My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1222 Failed to learn scriptures

Chapter 1222 Failed to learn scriptures
Wenren Yun Shu's eyes were full of mist, and he shook his head in a daze: "Impossible, impossible, grandpa, your body is so tough, how could it be possible that the end is approaching, grandpa, you must have lied to Shu'er, right? "

Wen Renzheng raised his hand to gently stroke the granddaughter's hair, and slowly sat down on the stone bench. Wen Renyun Shu naturally sat on the carpet in the gazebo, snuggling up to Wen Renzheng.

"Grandpa, you will live a long life. It's just your illusion that the end is approaching. Don't scare yourself. You haven't seen Shu'er get married yet."

Wen Renzheng looked pitifully at his granddaughter who was nestled beside his lap: "Silly girl, life, old age, sickness and death, the cycle of cause and effect is God's will, it can't be changed by manpower."

"Thirty to stand, forty to not be confused, fifty to know the destiny, sixty to be fluent, seventy to be rare."

"Grandpa will be eighty-four this year. As the folk saying goes, 73, 84, the king of Hades won't tell me to go."

"The left eye jumps disaster, the right eye jumps money, it feels like a mysterious thing, especially when it comes to the realm of grandpa."

"Grandpa was seriously injured after dealing with that old incident, and has never been able to recover. Grandpa had a premonition that he might not survive this year."

"No, definitely not. Liu Mingzhi's family has a lot of valuable medicinal materials, and my father must also have a lot of rare medicinal materials. Among the willow leaves of Uncle Liu is a famous doctor who kills people. Internal injuries can be seen."

"Yes, it's definitely possible. Shu'er will take you back to the capital, and let's go to treat your illness."


Wen Renzheng held down Wenren Yunshu who was about to get up: "Girl, recognize the reality and accept the reality. Sai Huatuo's grandpa went to see it, and the injury has healed up to seven or eight times, but the vitality has come The age when the oil runs out and the lamp dries up."

"Sai Hua Tuo can cure diseases, but he cannot cure years."

"The end is approaching. This is human life. Grandpa has lived for 84 years. He has lived in adversity, prosperity, and peace. This life is enough."

"Grandpa thanked God for allowing him to live to eighty-four, watching your father grow up, watching your two brothers get married and start a business."

"But Grandpa can't let you go."

"You have been close to grandpa since you were a child, and you have been with grandpa since you grew up."

"Grandpa has no regrets in his life, but you are still in the boudoir, without a betrothed man, living happily, grandpa has always regretted it until now."

"Only if you get married, girl, and live happily and safely, grandpa can live his life without regrets and leave with peace of mind."

"Although Liu Xiaozi is a bit frivolous, he values ​​affection the most, especially when he treats his wife regardless of each other. He loves him very much, and no one can match him in the whole world."

"Grandpa came here this time with the intention of entrusting you to him before he died. Grandpa still trusts him."

"Unfortunately, grandpa didn't expect that by mistake, Boy Liu is the heartless young man you have been waiting for."

"Grandpa is both angry and relieved."

"I'm angry at what this little bastard did to you back then, and I'm relieved that grandpa didn't force you on him."

"Grandpa is now trying his best to promote your marriage with him. It's not that grandpa doesn't take care of your face, thinks you can't get married, and forces you to others."

"It's just that grandpa can't wait any longer. He might die someday, and he can't see the day when you get married."

"Grandpa doesn't want to leave with regrets, do you understand?"

Wenren Yun Shu nodded with tears like rain: "Shu'er understands, Shu'er understands, I'm sorry, Shu'er can't understand grandpa's painstaking efforts, but Shu'er really doesn't want grandpa to die."

"Father and mother don't recognize Shu'er anymore. Grandpa is Shu'er's only relative in the world. Grandpa, what will you do if Shu'er is alone in the world after you go?"

"Promise Shu'er, don't die, okay!"

"Silly girl, at the end of your lifespan, how can grandpa be in charge."

"During this time, grandpa will try his best to facilitate the matter between you and boy Liu, and put you in the hands of a trustworthy person. Grandpa can also close his eyes safely."

"You heard from grandpa that during this period of time, grandpa has been looking for a secret book that can seal the internal power of grandpa's life within your eight meridians before he dies."

"When you finish training this cheat book, you can turn Grandpa's internal strength into your own. At that time, you can directly break through the barriers in the warrior's body and become an innate master."

"You are already a ninth-grade internal force now, as long as you cultivate with your heart, you may be able to reach a higher level and reach the state of three flowers gathering at the top."

