Chapter 1242
The little cutie turned around and changed her position to snuggle into Daddy's arms, looking up at First Young Master Liu: "Yue'er got up at night and saw a person sitting here who looked like Daddy, so I came over to have a look, it turned out to be really Daddy !"

"Daddy, what are you doing sitting in the snow? Aren't you afraid of the cold at night?"

"So that's the case, Yue'er, what time is it now?"

"It should be the ugly time, it's time to change to the Yin time soon."

Liu Mingzhi let out a sigh of relief, it was two or three o'clock in the middle of the night, so he had been sitting quietly for so long, but he didn't realize it at all.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the body of the daughter in his arms who was only wearing a jacket, pulled his cloak and wrapped the little cutie tightly in his arms.

"Yue'er, Daddy is leaving Yingzhou."

"What? Daddy is leaving Yingzhou, where are you going? Can Yue'er go with you?"

When Xiaocuti heard that her father was leaving Yingzhou, she reacted extremely violently.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the little cutie dotingly, and felt distressed when he saw the little cutie's reaction when he heard that he had left. After careful calculation, his daughter was already eight years old, but the days when she really stayed by his side were few and far between.

I'm afraid it's not even two years.

"Daddy is going back to Dalong's capital, and Yue'er can go, but it's inconvenient and not suitable to go now, because a huge event may happen in the capital in the future."

"Many people will be involved, and daddy may also be too busy to take care of himself. If you go to daddy and don't have time to protect you, and something goes wrong, daddy will never forgive himself for the rest of his life."

"Is it so serious? Can't Daddy be so powerful?"

"A horse always stumbles, and a man always stumbles."

"Who in this world dares to say that he is omnipotent, especially this matter, which may be far more serious than what Daddy said."

"Yue'er, you are the only daughter between father and mother. You are the only little princess in the Kingdom of Jin. If you have only one heir, you will not understand the seriousness of this matter."

"It's best if there are no accidents. The number of people who die in an accident will be a number that even my father can't estimate."

"Although Daddy didn't experience it personally, the records in the history books shocked Daddy!"

"So, you can't go to the capital with daddy."

The cutie clutched her father's arm and fell silent. The cutie was worthy of being the queen's flesh and blood, and her bright and flexible eyes were exactly the same as the queen's.

The queen has listened to the government behind the curtain for many years, and the little cutie has come to the court many times, and she has gradually acquired a trace of an emperor who is not angry and majestic.

The little cutie's flexible bright eyes turned slightly and she sighed faintly. She already had the behavior of a queen, and said a few words of Jin Guo dialect that Young Master Liu could not understand.

"Father, mother said that Jin Guo might be going to war with Dalong, will you bring people to kill Yue'er in the future?"

"You said you were short of people. As long as there are people, you can protect Yue'er. You can give you as many people as you want, 20, 30, or [-]."

"Mother said that in the future, Yue'er and Daddy will meet on the battlefield. When Yue'er grows up, she already knows what the battlefield means."

"Yue'er doesn't want to be an enemy with Daddy."

"Yue'er also knows that mother lied to Yue'er. Yue'er has long understood that Daddy was not taken hostage by Dalong's bad guys, but Daddy was originally from Dalong."

"Daddy loves Yue'er so much, Yue'er loves Daddy so much, and likes her brothers and sisters. If there is a war, what will we do?"

"But Yue'er is the princess of the Kingdom of Jin. My mother said that if the Kingdom of Jin disappears, Yue'er's uncles, uncles, and cousins ​​in the Kingdom of Jin will all die. Yue'er doesn't want to see them die."

"But Yue'er doesn't want to fight with Daddy even more."

"Oh, Yue'er is so difficult."

Young Master Liu stared blankly at his daughter in his arms, murmuring a series of Jin Guo dialects that he didn't understand, except for a sigh, he didn't know what her daughter said at all.

It's not that he has tried Jin Guo dialect for his daughter in his spare time, but Young Master Liu gave up after learning less than a few sentences.

English is not so difficult.

I am also very envious of the ability of other time-travelers to learn everything, but I don't have that talent.

"Yue'er, what are you talking about? Daddy can't understand!"

"Yue'er is praying to Daddy in Jin Guo dialect, wishing Daddy a healthy and long life in the future, free from illness and disaster."

"Pray for Dad, why are you sighing?"

"Because Daddy is leaving Yue'er again, Yue'er can't bear to part with Daddy!"

"Yue'er, Daddy really has one."

"Daddy, the moon is cold, let's go to sleep, go to sleep with mother!"

"All right!"

"Daddy hug!"

Young Master Liu heaved a long sigh, no matter what happened to Li Zheng's health, he had to go back to the capital.

