Chapter 1231 Not telling the truth
When Liu Xuan heard her eldest brother's inquiry, her bright and flexible eyes dodged a little: "Brother, what are you talking about? Why can't Xuan'er understand? What martial arts leader?"

Due to the angle, Liu Mingzhi couldn't see Liu Xuan's sly eyes, and when he heard Liu Xuan's question, he gently supported Liu Xuan's slender legs and walked slowly towards the inner courtyard.

"You said just now that you were being chased like a lost dog? Who is chasing you for what reason? It can't be for no reason, right?"

Liu Xuan puffed out her tender cheeks, grabbed Young Master Liu's ears with both hands and twirled: "Brother, you asked so many questions at once, which one should Xuan'er answer?"

"As soon as we meet, I know how to ask questions, but I don't know how to care about Xuan'er's life these years!"

"Are you doing well, big brother, I just saw him, his face is ruddy and shiny, his eyes are bright, it's obvious that he's having a good time."

"Eating is as heavy as a pig. If it weren't for the fact that my brother has been exercising hard all these years and still has the strength, I would have been overwhelmed by you!"

"Don't change the topic of big brother, just give me a [-] answer, what's going on? Didn't you practice martial arts with your grandfather in the East China Sea?"

"If you don't stay in the sunny and sunny East China Sea, why are you willing to come to the remote and remote Yingzhou City?"

"I think my elder brother has a few sister-in-laws. Besides, Yingzhou is not a remote place. My younger sister was almost crowded by the carriages and horses who came to play on the street. The East China Sea is not so prosperous!"

"Don't avoid the topic of big brother, what's the matter with being chased like a lost dog?"

Liu Xuan saw that her elder brother was holding on to a question, and she wrinkled her cherry lips angrily: "Ask me, I know how to ask these questions, don't I miss Xuan'er after I haven't seen you for so long?"

When Liu Mingzhi saw Liu Xuan's speech, he already had some guesses in his heart. There are nine out of ten that Liu Xuan is the young martial arts leader that Wen Renzheng said.

They are similar in age, and with the fact that the Bai family's secret knowledge of Tiangang Finger, even though Liu Xuan did not admit that Liu Mingzhi already had her own answer in mind.

"Of course my elder brother misses you, I miss Xuan'er every day."

"The little girl who knew she was crying when she wet the bed back then has grown into a beautiful woman in the blink of an eye. Have you met your sweetheart in the East China Sea all these years?"

"In two years, you should be of the age to leave the cabinet!"

Hearing her elder brother mentioning her embarrassing past, Liu Xuan's pretty face was a little embarrassed, and her slender fingers even fidgeted with Young Master Liu's ears restlessly.

"You're the one who wets the bed, you're the one who wets the bed!"

"Okay, okay, what you say is what you say, talk to big brother, how can you become the leader of the martial arts?"

"You don't need to rush to deny it, and you don't need to think about sophistry. Since the eldest brother asks you this way, there will definitely be some evidence to prove that the girl who caused the ups and downs in the world is you, Xuan'er."

"Eldest brother is not an outsider, is there anything you can't say to elder brother?"

"Xuan'er, elder brother is very worried about your safety. If you don't explain the whole story to elder brother clearly, how can elder brother feel at ease?"

"Is the person chasing you an enemy or someone from the court?"

Liu Xuan couldn't see her elder brother's face, but she could feel the worry and seriousness in his words.

Liu Xuan fell silent, and after a long time, Liu Xuan limply lay on Young Master Liu's back, her round and white chin resting on Young Master Liu's shoulder, and let out a faint breath.

"Even the imperial court's secret agents couldn't find out the identity of the leader of the martial arts. Brother, how did you know that the leader is Xuan'er?"

"You don't need to worry about how the elder brother knows, the elder brother has his own connections, brat, your elder brother is still your elder brother."

Liu Xuan leaned forward and looked at First Young Master Liu curiously: "Did Dad tell you?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and his eyes narrowed slightly: "The old man also knows about this?"

Liu Xuan glanced at her beautifully, and the intention to dodge disappeared in a flash: "I don't know, but Daddy has a lot of people in Liuye, so Xuan'er thought Daddy told Big Brother after he investigated it!"