"At that time, the world will no longer have your single enemy."

"Today's juniors are all too against the sky. Young masters can be found everywhere. This is the only thing grandpa can do for you."

"Grandpa has made too many enemies in his life. We have cleaned up everything that can be cleaned up. There are some who have disappeared. There is nothing we can do. After Grandpa is gone, you have to be careful in everything."

"Shu'er doesn't want grandpa's internal strength, Shu'er only wants you to live."

"Girl, what should come will come eventually. Since you don't want Grandpa to get involved in your affairs with Boy Liu, Grandpa won't get involved."

"Grandpa, who has lived in Liu Xiaozi's house for so long, should go to Zile's place to enjoy the scenery of the grassland."

"They are all disciples taught by grandpa's precepts and deeds, and grandpa can't treat one more favorably than another."

"None of these two disciples made Grandpa feel at ease."

"Grandpa hopes that when he comes back from Zile, he can see you and Liu Xiaozi are a perfect match."

"Grandpa is going to the grassland, but your body?"

"The injury is nothing, what Grandpa is short of is time."

"Shu'er will go with you, and I will take care of you on the way."

"Silly girl, although you are already a master of masters in the arena, following grandpa will only hinder grandpa. Your main thing now is to deal with boy Liu."

"Men chase women's interlayer mountain, women chase men's interlayer yarn."

"We are not seventeen or eighteen-year-old girls anymore. There is nothing to be ashamed of. If you like it, just say it. Grandpa can see that you still care about Liu Xiaozi very much."

"There is nothing shameful in paying for a lifetime of happiness."

"During this period of time, grandpa has been observing the attitude of girl Yun and the others towards you, and grandpa has also seen it. They are well aware of your affection for Liu Xiaozi."

"In this case, they still treat you like a sister, which means that they have acquiesced in this matter and accepted you."

"Since that's the case, what else do you have to worry about? After all, even Liu Xiaozi's wife is on your side, taking him down is not an easy task!"

"Maybe if you work hard, grandpa will be able to hold a great grandson in his lifetime!"

Wenren Yunshu wiped away the tears on his cheeks, and looked at Wen Renzheng sadly and shyly: "Grandpa, don't talk nonsense about mandarin ducks, he has been avoiding me and dare not look me in the eye, how could it be like That's what grandpa said."

"That's why grandpa encourages you to deal with him. If he retreats, you will enter. Doesn't his entry meet your wishes?"

"If both of you retreat, won't you be getting further and further apart? Sooner or later, you will be separated."

"That's all grandpa said, you should think about it carefully, silly girl, don't be sad, grandpa is one step ahead!"

"Grandpa you"

As soon as Wenren Yunshu spoke a word, Wen Renzheng left an afterimage and disappeared.

Wenren Yunshu's slender jade fingers were entangled, hesitating for a long time Wenren Yunshu finished packing the leftovers from the gazebo and walked towards Yunxiaoxi's courtyard.

Wenren Yun Shu stood in front of Yun Xiaoxi's courtyard and thought for a moment, then walked in with a murmur.

"It's inappropriate to ask Sister Yun and the others for advice. I can only learn from Sister Xiaoxi. They are cousins, so they should know how to deal with Liu!"

After a long time, Yun Shu's startled voice came from the room.


"Yes, is there an easier way to settle than drugging?"

"Aside from taking medicine?"

"The Overlord bows hard!"

"Is there no safer way? You are his cousin, so you must know what his weakness is!"

"Safe? Then give the medicine first, and then the Overlord will forcefully bow his bow. The two-pronged approach will make him powerless to resist."

"Uh, isn't there a gentler way? What my sister means is the one that is gradual and cyclical. Don't be so radical."

"If it's not too aggressive, let me think about it. If I do, I'll drug him and seduce him."

"Yun Xiaoxi, don't you have a more normal way, you stinking girl? Isn't there a way without taking medicine?"

"If you don't prescribe the medicine, why don't you take the medicine yourself, say that you swallowed it by mistake, and ask him to detoxify you? It can also achieve your goal."

"Do you think this method is normal?"

"Sister Yun Shu, you can ask for it to be faster. This is the fastest way. Whether it's normal or not, you can say whether it's fast or not!"

"No, who did you learn this truth from?"

"My mother taught me, is there a problem?"

", it's good!"

After a few sticks of incense, the Wenren Yun Shu was sent out of the courtyard by the aggrieved Yun Xiaoxi.

Officially announced the failure of learning from scriptures.

(End of this chapter)

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