the granddaughter's behavior before talking.

The uncooked rice has been cooked into cooked rice, even if you want to renege on it, kid.

Wen Renzheng chuckled and took the somewhat warm jug from Wenren Yunshu and placed it in front of First Young Master Liu: "I agreed to punish myself with three cups, drink it!"

"Isn't it okay for the boy to drink? Old man, you make the boy's wine taste so bad."

Liu Mingzhi filled the pot with wine by himself, watched the warm wine in the glass and drank it down in one gulp.

Then two glasses, three glasses were all drunk, Young Master Liu let out a long beard: "Old man, are you satisfied now, let's continue to drink, and we will not go home until we are drunk."

Wen Renzheng nodded in satisfaction when he saw Young Master Liu drink three glasses of wine in a row, and stared at Young Master Liu with a sly smile: "You brat, come on, keep drinking!"

Young Master Liu stood up and lifted the jug: "Boy, I'll pour you some wine!"

"Hey, no need. Only one jug of wine per person can show how much you can drink. Girl, serve grandpa another jug ​​of wine. Grandpa and Boy Liu will not rest until they are drunk."

"Got it, Grandpa!"

"Grandpa, I would like to offer you a toast!"

Wen Renzheng happily raised his glass, "Drink together!"

After drinking a few glasses of wine, First Young Master Liu burped: "Ox and horses are originally strong wine, but after boiling the wine, it becomes even stronger. After half a pot of wine, my whole body is hot."

"That's because my girl's skill in cooking wine is good. If it tastes good, you can drink more. It's agreed that you won't rest until you get drunk. If you don't get drunk, how can you live up to the girl's hard work?"

"The old man is right, keep drinking, and you will rest when you are drunk!"

The two of you exchanged glasses for a long time, Wen Renzheng was a little drunk, Young Master Liu became even more hazy, and only knew how to subconsciously pour wine into his mouth.

Wen Renzheng shook his head to wake himself up, and looked at First Young Master Liu in surprise, with a somewhat astonished expression on his face.

It took two quarters of an hour to see the results. It's been half an hour, why is there no response at all?

Counterfeit medicine?I can't, the old man has checked it carefully, and it is definitely the old formula with the old taste, and the one with the new efficacy.

But why didn't this kid react after drinking the whole pack?

Although the Gu worm's essence and blood made him invulnerable to all poisons, this Qingtian Powder was an aphrodisiac and not a poison.

Resisted deeply?Even an innate master can't handle this old man, how can a person who has just touched the ninth rank resist?This is not nonsense!

Unless Wen Renzheng subconsciously glanced at his granddaughter who was squatting and cooking wine, and then looked at First Young Master Liu.

This kid can't do it?
A pack of Qingtian San is useless, so what is it?
Isn't this pushing the granddaughter into the fire pit and making her a widow?
Love between men and women is human nature, and Wen Renzheng doesn't think it's inappropriate to think this way.

Wen Renzheng muttered for a moment with a tangled face: "Boy, you drank too much, go back and rest first!"

"Okay, the boy will go back first."

Young Master Liu's wine was still good, he stood up unsteadily and walked towards the inner courtyard.

Wen Renzheng gently tugged at his beard: "By the way, take the time to find a doctor. If you are sick, you have to be treated. The longer you delay, the more troublesome it will be. If you can't do it, it will affect your prestige!"

"No, it's been a long time, it's not bad for a few days!"

Young Master Liu didn't even know what he was talking about, so he followed the words completely.

After First Young Master Liu staggered away, Wen Renzheng put down his wine glass and walked towards Wenren Yunshu who was beside him.

"Shu'er, grandpa may be wrong. This kid may not be your real son. He is not suitable for you. Grandpa will find another lover for you."

"There are tens of thousands of forests in the world, there's no need for us to hang on a tree with a crooked neck like Liu Xiaozi, right?"

Wenren Yunshu looked at Wen Renzheng's weird and tangled eyes, and silently took a wine pot from the side and put it on the stove.

"Grandpa, it's not his problem. The medicinal wine is here, and Shu'er didn't warm the pot of wine at all."

Wen Renzheng stared at the flagon in front of him in astonishment: "Shu'er, what are you doing? Grandpa is helping you settle a problem. Why did you shrink back in the end?"

"You have been waiting for him since you were 11 years old, how long do you want to wait after 16 years?"

"Grandpa is helping you, do you know that?"

Wenren Yunshu picked up the wine jug with pretty eyes and desolately, and poured the wine inside outside the gazebo.

"Grandpa, Shu Er, thank you for your good intentions, but twisted melons are not sweet."

Wen Renzheng looked at Wenren Yunshu helplessly: "You don't care if he is sweet or not, he will quench his thirst if he is not sweet."

"Grandpa, it's not fair to him, and it's not fair to Shu'er. What Shu'er wants is not like this. After all, what you get by taking medicine is not your own."

"Besides, prescribing medicine is not bright. Grandpa understands what Shu'er means."

"Son, you are in your twenties this year. Back then, you refused to marry for the sake of Liu Xiaozi, and you had a big fight with your father. Grandpa also chose to stand by your side in a moment of confusion and never forced you."

"But if you don't find a good family at the age of 27, do you plan to live alone for the rest of your life? You are no longer a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl, and you can't afford to wait!"

"There is no result for your lifelong event, how can you let grandpa leave with peace of mind!"

Wenren Yunshu was taken aback, and hastily let go of the tongs in his hand and walked towards Wenrenzheng.

"Grandpa, your body?"

Wen Renzheng nodded silently: "The deadline is approaching!"

(End of this chapter)

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