Chapter 1245 Amulet

The head steward waved his fly whisk with a sad face, as if he had exhausted all his strength and shouted: "Your Majesty drives to Qinzheng Palace!"

The voice was clearly transmitted through the Palace of Yu'an, and the chief executive hurriedly walked towards Li Zheng.

"Your Majesty, we will support you!"

The crown prince also hurriedly greeted him: "Father, be careful, my son will support you!"

Li Zheng raised his hand to signal the two to disperse, and smiled lightly at Liu Mingzhi who was standing aside with a sad face.

"You all back away, Mingzhi, come and support Zhen Linchao."

"My son obeys the order."

Young Master Liu glanced at the prince, walked towards Li Zheng, supported Li Zheng's arm, and walked towards the outside of Yu'an Hall.

"Father, be careful where you step."

Li Zheng stepped out of the tall threshold of the palace gate with difficulty, looking at the towering and majestic palace with eyes full of nostalgia.

This is the place where I have worked hard for 35 years. Since I was a young man in the prime of life, I have now become a dying old man.

In the blink of an eye, 35 years of time flew by, and I couldn't react as quickly as a fleeting moment.

Fifty knows destiny, it turns out that I am already 50 years old.

The years really haven't spared me for a moment, corroding my body every day.

Old, really old.

But I am not reconciled, I haven't seen the unification of the world yet, I am proud of the overseas, and the power of the world has just begun.

Li Zheng resented the injustice of the heavens, and sighed silently: "Mingzhi, I am really old, but fortunately I am still holding on to my breath, and finally waited for you to come back!"

"I thought I couldn't wait for your lazy temper! After all, God has lived up to my expectations, and let you and my monarch and ministers meet again for the last time."

Liu Ming silently supported Li Zheng: "Father, how dare I be slack in the slightest in order to expedite the eight hundred miles. Although the road was blocked by heavy snow, fortunately, I finally rushed back, and I can pay my respects to my father again." !"

"Well, even if I blamed you wrong this time, is Yan'er back?"

"I'm back, I went to say hello to my mother!"

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back, I haven't seen her for so long, I really miss her, has my grandson Liu Chenggan come back?"

"On the way, Chengqian is too young, and Erchen didn't let him ride on the road with him. He arranged for a carriage, and we will arrive within three days!"

"Okay, I think I can hold on for three days!"


"Your Majesty, we are here!"

"Here I tell you, all the concubines, princes, and princesses in the harem will come to Qinzheng Hall to listen to the government!"

"According to the order!"

"Mingzhi, help the father to go there!"

"Your servant obeys the order, father, please pay attention to your steps!"

Liu Mingzhi supported Li Zheng who was struggling, and followed a group of eunuchs and maids to walk towards the Hall of Qinzheng.

"No, I have to take a breather."

In a short distance, Li Zheng rested three times before arriving at the apse of Qinzheng Hall.

Li Zheng sat on the dragon chair in the apse panting, waiting for Fu Hai's return.

Only when the concubines in the harem arrive, can he face the court.

"Father, have a cup of tea and catch your breath!"

Li Zheng smiled lightly and took the teacup from Liu Mingzhi: "You still have winks, but it's a pity that it's too late for me to meet you. It's been ten years, and we, father and son, have only met each other for ten years. Otherwise, we will meet soon, and I will have you to assist me." Around now, this world should have been unified in my hands long ago!"

"Father, I only lament that the heavens are not beautiful. The kindness my father has shown my son and minister these years will never be forgotten by my son."

"There is some kindness, and these are what you should get."

"In the past ten years, you have solved countless troubles, large and small, for me. I am not a foolish king. If you have merit, you will be rewarded, and if you have done wrong, you will be punished."

"You boy, you have made a lot of achievements, and you have made me angry. I admire you and gnash my teeth at the same time."

"Father, please forgive me. When I was young, my son had a very playful personality, which made my father bother me."

"Say no worries, people have to go through a process when they grow up, everyone has a time when they are young and energetic, and I was ridiculous when I was young, now it's different to turn around and reform."

"It's just that I won't be here in the future, so don't be so lazy again."

"Not every emperor is as tolerant as I am!"

"My son obeys the order, and must bear in mind the teachings of the father."

Li Zheng looked at Liu Mingzhi complicatedly with old and sharp eyes and sighed.

"That's all, old Zhou!"

