Chapter 1238

Young Master Liu saw Wen Renzheng's words so relaxed and free-spirited, he suddenly felt suspicious, and looked at Wen Renzheng suspiciously: "Master, are you sure you want to entrust Shu'er to the boy to take care of him for the rest of his life, instead of testing him?"

Wen Renzheng looked at Young Master Liu's wretched appearance, blew his beard and stared angrily.

"You are thinking about some fucking messy things every day. How can an old man be a villain who contradicts what he says and doesn't believe what he says?"

"Aren't you insulting the old man?"

"Old man, calm down, calm down, kid is wrong, kid is wrong!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wen Renzheng solemnly and raised his hand: "Don't worry, old man, Liu Mingzhi swears to God, if Shu'er suffers even the slightest grievance from me, Liu Mingzhi will die!"

Wen Renzheng nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, if the old man doesn't believe in your character, how can he rest assured that Shu'er will be taken care of by you for the rest of his life."

"I don't care about the matter between you and Shu'er, you can deal with it yourself!"

"Yes, the boy understands."


Wen Renzheng closed his eyes and remained silent for a moment, looking softly at First Young Master Liu: "Your teacher and disciple Zi Le's old man can't give you any good advice. From now on, you can only see what you do."

"I have worked so hard to keep Zi Le, a naturally handsome and talented person, in Dalong, but it is not satisfactory after all."

"In the end, Zi Le returned to the Turks, and even became a khan on his own, established a royal court, and unified the grassland."

Wen Renzheng recalled the scene when he first met Huyan Yunyao, the scene where the brothers and sisters were arguing endlessly in the academy, and even more the scene when Huyan Yunyao was the number one scholar in high school.

Huyan Yunyao had to visit her every year when she was in Dalong, but she had never seen her in the past two years.

Even so, when I first arrived in the grassland a few days ago, I was still respectful and respectful to myself, an apprentice who used to pretend to be a man and dress up as a dragon to study humbly.

The mentor is long, and the mentor is short.

The attitude has not changed in the slightest.

Huyan Yunyao is a good apprentice, compared to the big apprentice who speaks angrily, this little apprentice pleases him more.

It's just a matter of good fortune to trick others, but this apprentice who makes him very satisfied is a Turkic from the grassland.

"The old man taught Zi Le all his money, Yan He taught Zi Le well, but in the end he made a fool of himself."

"What a trick of God's will, what a trick of God's will."

"Thirty years ago, the old man might have had the heart to get rid of Zi Le, but the older the old man, the more merciful he becomes. Coupled with Zi Le's attitude towards the old man, the old man is even more reluctant to do so."

"Especially after Zi Le unified the grassland and achieved hegemony, even if the old man can go down, he is not sure."

"The great national teacher of the Western Turks in the past is now stationed under Zi Le's account. He is also an innate master. I may not be able to bear Zi Le in front of him."

"With just one thought, the old man has cultivated a great enemy for Dalong, who is the favorite of heaven."

"For a while, the old man didn't know whether to be relieved or painful."

"There are mixed flavors, what a word for worry."

"Old man, the incident has already happened, and it's too late to regret it. Since it's like this, it's better to think about how to deal with it. It's a day of sorrow and a day of joy. If this is the case, why do you have to be sad every day?"

"You're right, go back!"

"This Shanhaiguan Pass, you must guard it."

"The gate of the country cannot be broken!"

"When your tendons are nourished and shaped by the medicine, the old man will seal up the internal force in your body."

Liu Mingzhi's face darkened: "Old man, after teaching the exercises to the boy, will you always be able to do it right away?"

"What are you thinking, the old man will only become an ordinary person without internal strength, how could he die immediately?"

"Really? But didn't the TV storyteller say that he would die immediately after enlightenment?"

Wen Renzheng kicked First Young Master Liu angrily: "Do you believe what you hear?"

Wen Renzheng looked at the clouds in the sky, and his temperament suddenly became ethereal: "That's why they are just storytellers, but I, Wen Renzheng, are revered as Heavenly Sword."

Liu Mingzhi nodded happily: "Old man, if this is the case, the boy will be completely relieved."

"Go back to the city and take a medicinal bath."

Ryan seven years November eighteenth.

The peace between the three countries remains the same, and there is nothing wrong with each other.

