My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1232 You dare to say I dare to do

Chapter 1232 You dare to say I dare to do
Young Master Liu closed the door, and walked towards the main hall with a suspicious expression on his face: "Old man, in all likelihood, you already knew about this matter, but you let the younger sister's various behaviors go unchecked, what on earth do you want to do?"

Liu Zhian's various behaviors in the past two years made Liu Mingzhi completely confused, and he was naturally reconsidering in his heart.

After ordering a few maids to boil water for Liu Xuan to take a bath, Liu Mingzhi subconsciously walked towards Wenren Yunshu's room. He still had some doubts in his heart and wanted to ask Wen Renzheng.

I want to find out all about Wen Renzheng's investigation of Liu Xuan.

Halfway through, Young Master Liu stopped. Since Wen Renzheng had set himself free, he must have something very important to tell Wenren Yunshu, and it might not be appropriate to disturb him now.

Considering this, Liu Mingzhi changed direction and walked towards Yun Xiaoxi's yard.

The most suitable person to chat about this right now is Liu Ying.

Maybe Aunt Liu Ying should know something that she doesn't know.

Just after entering the courtyard of Yun Xiaoxi, a few maidservants came out carrying wooden barrels, talking and laughing, and when they saw First Young Master Liu hurriedly saluted: "Your maidservant, wait to see the lord!"

"Excuse me, I don't have anything to do, just go shopping casually, you go to your own affairs first!"

"Yes, the servant waits to leave!"

Liu Mingzhi went straight to Yun Xiaoxi's room along the corridor, stopped at the door and gently knocked on the door.

"Xiaoxi, aunt, are you there?"


Yun Xiaoxi's voice came out.

"I, my cousin's voice can't even be heard!"

"Cousin, wait a minute."

When the sound of splashing water came, First Young Master Liu was startled, and then he remembered the wooden barrels carried by the maids, and then he realized that maybe Yun Xiaoxi was taking a bath.

Liu Mingzhi smiled awkwardly: "Xiaoxi, if you are busy with something, I will come back later. You are busy first, and my cousin is leaving first!"

"Xiao Mingming, wait a minute!"

Young Master Liu stopped turning around: "Auntie, you are also here, what's the matter?"

Liu Ying's lazy and charming voice came: "My sister is taking a bath with Xiao Xixi, do you want to come in together? When you were young, my sister took the two of you to take a bath together!"

"Now is the right time, don't you want to recall your childhood? Xiaoxixi has grown up, don't you want to see it? Aren't you curious?"

"Cough cough."


"and many more!"

"Auntie, what do you want to do?"

"Xiaoxi, bring your cousin in, it's not like he hasn't washed one piece, so what's there to be shy about?"


Yun Xiaoxi responded accordingly.

Young Master Liu's face froze, Liu Ying dared to say that she turned around and was about to leave in a panic.

However, Yun Xiaoxi was even faster, and directly opened the door, looking at the panic-stricken Young Master Liu with a smile on his face: "Cousin, come in!"

"cough cough"

Young Master Liu stared blankly at Yun Xiaoxi, who was still dripping with drops of water on her hair. Yun Xiaoxi was only wearing a thin obscene garment that was wet by the water and stuck tightly to her skin, which couldn't hide her beauty at all. posture.

Seeing the dazed cousin Yun Xiaoxi's smiling eyes completed the crescent shape: "Cousin, why are you so dazed, are you really not coming in?"

Young Master Liu came back to his senses and wiped the sweat from his forehead, then ran out of the courtyard in a panic.

These two women are really evildoers, one dares to speak, and the other dares to do it.

One dares to say anything, and the other dares to do anything.

Especially Yun Xiaoxi, don't you realize that you are no longer a child, but a young and beautiful girl?

Wearing light underwear, you open the door when your mother asks you to, do you have any sense of defense between men and women!

Looking at Young Master Liu who was running away, Yun Xiaoxi shrugged with a smile on his shoulders, closed the door and walked towards the back of the screen, took off the thin obscene clothes on his delicate body and stepped into the side, braving the hazy mist bathtub.

"Mother, you see, Xiaoxi has said it several times, my cousin is not the kind of person you said, now you believe it."

"I don't wear so much, he is indifferent, how do you ask me to cook him!"

In another bathtub on one side, Liu Ying's charming face was blushed by the steaming water. She raised her plump face without looking a little fat. On the contrary, she held a towel in her slender fingers to wipe her plump body. With a white and tender neck.

Hearing Yun Xiaoxi's words, Liu Ying glanced at her daughter strangely.

"Xiaoxixi, do you really know what it means to cook raw rice? Do you know what it means to cook raw rice?"

Yun Xiaoxi was stunned, and lay on the edge of the tub, with her white chin resting on the lotus root arm, blinking her big eyes and looking at Liu Ying curiously: "Isn't it sleeping together, or is it raw rice cooked? "

"It's true to sleep together, and then? Do you understand?"

Yun Xiaoxi shook his head in a daze, and pointed at the brocade box on his dressing table, Nunu cherry lips: "Xiaoxi spent a lot of money and bought so many medicines, but he didn't make it into a cousin once, how did I know that I should eat it?" What are you doing? Didn’t you tell me when I was a child that if I slept, I would get raw rice and cooked rice?”

Liu Ying paused when she wiped her skin, her expression was a little embarrassed, she looked at her daughter with a blank face, and scratched her eyebrows with her little finger resentfully.

"Xiaoxixi, it's not my sister who said you, we have never eaten pork, we must have seen pigs run away!"

"You are not a three-year-old girl anymore. You will be 26 this year. My sister always thought that you already knew what it meant to cook raw rice."