"It turns out not to be. It seems that I haven't seen you for a few years. The elder brother's influence is getting stronger and stronger."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Liu Xuan's flowing black hair scattered in front of his shoulders. He always felt that Liu Xuan was hiding something from him, but he didn't have the slightest clue as to what it was.

These years have been together less and more, Liu Xuan is no longer the innocent and cute little loli of the past, but has become a graceful, delicate-looking beautiful girl.

The mood also changed.

Came to know how to hide oneself.

"Can you tell Big Brother? Why are you doing this?"

"It's fun. Ever since I went to the East China Sea, I have been forced by my grandfather to practice martial arts with a group of little uncles and aunts every day. After so many years, I always have to test my own cultivation results."

"Uncle and aunts always couldn't let go of their hands and feet when practicing against Xuan'er, for fear of hurting each other, so Xuan'er had no choice but to sneak out behind her grandfather's back to find someone she didn't know to compete."

"Just for fun? Are you sure it's not for other reasons?"

Liu Xuan nodded heavily, and replied numbly: "Yes, it's just because it's fun. It's too boring to stay in the East China Sea. As soon as Xuan'er comes out, she's like a runaway wild horse, looking for others to compete with."

"The more you compete with Xuan'er, the more interesting and amusing it is. Who knew that they would almost unify the Jianghu by accident."

"The evil imperial court dispatched a large number of guards and some unknown men in black to encircle and suppress Xuan'er. If Xuan'er hadn't gotten the news in time and used the excuse of disbanding the Martial League, Big Brother might never see such a beautiful and lovely Xuan'er again. Little sister!"

"Oh? I got the information in time. Who gave you the information? The actions of the Ouchi guards and the spy agents have always been extremely secretive, and it is impossible for ordinary people to get the information."

"Although your Martial Arts League has a large number of people, but it has just been established, it is like a pan of loose sand, and has not yet gathered real strength. Thinking of finding out the whereabouts of Ouchi's guards and spies, I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult for you! "

Liu Xuan was stunned for a moment, and her bright and pretty eyes narrowed slightly: "Brother, you underestimate people, it's true that my little sister's Wumeng has just formed, but the Wumeng's children are all over the country, and they want to find out the news of Ouchi's guards dispatching It couldn’t be easier.”

"What's the matter, you must be happy when you see my little sister was caught by the people of the court, and locked up in the prison for strict interrogation, right?"

"Xuan'er, you know that brother doesn't mean that."

"Brother is only interested in the spies who pass on information to you. There are no more than ten forces in the world who can secretly pass on information to the Ouchi guards and spies."

"And there are very few forces that dare to help the imperial court who are thorny in the Wumeng. The eldest brother is just curious."

"There is really no one else's help, Xuan'er's subordinates discovered it by themselves!"

When the brothers and sisters came to talk, Young Master Liu had already carried Liu Xuan to Qi Yun and his room.

"Come down, your sister-in-law is probably going to arrange a banquet to wash you off!"

Liu Xuan jumped off her elder brother's back and looked at her room.

"Compared to the houses in the capital!"

"Xuan'er, you've been exhausted all the way, take a nap first, and elder brother will let you boil water for a bath, so you can get rid of fatigue!"

Liu Xuan stretched her waist and walked towards First Young Master Liu's bed: "Got it, don't forget to call me when you eat, your stomach is already growling after you've been hungry for a long time!"

"Understood, go to rest!"

Liu Mingzhi watched the figure of Liu Xuan disappearing from the screen and walked towards the door with eyes full. When the door was closed, Young Master Liu glanced at the screen and walked towards the study.

"Xuan'er, you didn't tell the truth to my elder brother! What does the old man know? What are you trying to do that elder brother doesn't know!"

With half a stick of incense, Liu Mingzhi squeezed a note and handed it to Suzaku who was looking at him respectfully.

"Investigate this matter thoroughly!"


"Blue Dragon and White Tiger!"


"Secretly investigate whether there is a tail on Xuan'er's back, once found, kill without mercy!"


(End of this chapter)

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