My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1241 The dream should wake up

Chapter 1241 The dream should wake up
In the queen's tent, there was a faint fire. The clothes on the queen sitting by the fire were the same as when she came here. The only thing that changed was that her coiled hair fell down and was casually draped behind her back.

The empress put down the scroll in her hand, and looked at First Young Master Liu who got into the tent in surprise, there was some surprise in her bright eyes, but also some hidden joy.

"Why did you come to my old lady? I'm not afraid that your ladies will be jealous!"

Young Master Liu looked at the Empress with a somewhat surprised expression. Under the dim light, there was an indescribably hazy beauty against the Empress.

Liu Mingzhi couldn't help saying a word from the bottom of his heart.

It can be seen from a distance but not played with.

But the feeling and the reality are often contradictory. I am more than just looking at it from a distance, and the child is almost ten years old.

Young Master Liu crawled towards the Queen with a resentful expression: "Be polite, why don't you discuss something!"

The empress closed the scroll in her hand, it was Sun Tzu's Art of War, and put the scroll aside, the empress looked at First Young Master Liu curiously: "Tell me, if it's not too much, I will agree, if it's too much, it depends on the situation."

Young Master Liu sighed for a long time, his face was filled with embarrassment, his little finger gently scratched the back of his head, and his eyes were a little erratic.

"Borrow the radish?"

The empress narrowed her eyes slightly in a daze, and looked at First Young Master Liu with some doubts: "What did you say? Borrowing carrots? I heard right, right?"

"Hey, it's all blood and tears, I'll just say it, the thing is."

Major General Liu told the queen about Tianjian's choice of tent, and said that when Qi Ya and the six daughters were in the same tent, his tone was full of helplessness.

The queen was stunned for a moment, then burst into a chuckle, and subconsciously glanced at the Heavenly Sword on Young Master Liu's waist.

"A good sword, it will be considerate of your master!"

"Big quilt sleeping together, isn't that what you want? How about a dragon and six phoenixes, play pretty!"

The teasing meaning in the queen's words was extremely obvious, Young Master Liu looked at the narrow-eyed queen with an embarrassed expression: "Wanyan, you know my physical condition."

"As the saying goes, the more tired the cow, the thinner it becomes, and the more plowed the land becomes fatter. You don't want to see my husband die young, so you can borrow a radish out of mercy!"


Empress Haomu stretched in a complicated way, raised her white palm to support Young Master Liu's chin: "Are you a gentle husband?"

"Of course, you said it yourself when you were in Shanhaiguan last year."

"Do you believe what women say?"

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, and silently looked at the empress with a disappointed smile: "Wanyan, did I provoke you again?"

The queen shook her head silently, let go of Liu Mingzhi's chin, turned around and took out a brocade box from the pillow and handed it to Liu Mingzhi: "There are two ginseng kings inside."

"I lent it to you, don't forget to repay my mother double in the future."

Liu Mingzhi froze when he went to pick up the brocade box, and looked at the queen in horror: "Doubling?"

"Why, don't you, Dalong, borrow money from the bank and don't need to repay the interest?"


"That's it. Naturally, my mother also wants interest."

The queen smiled lightly and raised her hand to pat First Young Master Liu on the back: "How many times the interest, I will decide according to the situation."

"Go away, don't keep the beauty waiting for too long!"

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the empress who was extremely indifferent to him for a while, and very close to him for a while, wondering what happened to the empress today.

I have met privately several times in the past two years, and none of the situations have confused me as much as today.

"To put it bluntly, shall I go first?"

Young Master Liu looked at the queen tentatively, to see if the queen was testing himself.

The empress's cherry lips, which did not wear makeup, slightly raised, looking at Young Master Liu and looking at her doubtful face, she smiled lightly.

He suddenly raised his hand and pulled the ribbon around his waist: "Aren't you leaving? Naturally, it's no problem for me to repay the interest in advance, but I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."


As soon as the words fell, Young Master Liu's figure had disappeared into the tent.