"Your Majesty, we are here!"


The chief manager hurriedly took the vermilion pen on the side and waited.

"As long as Dingguo Gong Liu Mingzhi does not seek power and usurp the throne, rebel and deceive the emperor, he can be exonerated from the death penalty for the following crimes."

Old Zhou Yi was taken aback, and looked at Liu Mingzhi in amazement: "We obey the order!"

While the chief executive was waving his pen, Li Zheng looked quietly at Li Baiyu, who was also a little stunned.


Li Baiyu immediately came back to his senses: "My son obeys the order."

Li Zheng nodded silently and raised his hand to pat Liu Mingzhi, who was equally astonished: "Mingzhi, there has never been a gap between our monarchs and ministers."

"There is also a rare story between the monarchs and ministers of the Dalong Dynasty."

"For this good story, Father finally gave you an amulet. I hope you don't use this amulet to be a tiger's minion and do injustice."

"I have let down my father's good intentions. When the time comes, my father will be scolded by future generations for not distinguishing between loyalty and traitors. I don't know people well. I will let my father die with regret!"

Liu Mingzhi knelt gently in front of Li Zheng. This kneeling was not a monarch or minister, but a son-in-law.

"Liu Mingzhi, my child, you must remember the teachings and never let down the kindness of your father!"

"Don't kneel down at every turn. I hate this kind of thing. It's knocking down our Han family's bones."

"You people, until now you don't understand what I really like. I give you the honor of not worshiping the king, but I don't like to see the important officials of the court bowing their knees in front of me and submissive."

"Following the example, if all the tens of millions of people in my Dalong have turned into soft bones, you people are very responsible!"

"I told you repeatedly that my dragon is not happy to kneel and worship, why don't you people listen!"

"Father, please forgive me. This is my son's kneeling down to my father-in-law. You should accept it."

"It sounds good, I like it."

"Your Majesty, the queen empress has led a group of concubines and princes and princesses into the palace through the main entrance, waiting for your majesty to come to court!"

Li Zheng put down his teacup: "Ming Zhi helped me to rise up. In his position, he seeks his own government. He will be a king for a day and be a king for life."

"Even if I'm about to die, the last group of Chaozhen has to deal with it!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded with sour eyes: "Yes, my son helped you up!"

"His Majesty is here!"

"My ministers see my emperor, long live, long live!"

"No courtesy, take a seat!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The Hall of Qinzheng, which was quite spacious in the past, is almost full at the moment.

Civil and military officials, important officials from all over the country who rushed back to the capital, vassal kings, concubines in the harem, and princes and princesses who have not yet secluded their homes are all included in this list.

The hall was full of gloom, so people knew in their hearts that this might be the last court meeting of Emperor Rui'an.

Liu Mingzhi supported Li Zheng to sit on the dragon chair, and was about to step down from one side and kneel down.

Li Zheng raised his head to stop Liu Mingzhi.

"Mingzhi, you don't need to go down, just stand beside the emperor and face the court."

The names of Ming Zhi, Father Emperor, and not Liu Aiqing and Zhen shocked all civil and military officials.

Liu Mingzhi was stunned and quickly recovered: "Father, how dare my son stand on the dragon platform!"

The chief executive can stand on the dragon platform, the prince can stand, the empress dowager, and the empress can sit next to each other, but foreign officials have never had this honor. They can stand on the dragon platform next to the emperor's dragon chair and listen to court.

Li Zheng glanced majestically at the astonished civil and military officials below: "Father says he can stand, so he can stand, stand next to Father and listen to court!"

"Here, the minister obeys the order!"

Some people below stared blankly at First Young Master Liu who was standing on the dragon platform with the crown prince on the left and right, and their hearts were full of emotions.

This is to put Ding Guogong in the same position as the prince. In the future, when the prince ascends the throne, he will be the auxiliary minister who will take charge of the government.

Although Young Master Liu had been a regent, it was just Li Zheng's scheme at that time.

Once the prince ascends the throne, the auxiliary ministers will be under one person and over ten thousand people.

Li Baihong, Li Yunlong and other feudal lords looked at Liu Mingzhi unwillingly, they understood that this was what their father showed them.

The talents of the national scholars have been completely tied to the prince's chariot, and those unrealistic thoughts should stop.

For a while, some people are happy and some are sad

(End of this chapter)

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