Holding the little cutie, she walked towards the empress's tent. Young Master Liu had just put down her daughter when the little cutie pushed herself in, but she ran towards the tent where she lived with her sister twenty steps away.

Liu Mingzhi smiled helplessly when he noticed the little cutie's behavior, untied his cloak and clothes, and snuggled towards the queen.

"why are not you sleeping?"

When the Queen's voice came, Liu Mingzhi lay down slowly in a daze: "What about you? Did you wake up with a start or did you not fall asleep?"

"I can't sleep, I'm in a panic."

"Me too, let's talk about conversations. It's been a long time since I had a good chat."

The voices in the tent were intermittent and never stopped, and there were even a few fierce quarrels.

"Liu Mingzhi, why do you always use morality to flaunt yourself?"

"To put it bluntly, people do something and don't do something."

"It's not that I use morality to flaunt myself, but that I have my bottom line."

"You are guarding against Wanyan Chizha, he is still loyal to you, just like that, I understand Your Majesty."

"He didn't intend to kill me, and he didn't hurt my family!"

"Let's not talk about why I rebelled with just one word, and secondly, even if I really have rebellion, why should I rebel! With one mouth?"

"The Six Guards Army is not in my hands, but the 30 new army talismans are in His Majesty's hands."

"Only relying on five thousand soldiers from the governor's mansion, shall I rebel or die?"

"You always think about me from your own perspective, but do you know what I think?"

"Excluding your Majesty's reasons, you just say that the people have enough food and clothing, and my family has no worries about food and clothing. Why should I rebel in a good life?"

"It's not that I, Liu Mingzhi, disrespect you, why have you ever..."

The quarrel finally seemed to subside for fear of disturbing the rest of the rest.

The east was bright, and Liu Mingzhi got out of the tent with a tired face on his face. He looked back at the tent behind him reluctantly, and Liu Mingzhi grabbed a few handfuls of snow that turned into water and covered his face.

After shivering, Liu Mingzhi walked towards Qi Yun's tent.

After cupping tea, Liu Mingzhi gave some words to Qi Yun, changed into a black robe, put on a plain cloak and walked into another tent.

A moment later, the third princess with a drowsy face was led out by Young Master Liu, and walked towards the place where the war horses were placed.

"Liu Song, are the horses ready?"

"Master, it's been a long time."

"Yan'er, the emperor sent an order for my husband to come to Beijing. It happens that you haven't seen the emperor for a long time. Let's go back together."

The sleepiness of the third princess was gone, and she stared at her husband silently for a moment, the trace of panic in her eyes flashed away.

"The concubine obeys her husband."

Liu Mingzhi got on his horse straight away, and looked back silently at the tent not far away.

To put it bluntly, Yue'er, take care!


Seeing this, the third princess hurriedly got on her horse and followed her husband back to the city.

After a while, Liu Mingzhi from Governor's Mansion flipped through the rice paper in his hand and looked at Suzaku: "Is this the Jin Guo dialect that Yue'er speaks?"

"Exactly, these are the general meanings translated by the spies who stand by the young master's side and understand Jin Guo dialect!"

"Understood, go back first!"

"Subordinates retire."

Liu Mingzhi burned the rice paper to pieces, and looked out the window with a complicated expression: "Silly daughter, even if Daddy commits suicide, he won't touch a single hair of you."

"Daddy can't, and neither can anyone else."

"Who dares to hurt you, Daddy will make him regret coming to this world!"

"Daddy is your safety, only Daddy can put you in danger!"

Du Yu hurried in.

"My lord, you can hurry!"

Liu Mingzhi picked up the Heavenly Sword on the table and walked towards the gate of the mansion: "It's not too late, return to Beijing as soon as possible."

Ten days later, the three princesses Liu Mingzhi and fifty soldiers tightened their horses and stopped in front of the north gate of Dalong Capital.

Looking at the heavily guarded city gates, especially Liu Mingzhi, the imperial guard who guarded [-]% more guards on the city walls than before, his heart became heavier.

A team of about 80 people in front of him slowly entered the city after undergoing inspection.

Liu Mingzhi could see clearly that it was the banner of his uncle, General of the Huben Army, Yun Chong, and the banner of Jing Guo Gong Yunyang, an old Duke who stood shoulder to shoulder with Wu Guo Gong Wan Buhai.

The five princes and the six generals entered Beijing one after another. Needless to say the seriousness of the matter.

Liu Mingzhi handed his warrant to Du Yu and asked him to give it to the city gate guards.

Liu Mingzhi silently looked at the third princess who seemed to have noticed something was wrong, and the pretty face was a little pale, and sighed silently.

Half the sky of Dalong is afraid to collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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