"Cooperating with you, you are still as stupid as before."

"Sleeping together is raw rice and cooked rice. You don't know how many times you cooked your cousin when you were young."

"But mother, you told me that when I was young, sleeping together is not counted, it is only counted when I am older, but I have long since stopped living with my cousin when I grow up."

"Cough cough."

Liu Ying coughed a few times and looked at Yun Xiaoxi in embarrassment. Is this 'idiot' girl really her own daughter?

I think that my old mother would forget about her father with a pack of medicine. Good girls don't mention the bravery back then.

Liu Ying looked at Yun Xiaoxi who was looking at her suspiciously with a complicated expression. Mu Ran thought of the book that should have been handed over to Yun Xiaoxi long ago but had not been delivered to Yun Xiaoxi because of the undecided marriage. Long sighed.

"It's my fault, it's all my fault. I thought you knew everything, but after 26 years you're still as pure as a piece of paper."

"You have also met so many men. There are only so many things between men and women. Why don't you understand?"

"No wonder you are so keen on drugging your cousin. You thought your cousin would be fine after taking the drug. Thinking of me, Liu Ying, a female scumbag and heroine who has been in power all her life, gave birth to a little idiot like you. Eye."

Yun Xiaoxi suddenly looked at Liu Ying with resentment: "I have met so many men, and the familiar ones are all together, but I haven't met my cousin alone."

"You said yourself that every young talent who has spoken to me and shown goodwill to me, which one will not be packed in a sack by the elder brothers and cousins ​​and taken to the alley for a beating."

"In the end, this girl became the little overlord of the capital. Am I wronged? If it weren't for my cousin and the others, I wouldn't be able to get married until now?"

Liu Ying smiled resentfully, her eyes drifting a bit: "You can't blame my sister, the three generations of your Yun family are all male, and it's my sister who gave birth to a daughter like you."

"Your grandfather and your second grandfather were so happy that they didn't rest well for a few days. They held you in their mouths for fear of melting you, and held you in their hands for fear of falling."

"The things that your elder brother and the others did were all ordered by their two bad old men. The fourth prince Li Yunping was hanged and whipped by your grandfather when he provoked you. What do you think has anything to do with my sister?"


Yun Xiaoxi snorted coquettishly, and looked at the roof resentfully: "This girl who is the culprit has committed her own crimes, and it is your reason why she can't get married. Yun Xiaoxi didn't do anything when she wanted to leave, and she became a woman who is Guan Wanwan's wife." Fumo opened the little overlord, where can I go to reason!"

Liu Ying sighed faintly: "That's right, it's because my sister didn't make up her mind back then, otherwise she wouldn't be where she is now, making you even a man and a woman. Wrong!"

Liu Ying suddenly looked at Yun Xiaoxi curiously: "Didn't you say that you peeked at your cousin reading the Analects with illustrations before? Don't you understand the meaning of those illustrations?"

Yun Xiaoxi shook his head blankly: "I don't understand!"

"Then you tell my sister that you are blushing!"

"The person in the picture has no clothes on, of course I blush!"

The corners of Liu Ying's mouth twitched as she looked at Yun Xiaoxi, and suddenly she stood up from the bathtub, her delicate body looming against the backdrop of the hazy water mist was as mysterious as a fairy in the clouds.

Liu Ying leaned over and looked at Yun Xiaoxi with a tangled expression, her white and tender hands gestured with nowhere to place them.

"You're blushing just because of this, are you sure it's not because of... because"

"Because of what?"

"Like, posture?"

Yun Xiaoxi looked up and thought about it for a while: "It's a little closer, but why should I blush!"

Liu Ying took a deep breath, looking at Yun Xiaoxi with a sense of hatred for iron.

"Hey, you also have half of the blood of the Liu family. Why don't you think the fine traditions of my Liu family won't work with you? Sin, sin!"

"That's all, have you washed it yet?"


"Do you have men's clothing here!"

"How many pieces do you want to wear, mother?"

Liu Ying stepped out of the bathtub and wiped off the water stains on her body: "Change, sister will take you to the brothel today to experience and let you know what real raw rice is."

"The fine tradition of the Liu family has been maintained since your grandfather, and it has gradually been carried forward from your cousin, and your cousins ​​have a faint momentum of being better than blue."

"Especially your Yueerbiao niece, it's like a self-teaching trend that can be improved to a higher level."

"Although you only have half of the blood of the Liu family, you can't break it off no matter what."

"Change into men's clothes, go to the brothel, my sister will show you to open your eyes."

"Huh? Let's go to the brothel?"

"I just want to open your eyes, not to ask you to do something, but you have to have that ability if you think about it!"

"The main reason is that there are some things that my sister is not suitable to explain to you. It may be more convenient to get acquainted with them, so that you can give Xiao Mingming a bag and take it down in one fell swoop."

"Mother, are you serious?"

"My sister is very serious. Change clothes, cut your butt with a knife, my sister will open your eyes."

"But my cousin just came to see us for something, why don't we go see my cousin first and then talk about it!"

"My sister knows why he's here, but I don't know about Miss Xuan. You really don't know what's going on. In the future, when your cousin asks you, just tell the truth."

"Okay, are you really going to the brothel?"

"What's the matter? Don't dare."

"If you don't dare, go and go. Whoever is afraid of others, this girl is the little overlord of the capital, and a mere brothel is nothing."

Cup of tea.

The two Pianpianjia sons walked out of the governor's mansion shoulder to shoulder, and wandered towards the most famous brothel in Yingzhou.

These two girls are really extraordinary, and they are a bit evil.

One dares to say anything, and the other dares to do anything!
(End of this chapter)

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