My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1233 You deserve it

Chapter 1233 You deserve it
What happened to Liu Xuan was like a dreamy lost city.

The secret agents of the relevant department spent more than half a month mobilizing a large number of people, but in the end they only got a result that Liu Mingzhi did not expect.

Check it out!

Liu Mingzhi put down the note in his hand, lit it with a torch, and threw it into the brazier: "There is nothing to check, what a powerful method!"

Suzaku looked at First Young Master Liu with a pretty pale face: "Suzaku is not doing well, please forgive me, Master!"

"I don't blame you, it's obvious that a master took action on this matter."

"However, after spending so much manpower and material resources, you are still given a slight advantage. You should realize the shortcomings of your own skills and start vigorously developing things in this area."

"Information occupies a very important position in the relevant departments. As the head of the Suzaku Department, you have a heavy burden on your shoulders."

"I hope you won't disappoint my young master again next time, otherwise you will be dealt with according to the law."

"Yes, Suzaku understands!"

"Okay, you go down first!"

"I have to order, Suzaku resigns!"

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the burnt note, sorted his clothes and walked out the door.

Looking at the courtyard, Liu Xuan who was kicking the shuttlecock with her children shook her head slightly and walked towards the inner courtyard.

"Auntie, what are you?"

As soon as Liu Mingzhi walked into the inner courtyard, the figure of Liu Ying carrying a burden came into view, and Liu Mingzhi hurriedly chased up and called Liu Ying to stop.

Liu Ying turned around and looked at First Young Master Liu charmingly: "Xiao Mingming, my sister has lived with you for so long, and it's time to go back. If you don't want to part with her, you can go to Yunzhou with her to stay for a while."

"It's convenient for the little ladies to watch without you there, isn't it convenient if you want to do something with your sister? Do you think it makes sense!"

Young Master Liu looked at Liu Ying who was molesting him with a trembling corner of his mouth, and really wanted to raise his hand to give him a slap.

What are you doing to stop this monstrous aunt? Shouldn't she be very happy when she's gone!

"Auntie, don't talk nonsense, you don't tell me if you want to leave, just leave like this without knowing it, Yun'er and I will think that there is a place where the hospitality is not good, and Auntie will be angry!"

"Stinky boy, don't think about it. My sister has her own things to do. Knowing that you are busy every day, how dare my sister bother you? I wanted Xiaoxixi to notify you. Since I happened to meet, I can save my little sister. Xixizui is stupid and can't explain clearly."

"Auntie, I'll see you off!"

"Carry my sister out, my sister is a little tired!"

Young Master Liu sighed helplessly and bent down: "Come on, Auntie, you really don't think of me as an adult, I'm already a father, okay? There are so many servants in the house, and there are so many people, so you don't have to be afraid." Others spread gossip.”

Liu Ying jumped onto Young Master Liu's back, and naturally embraced Young Master Liu's neck: "That's your master's business. If servants dare to talk about master's affairs in private, it can only be said that it's your dereliction of duty!"

"It's so fast. I don't know how many years have passed. At that time, my sister was still carrying you and Xiao Xixi, but in the blink of an eye, my sister was already old. It's your turn to carry my sister."

"My sister always refuses to admit that she is old, but after all, her youth is gone!"

"My aunt is not old at all. It is my blessing to be in my aunt's family."

Liu Ying's complex eyes tilted her phoenix head slightly and looked at the sword-browed and star-eyed Young Master Liu from the side. The nephew has long since faded from the youthful childishness and has become a resolute head of the family.

"Xiao Mingming, can you stop investigating Xuan'er's affairs? I beg you as a sister!"

"It's rare to be confused. What's the use of getting to the bottom of it? Sometimes rare and confused is the most important way of doing things."

Liu Mingzhi frowned: "It turns out that my aunt really knows."

"I see, I promise my aunt will never ask about this matter!"

Liu Mingzhi felt his cheeks wet, and Liu Ying's cherry lips had already left. Liu Ying smiled and played with First Young Master Liu's ear: "My sister knows that Xiao Mingming loves her the most, and is the most caring!"

With Liu Ying on his back, Liu Mingzhi also had no time to wipe off the lip marks on his face: "Auntie, I'm not looking into the matter of Xuan'er like I think I want to get to the bottom of it."

"I just want to protect Xuan'er. Only when I understand the ins and outs of the matter can I know where to start to protect Xuan'er's safety!"

"Xuan'er is my only sister, how could I hurt her!"

"After wasting so much manpower and material resources, I finally understood the old man's methods."

"Or let me see the method of Shadow Killing Guard, Auntie, is the shadow of Shadow Killing Guard the shadow of Shadow, or Liu Ying's love?"

