My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1239 Urgent Call to Beijing

Chapter 1239 Urgent Call to Beijing
It was half a month after Wen Renzheng left.

While dealing with the official duties sent by Yu Chengle, Young Master Liu calmed down and calmed down the internal force in his body silently according to the method taught by the old man.

What Wen Renzheng said was right, he had always been too lazy.

If you don't take advantage of such a good opportunity now, you will really become an existence that cannot be supported by mud.

Liu Mingzhi didn't want to miss this opportunity, and he didn't want to disappoint the old man and Wenren Yunshu. Although the old man was not around, Wenren Yunshu was always by his side.

If you know that you have failed the old man's high expectations, you don't know how uncomfortable it will be!

Young Master Liu sat cross-legged in a strange posture in the steaming study. After a long time, Young Master Liu suddenly opened his eyes with layers of sweat on his forehead.

First Young Master Liu wiped off the fine sweat on his forehead and stood up full of doubts, looked at the four stoves in the study, walked to the window and opened the window to blow a cool breeze.

"What's going on, why can't I calm down these days, I always feel that something important is about to happen."

"In the past, my young master never had such a mysterious feeling. Could it be because the old man sealed up the internal energy in my body?"

Liu Mingzhi couldn't help thinking that the so-called innate masters in the previous life TV had an inexplicable ability to perceive heaven and man.

Raising his hand to pat on the window sill, Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly: "What will happen?"

Liu Mingzhi, who had been thinking hard for a long time, didn't have the slightest idea, so Young Master Liu heaved a sigh of relief and walked towards the door.

"Yun'er, are you in the room?"

"Husband, my concubine is sewing a new jacket for Yaoyao in the room, is there anything you can do?"

Liu Mingzhi opened the door and walked in. Qi Yun was sitting in front of the desk with a piece of light green patterned fabric and was cutting it. Seeing her husband who walked in, Qi Yun just smiled and raised her hand to pat the snowflakes on her body.

"How about it, did you break through to the fourth floor?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head silently: "I don't have a clue, I haven't been able to calm down as a husband for the past few days, and now I have nothing to do during the bathing period, so let's go out of the city to enjoy the snow?"


"Yes, my husband just checked the sky. The snow should stop in half an hour. It's the best time to go out and enjoy the snow."

"For my husband, I should go out to relax. I don't know why I always have a feeling of restlessness. I am bored at home and my thoughts are confused. It is always good to go out for a while!"

"Okay, I'll take care of you, I'll go tell Sister Lian'er and the others."

"Everyone said it, and Qing Shi also said it. It's up to them whether they go or not."

"My concubine knows."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the back of Qi Yun going out, walked to the dressing table and watched Qi Yun's regular Four Treasures of the Study writing on the rice paper with a brush.

After a while, First Young Master Liu put away the rice paper and folded it: "Liu Song!"

"Master, what are your orders?"

"Send the golden eagle that Yue'er left behind in the letter to the Kingdom of Jin. I haven't seen the two of them for a long time. The young master plans to go to Shanhaiguan to enjoy the snow and invite them to come together."

"The province politely said that I have no conscience as soon as he saw me, and forced me to eat big radishes."

"Yes, little one, go right away!"

"and many more!"

"Master, tell me!"

"Let Xiao Wu and the others bring some thick and warm felt tents, a stove, and quilts, and rush there first. They may not come back tonight. Now that they are out, let's relax."


After half a day, Young Master Liu and his party rode out of the mansion gate and headed towards Shanhaiguan outside the city.

Liu Xuan and Yun Xiaoxi were also caught in it, leading Liu Yiyi and the others to talk and laugh, and gallop towards the outside of the city at a leisurely pace.

Young Master Liu looked at the backs of his sons and daughters and shook his head with a chuckle. There might not be any improvement in reading, and he said that everyone is very proficient in riding and shooting.

I really don't know if this is good or not.

Looking at the talking and laughing people on the street sweeping away the snow, Liu Mingzhi felt extremely at ease, this is the life he really wanted to see.

The neighborhood is harmonious and thriving.

When Qi Ya and the girls looked at their husband and the people on the street, the smiles on the corners of their mouths also became proud in their hearts.

This is his own husband, a great sage who can establish a state when he is on a horse, and rule a country when he is off a horse.

"Husband, are you very happy to see the people living under the rule are so prosperous?"

"That's right, Sister Ya is right. I think back when we first came to Yingzhou City, the city was full of gloomy clouds, and the people rarely saw smiles on their faces. Looking at it now, it's really an earth-shaking change."

"In just two years, the whole of Yingzhou has been full of vitality. Compared with the rich land of fish and rice, the water town in the south of the Yangtze River is not far behind."

"Especially now that the mutual market has extended to Fuzhou, not only Yingzhou, but even the people's livelihood in Fuzhou has greatly improved."

"A few days ago, my concubines and sisters went to the street to buy rouge powder, and the common people were full of praise for you, the governor!"