Yingzhou Chengshan Customs has ushered in the third heavy snowfall.

And the gloomy sky in the capital city of Dalong also began to fall with crystal clear snowflakes, covering more than a dozen state capitals inside and outside the capital in an instant.

The season of auspicious snow heralds a prosperous year.

Dozens of envoys rode out of the imperial palace on their horses, carrying command flags and carrying secret documents, and galloped away in all directions against the wind and snow.

Many golden eagle falcons raised in captivity are also standing on the shoulders of Ouchi's guards, and they will fly away as soon as the wind and snow stop.

There are various indications that the auspicious snow heralds a good year, but this snow doesn't seem to have much to do with the word auspicious.

Outside the study in the inner courtyard of Yingzhou Governor's Mansion.

Qi Yun, Qi Ya, Qinglian, Murong Shan, Wenren Yunshu, Ling Weier, and the rare Yun Qingshi, these seven beauties who are skilled in kung fu, are wearing various cloaks, and they are all wearing various weapons. Dressed in strong clothes, wrapping her exquisite and delicate body, she wandered cautiously outside the study room with pretty eyes.

Snowflakes are falling from the sky, and the seven beauties are like seven fairies guarding the safety of the study.

The husband's painful and hoarse voice came from the study, which did not disturb the minds of the seven beauties at all, and they were still patrolling in full force.

In the inner courtyard of the Governor's Mansion today, anyone who trespasses without summons will be killed.

The seventh girl knew from the bottom of her heart how serious the situation in the study behind her was, a single negligence would kill both the husband and the old man.

How can a storyteller be able to describe the enlightenment in a few words?

The danger in it is not humane.

Liu Mingzhi's hoarse voice lasted for half an hour before it gradually subsided.

The seven women looked at each other, and subconsciously looked at the door behind them. Seeing that the door had not been opened, the seven women concealed a trace of solemnity in their eyes, nodded silently and continued to inspect.

The seven women's faces were calm, but their hearts were extremely entangled.

Whether the transmission of the exercises was a success or a failure has become a lingering question in the minds of the women.

Because of the snow falling in the sky, the already dark sky became darker earlier. As dusk fell, the girls had already forgotten what time it was.

Finally, the sound of the door opening came, and Wen Renzheng walked out with a calm expression on his face.

"Prepare hot water, let Liu Xiaozi take a bath and change clothes!"

"Yes, old man."

Seeing the old man like this, the girls were all relieved.

Except for Wenren Yunshu and Liuxuan, they all ran to the backyard to get busy.

It wasn't until it was completely dark that Young Master Liu walked towards Wenren Yunshu's courtyard with a lantern in his hands.

"Master, are you there?"

"come in!"


The lights were dim, and the conversation in the room never stopped.

Sometimes indignant, sometimes passionate, sometimes heroic, sometimes low, sometimes lonely, sometimes sighing.

Dongfang Jianliang heard a long sigh.

"Boy, stick to your heart, and you will always be there."

"Shu'er's old man has already made arrangements, remember the old man's words, don't let her down, treat her well."

"Old man, where are you going? You have to give the kid a direction. If the kid gets married to Shu'er in the future, how can we do it without you always being there?"

"The sky is big and the earth is big, there is a place for my seven-foot body to settle down."

"Where to go, let's take a step at a time. Fortunately, your brat's tendons have left some strength for the old man to go back to the way he came."

"The world is so big, I want to go see it again."

"Old man, since you've made up your mind to go, I won't hinder you, you must remember to write letters frequently to report your safety."

"Understood, the old man is leaving first, don't give it away, save yourself the sadness."

A celebrity policy that came and went without a trace, walked steadily towards the outside of the Governor's Mansion with a burden on his back.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wen Renzheng's back and sighed silently: "Old man, take care."

"Liu Mingzhi, grandpa is gone?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the Wenren Yunshu who didn't know when he came to him, and Wenren Yunshu nodded slightly with misty eyes, and slowly opened his arms.

"Shu'er, cry if you want, it's even more uncomfortable if you hold it in your heart."

Wenren Yun Shu threw himself into the arms of his sweetheart like a flying swallow returning to its nest, hugging his sweetheart tightly and sobbing.

"Ami. Bah. Immeasurable longevity, Wenren boy, do you want to cultivate immortality with the poor?"

(End of this chapter)

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