Liu Ying's plump and delicate body lying on Young Master Liu's back rarely trembled slightly, and the nimble jade fingers that were playing with Liu Mingzhi's ears also stopped.

A faint sigh came from Liu Ying's cherry lips: "My sister always thought that Xiao Mingming was still young, no, you are not young anymore, my sister has measured it."

Young Master Liu's face froze: "Auntie!"

"Okay, okay, let's talk about business. My sister always thought that you were still growing up. I didn't expect that the relevant department has become such a big climate."

"Even His Majesty's Spy Shadow doesn't know about the existence of the Shadow Killer Guards, where did you find out about it!"

"On top of the spy spy's corpse!"

Liu Ying nodded knowingly: "It seems that my sister is a hundred secrets and a secret, but even so, my sister is still confident that the spies can't find it out. How did you find it out?"

"Auntie, the old man taught me that money may not really be able to connect with gods, but money can definitely sell unexpected things."

"That's why people in the world are so obsessed with money. Sometimes money is really a good thing."

"May I ask my aunt, is the Shadow Killer under my aunt's power, or the Yasukuni government's power?"

"The Shadow Killer Guard is a private force that only belongs to my sister. Even your uncle, Da Hai and Xiaoxi don't know the existence of the Shadow Killer Guard!"

"The number of Shadow Killer Guards is not worth mentioning compared to your father's Liu Ye, but my sister's Shadow Killer Guards are all masters of the best. Your father is used to Han Xin ordering more troops, the better. My sister thinks that soldiers are more expensive than elite soldiers." Much more expensive."

"Shadow Killer Guards will always maintain 3000 people from the beginning to the end, but these 3000 people are at least eighth-rank masters!"

Liu Mingzhi shook his body and turned his neck stiffly to look at Liu Ying who was lying on his shoulder: "I heard that there are tens of thousands of guards in the palace, and there are not so many masters!"

"Where did you get the money to train so many dead soldiers?"

"My sister's dowry back then was a figure you can't even imagine!"

"Well, although I haven't met Grandpa, I already admire him a little bit now!"

"Your grandfather? Forget about him, it doesn't matter if he has passed away for many years!"

"Auntie, you married into the Yun family. The so-called marriage and obedience means that you and the Duke of Yasukuni's family will be both prosperous and hurt. Why did you secretly train so many dead men?"

"I didn't realize until now that the aunt in my impression was never the real aunt."

"Of course my sister did it for the sake of my sister's own intentions. Xiao Mingming, if your father doesn't talk about some things, my sister can only rot it in her stomach."

"You will understand in the future, but my sister also hopes that you will never understand in your life!"

"It's rare to be confused, it's rare to be confused!"

"Auntie doesn't want to say it, but I don't want to live in such a muddle. Sometimes I always feel that I am caught in a huge conspiracy!"

"But I have no way of knowing what this conspiracy is, but I just have a very strange feeling!"

Liu Ying looked at Liu Mingzhi complicatedly, and hugged First Young Master Liu's neck tightly and began to rub it, silly boy, I hope you will never understand it for the rest of your life.

"Don't think too much, there is no conspiracy, it's just your illusion!"

"I hope so!"

"Auntie, we've arrived at the gate of the mansion, and the journey is smooth!"

Liu Ying got down from behind Young Master Liu and stretched lazily.

"Xiao Mingming, are you really not going to live in Yunzhou with my sister? Your uncle's rotten wood hasn't been home for a long time."

"What a great opportunity, don't miss it, never miss it again."

"Hang Chi."

Young Master Liu snorted and almost couldn't catch his breath: "Auntie, it's too much."

"Okay, you don't want to go to my sister and don't force it!"

"Xiaoxixi, you work hard. Cousin and cousin are a natural pair. When it's time to do it, do it!"

"Such a delicate little cousin is being taken advantage of by others, how terrible you would be."

"My sister originally thought that my sister would accompany you and Xiaoxixi to take advantage of you."

Young Master Liu pointed to the carriage outside the door with a dark complexion: "Liu Ying, if we let the dog go, we will lose face!"

Liu Ying snorted and whispered four words into Young Master Liu's ear, then twisted her plump delicate body and got into the carriage.

Young Master Liu blushed as if he was constipated looking at the carriage going away and went crazy.

"What's wrong with me, young master, did I eat your wolfberry or drink your ginseng tea, is it interesting to stick to this question?"

The guards in the distance stared blankly at First Young Master Liu who seemed to be having an epileptic seizure, and subconsciously glanced aside, pretending that he didn't see or hear anything.

Thanks to the distance, otherwise, even if they didn't know what Liu Ying was muttering, they would definitely be dumbfounded just hearing Liu Ying's previous words!
The reason for Young Master Liu's appearance is nothing more than Liu Ying's four words.

You deserve it.

(End of this chapter)

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