"Yan'er can testify that the people praised you from the bottom of their hearts, not out of flattery. The expressions on their faces cannot be fooled."

All the girls praised your husband with every word, Liu Mingzhi was naturally very happy in his heart.

Kind words are always sweet.

"If you praise me again, I won't be able to find the north for my husband. The prosperity of Yingzhou and Fuzhou is not due to my husband alone."

"The Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Industry are indispensable to help each other. Without the help of these two ministries, the customs market here would not be as prosperous as it is today."

"More importantly, although it is an enemy country, you and I, my husband and I, spoke from our hearts for the sake of our husbands. The cooperation between the Kingdom of Jin and the Turks is indispensable for all of this."

"Although the two countries act out of interests, one cannot always look at other people's disadvantages, and should also find some other people's strengths."

"The mutual market here has brought short-term peace to the three countries, and countless merchants and common people have benefited from it."

"That alone is enough."

The girls looked at the complex-looking husband thoughtfully, as if they understood something.

"Husband, if you don't become an official, you will definitely become a great Confucian."

"That's ridiculous, ladies, let's have a competition when we get out of the city gate. Whoever arrives at Yingzui Rock in Shanhaiguan first will be given the priority to get the reward of sleeping with me tonight. You should take advantage of this opportunity."

"Don't come again when you can't miss this opportunity."



The secret spitting of all the girls can be heard endlessly, but there is a color of eagerness in their pretty eyes.

After all, they are old couples, who doesn't know who else.

There are so many sisters, it takes a day to occupy more husbands.

After leaving the city gate, all the girls looked at each other except Wenren Yunshu, and galloped away. Wenren Yunshu hesitated for a moment, but walked slowly beside Young Master Liu.

After all, they haven't shared the same bed yet, so compared to Qi Yun and others, it's inevitable that they can't let go.

Young Master Liu approached Wenren Yunshu on his horse, and patted Wenren Yunshu's white wrist: "Shu'er, let's catch up together, if you don't gallop after you come out of the horse, you will not let down the beautiful scenery bestowed by God in front of you." !"

"You can do whatever you say, Shu'er will listen to you."

Liu Mingzhi chuckled a few times, and galloped away, followed by Wenren Yunshu.

A long series of horseshoe prints were left on the snow, from the city gate to Shanhaiguan.

As dusk fell, Liu Yiyi and the little ones were once again running around Shanhaiguan where the unscrupulous father was holding a snowball. Several tents were also set up in the open space of Shanhaiguan, and smoke was emitted.

More than a dozen riders from the north came slowly.

The little cutie rode on the horse with a precious jacket, looking at her brothers and sisters who were running around and looking at the queen beside her.

"Mother, it's Daddy!"

The queen, who was dressed in a snow-white Confucian robe and a fox-fur cloak, nodded slightly: "Among the aunts you came with today, some of them have special identities, don't forget what your mother told you!"

"Understood, don't reveal the identities of mother and Yue'er, why come from the north, and say that Yue'er has gone to the Kingdom of Jin to do business!"

"Just remember it, go play, and fix your heartless old man well."

Cutie nodded heavily, got off the horse, grabbed a handful of snow, and rushed towards First Young Master Liu.

"Brother, sister, Yue'er is here to help you!"

Young Master Liu accompanied his wife and children to fight in Shanhaiguan, and a courier riding on Hongling raised the command flag and galloped into Yingzhou City and rushed directly to the Governor's Mansion.

"Shut up!"

"I am an urgent messenger from Hongling eight hundred miles away from the capital. Where is Duke Ding Liu Mingzhi?"

The gate of the Governor's Mansion opened in response, and Du Yu, who was in full armor, hurried out with a lantern.

"Du Yu met the general."

The Hongling messenger glanced at Du Yu, and took out a confidential letter from his arms.

"Your Majesty has an order to urgently summon Duke Ding Liu Mingzhi to return to Beijing as soon as possible."

"This matter has to be expedited within [-] miles, and I will trouble the general to report to Duke Dingguo to receive the order."

Du Yu was stunned, and looked with surprise on his face: "General, my lord left the city and is not in the mansion now!"

"What should I do? General, do you know where Duke Ding has gone?"

"I don't know, my lord said that I will be back early in the morning. Now that night is falling, even if I find my lord, I can't hurry back to Beijing immediately."

"I'm sorry to bother you to send someone to inform my lord immediately, and I will come back to receive the order in the morning!"

The Hongling messenger hesitated for a moment and nodded, he knew what Du Yu said was true.

Winter is not comparable to summer, now even if Liu Mingzhi is at home, he can't go on his way, the official road is frozen at night, and the carriage can't drive at all!

Otherwise, after a five-day journey, I wouldn't have arrived in Yingzhou in about ten days.

"Thank you, General, you must tell Duke Ding that this is an urgent matter, and there must be no delay!"

(End of this chapter)

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