My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1230 It's Really You

Chapter 1230 It's Really You
When the singers and dancers went to change their conservative clothes, Young Master Liu was not idle either.

Stopped a maid to inform Liu Song to fetch the household registrations of the singers, which is just a different kind of contract of prostitution, just an official name.

The tradition of setting up a fig leaf for the sake of face has never changed.

"Master, the household registration is here, and the bank notes are also brought!"

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the pine box in Liu Song's arms: "Are all the household registrations here?"

"Singer and dancer are all in here!"

"That's good. It's useless to let them stay at home. It's better to let them return to their own lives and find a good man to marry. Now that they are the best time to marry at their age, they can accumulate some virtue for themselves as young masters."

Liu Song looked at the singers and dancers who had come out in twos and threes and nodded regretfully: "It's a pity that they are all gone, most of them are pretty young ladies, that is, young master, you have a kind heart, and I don't know if you change someone else. How much have you been bullied!"

"Digital officials and dignitaries, the so-called singers and dancers in the families of wealthy gentry are just playthings!"

"Sometimes I feel unfair for them, but the world has been like this since ancient times, and this is a fact that no one can change!"

"Young master, a drop of clean water can't render the whole sewage pool!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded thoughtfully: "Others are others, young master, I will just do what I can."

"By the way, haven't you taken concubines yet? I really can't bear to pick a few out of them to be concubines. As long as you treat them well, it might not be a good home for them!"

"Me? Forget it, it's all given to you by His Majesty, young master. Even Liu Xiaosong, who is a broken flower and defeated, would not dare to get involved, let alone a clean and innocent girl!"

"Master, Xiaosong knows that you treat Xiaosong, but a servant is a servant, and Xiaosong can't overstep the master's things no matter what."

Young Master Liu gave Liu Song a helpless look, but he was quite satisfied in his heart. The old man chose Liu Song as his personal book boy to accompany him to grow up.

"Deadhead, that's all!"

"After the household registration is returned to them, the settlement allowance of 30 taels per person is enough for them to buy a private house in their hometown and live a comfortable life."

"I'll leave this matter to you, and I won't let you go!"

"No, young master, how can you do it if you don't go there?"

Young Master Liu looked at the more than 100 charming girls who were already standing in the courtyard with regret, and his eyes were a little nostalgic: "I don't want to part with them, even if I can't touch them, it's good after all!"

"I'm still willing to grit my teeth and leave now, but when I hear them say "Master" one by one, what should I do if I go back on my word!"

"So, it's the best way to let you cut the mess with a sharp knife."

"Master, I'm leaving first. If there are some homeless girls who want to stay, just look at the arrangement. I'll leave first!"

"Okay, Komatsu will send the young master off!"

Liu Song watched Young Master Liu go away, holding a pine box and walking towards the singers and dancers in the courtyard, to deal with the tasks assigned by the young master.

"Don't move, if you dare to move again, don't blame the sword in this girl's hand for not recognizing anyone!"

After leaving the side courtyard and walking on the corridor, First Young Master Liu Mu Ran felt a chill on his neck, and then a clear and melodious voice sounded from behind.

The sound was like an oriole singing, but because of a sharp sword resting on his neck, Young Master Liu really didn't have the heart to feel it.

Feeling the cold blade on his neck, First Young Master Liu frowned and changed his mind.

"Girl, I don't know that the girl is here for revenge, but for something else?"

"Although I have turned against a lot of people, but I always treat girls with pity and tenderness, and I don't want to touch a single hair of her!"

"Hearing the girl's voice is like an oriole and a warbler, she must be a peerless beauty. If there is a girl who has dealt with Yu before, it is impossible not to have the slightest impression of the girl!"

"I dare to ask the girl, is there any misunderstanding here?"

Liu Mingzhi responded while scanning the surrounding rooftops.

Is this still the governor's mansion of the dignified border officials?How can anyone come in at will?

The guards under Du Yu's command are all soldiers with only a little rough skill. It is understandable that they couldn't find the trace of this woman. This made Liu Mingzhi a little angry.

Especially Xuanwu Division, who is in charge of defense, has not appeared with the blade reaching the master's neck, which is simply dereliction of duty.

If there is a problem with the relevant department, why has the secret agent of the relevant department under the command of Ling Yang, who is hidden deeper, not appeared for a long time!

The woman's coquettish laughter came: "Mr. Liu is so eloquent, he almost convinced me! There is no misunderstanding in it, and you really offended me!"

First Young Master Liu was stunned, and pondered carefully. After a while, Liu Mingzhi still couldn't think of anything. He wanted to turn around, but a scolding voice came over immediately, and the strength of the sword blade on his neck became stronger.

"I said don't let you move around, Mr. Liu doesn't seem to have a long memory!"

Liu Mingzhi's body froze, and he hurriedly stopped his movements while talking and gesticulating vaguely: "Girl, don't be impulsive."

"The girl just said that I offended the girl, and I thought about it for a while. I really don't know where I offended the girl. I wonder if the girl can give me a hint, so that I can explain the confusion in my heart!"

Liu Mingzhi delayed the woman behind him, his eyes kept scanning around.

What puzzled Liu Mingzhi was that none of the maids who usually shuttled like a cloud showed up at this moment.

Finally, many figures in black clothes gathered on the roof, but what puzzled Young Master Liu was that the secret agents of the relevant department did not come down to help and capture the woman behind him.

Liu Mingzhi even saw Ling Yang in gray robe who hadn't heard a word for many days, lazily leaning on the pillar with a long knife in his hand
Drop the chain at a critical moment?
No, since Qinglong Suzaku and four people took charge of the relevant department, there has never been such a big trouble.

The missing maid, the secret agent who turned a blind eye to his master's threats, all signs indicate that the people behind him are not enemies.

Liu Mingzhi let out a sigh of relief.

Not enemies, but friends and relatives.

As for friends, all women of this age should be wives in their own homes, so the identity of the woman behind them will be obvious.

Only relatives.

Except for the stinky girl Liu Xuan, the third sister, there is no one else in the family. Yun Xiaoxi is not so boring.

Liu Mingzhi figured this out, and laughed cheerfully: "Stinky girl, you dare to stand up with a sword against elder brother, who gave you the courage, did your butt itch again, and you want to be beaten! Tell me what happened to elder brother?" You are not happy!"

The blade on the neck disappeared in a flash, and a soft hum came from behind.

Then, a graceful and exquisite girl jumped up on Young Master Liu's back, and grabbed Young Master Liu by the ear.


"You didn't miss Xuan'er, you just provoked me!"

"Smelly girl, come down quickly, you are already a big girl, and you are still tired of holding on to your big brother, be careful that you won't get married in the future!"

"Then don't get married and let the elder brother take care of her for the rest of her life. Anyway, Xuan'er is being chased like a lost dog now!"

Liu Mingzhi paused, turned his head slightly to look at Liu Xuan who poked her head from her back and acted coquettishly towards him, her sword eyebrows frowned.

"The leader of the martial arts alliance is really you?"

(End of this chapter)

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