The empress tied the ribbon on the willow waist with a complicated expression: "Liu Mingzhi, I'm really afraid that I won't be able to bear it if I keep being gentle."

"We've had a sweet dream between the two of us for too long, it's time to wake up."

Young Master Liu stopped in front of the empress's tent, listening to the empress' clear and pleasant words, silently looked at the brocade box in his hand and walked towards the tent in the east.

He wanted to tell Qi Ya and the others that they would not rest together today.

He wanted to spare time to spend time with the Queen, a woman who had been in debt due to external reasons.


"Liu Song, why haven't you rested yet?"

Liu Song looked around and whispered in the young master's ear.

A moment later, Liu Mingzhi's face trembled unsteadily, and the brocade box in his hand had slipped onto the snow at some point before he could react.

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses: "Where is Du Yu?"

"Yingzuiyan is waiting, he doesn't know if you have rested, young master, so let the little one take a look."

Liu Mingzhi bent down to pick up the brocade box, patted the snow traces on the brocade box and handed it to Liu Song: "Tell the young lady to rest early, young master, I have important things to do!"


Liu Mingzhi sprinted all the way towards Eagle's Mouth Rock, and his goal was the figure wandering on the snowy ground, needless to say, it must be Du Yu.

"Du Yu!"

"My lord, you haven't rested yet!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Du Yu quietly with eyes full of light: "Repeat what Hongling messenger said!"

"Yes, I was humbled an hour ago"

After Liu Mingzhi finished listening, the palm of his hand holding the Heavenly Sword creaked, and his face was extremely solemn: "In this season, eight hundred miles suddenly called me to Beijing urgently. Could it be the dragon body of the emperor?"

Du Yu's face also changed in shock when he heard Liu Mingzhi talking to himself. Although Liu Mingzhi didn't finish his words, Du Yu already understood what he meant in his heart.

"My lord, what should we do? If it's really His Majesty, shall we receive the order and return to Beijing immediately?"

"No matter how anxious you are, you have to act according to the situation. Traveling at night may be the end of fear of death!"

"Du Yu!"

"I am humble!"

"Go back immediately and pack your bags for Ben Du, and hurry back to Beijing in the early morning tomorrow!"

"Decree! I will resign first. My lord, rest early. There have been a few heavy snowfalls. The journey will definitely not be smooth. You have to make sure you have enough energy!"

"Understood, you go back first!"

The war horse neighed, and Du Yu rode his horse towards Yingzhou.

Liu Mingzhi walked to Yingzui Rock and sat down cross-legged: "Rest early, I can sleep too!"

Looking back at the direction of the tent, Liu Mingzhi hesitated in his heart, wondering if he should tell the third princess about it.

After thinking about it again and again, Liu Mingzhi still restrained this thought, and after telling the third princess, it would be unbeautiful if the third princess misses her father and makes trouble.

I can only tell her after returning to Beijing.

"I've been restless for the past few days, is it because of this?"

Liu Mingzhi put the Heavenly Sword horizontally on his lap, quietly looking at the gray night sky where there was no light at all, his thoughts were racing.

At this moment, eleven beauties are waiting for him not far away, but Liu Mingzhi can't have the slightest distraction.

The mood has already been sent to the distant capital.

Two thoughts kept turning in his mind.

Is Li Zheng's deadline approaching, or has he already?
The cold wind kept blowing on his cheeks, but it didn't make Liu Mingzhi feel the slightest discomfort. Instead, he felt an unprecedented sense of clarity in his mind.

One hour or two hours, Liu Mingzhi didn't know how long it took.

The passage of time is no longer important to Liu Mingzhi.

The sudden sensation of wriggling in his arms caused Liu Mingzhi to suddenly open his eyes. Liu Mingzhi looked down, only to see that the little cutie had slipped into his arms at some point.

The pretty face carved out of pink jade looked at her worriedly, and when she saw her father opened her eyes, the cute face was filled with joy.

"Daddy, you're awake, are you alright?"

(End of this chapter)

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