Chapter 1246
With his own words, Li Zheng established Young Master Liu's position above the court in the future.

Since there was no disagreement with the civil and military officials, naturally there would be no quarrels, and Li Zheng didn't need to make such a move to fight against everyone's opinions.

No one in the court is a fool, and no one wants to stroke the beard of a tiger who has been rated as the unrivaled hero before the emperor's life is dying.

Because at this time, the emperor didn't have to be afraid of the nagging censor talking in his ear when he did something out of the ordinary.

Xia Gongming, the censor of the three dynasties, knew these things best. Li Zheng was already the third emperor he had loyal to.

Xia Gongming, who had always been picky about Li Zhengheng, who didn't conform to the etiquette here and violated the rules of his ancestors there, also chose to keep silent this time at the court meeting.

He is straightforward by nature, but he is not stupid.

At this time, Li Zheng was the real king without jokes above the court, and the majesty of the emperor was inviolable.

All civil and military officials stared at Young Master Liu who stood on the dragon platform with complicated expressions and envy, and regretted endlessly, and some were happy for Young Master Liu from the bottom of their hearts.

Song Yu, Jia Youwei, and Du Chenghao were the first choices.

Du Chenghao was naturally happy that his son was with the right person, as long as he didn't make mistakes in the future, he would be a great minister sooner or later.

Although he couldn't be like Ding Guogong, one person could be under one person and over ten thousand people, but being in the second class and wearing a red purple robe has surpassed Du Chenghao's psychological expectations.

People, accept what you see, don't be greedy, otherwise you will end up harming yourself and others.

Du Chenghao, who has been in the court for many years, can understand the deep meaning of it best.

Li Zheng silently looked at the civil and military officials who chose to obey, his deep eyes showed a look of satisfaction.

Although he is about to die, he is still the unrivaled hero in the hearts of all officials.

This life is enough.

The third princess knelt and sat on the side of Queen Nangong Meng, looking at her husband's prominent position, although she was happy in her heart, but when she thought of her father's body, she didn't know whether to be happy or sad for a moment.

God is really ruthless, to have such a thing happen to him at the same time.

"Old Zhou!"

"Your Majesty, we are here!"


"According to the order!"

The chief manager sorted out his mood, took a volume of imperial decree from the little eunuch at the side, and slowly tore it apart.

"Dalong Emperor Zhiyue!"

"Since I ascended the throne, I have abolished torture, promoted water conservancy, improved agriculture and mulberry, and improved the people. I have never slacked off."

"Although I am occasionally slack, I am not ashamed of my ancestors, of the Li people, and of the country."

"It has been thirty and five years since I became the throne. Although I have no great merit, I have also worked hard and solitary."

"I have been in power for 35 years, and I have never carried out extravagant construction and construction. I am afraid that the officials and the people will follow suit and destroy my simple and simple folk customs in China."

"I accept advice with an open mind, accept elegant words, and act to rule the world."

"Over the years, I have never neglected the people of the Li people in controlling floods and eradicating locust plagues."

"Eliminate the white lotus to eradicate the banditry, pacify the Western Regions to open up the territory, prosper the mutual market to enrich the people, go to the Western Ocean to make a name for yourself overseas, reclaim the lost land and restore our rivers and mountains."

"One by one, one by one, the official censor has his own conclusions. I don't care about merits and demerits, and I will comment on them for future generations."

"My funeral is a big thing, the internal affairs, the clan and the family, obey the edict, abolish the old system of burial of living people, and introduce new rules of burial of pottery figurines."

A group of concubines in the harem stared blankly at the chief executive who was holding up the sacred decree, and Li Zheng, who was sitting on the dragon chair with a majestic expression.

For these concubines, it is a matter of joy from heaven to dethrone the living and bury them.

Because no one knows who among themselves and others will be given a cup of poisoned wine or a ten-foot white silk to be buried with the deceased emperor by the Li family members of the clan mansion.

According to the ancestral system, concubines who have not given birth to children are the best candidates to bear the brunt.

Some people entered the palace as concubines because of helplessness, and some people had sincere feelings for Li Zheng.

But thinking of the brutal and inhuman burial, the concubines still felt a little sad.

Now that the imperial decree is issued, although I and others will be 'sent' out of the palace by the new king to live in seclusion in the clan's mansion, there is no need for Fanghua to die early.

After all, the youngest concubine among myself and others is only 30 years old this year. It is a cruel and inhuman punishment to be buried with her at such a young age.

Therefore, dozens of concubines looked at Li Zheng earnestly, and sincerely thanked this man from the bottom of their hearts.

"Northern departure is imminent. After my great journey, the funeral should not be extravagant. It will not violate the rules of the ancestors. Keep everything simple and save the treasury."

"Today, although the national treasury is abundant, the world is so big that the treasury has a lot of expenses, so it should not be wasted here."

"Recalling bitterness and thinking of sweetness, always remember the sufferings of the past, and I have endured the hardships of saving."

"In a short time, the prince will succeed to the throne, fulfill my last wish, unify the world, and embark on the great cause of the Northern Expedition!"

"Be sure to pour the power of the country to support the Northern Expedition!"

"If the world is not unified for a day, I will die with peace in my eyes!"

"Running the heavenly soldiers, chasing beards, expelling bandits, and rejuvenating our Chinese world."

"Rectify my mighty power of China!"

"It is also a merit that will not be born in the world. First, I will comfort the spirits of the martyrs of the past dynasties, and it will not be easy to bring peace to future generations."

"I can't be that holy king, but I'm determined to be a wise king."

"Kin this!"

The civil and military officials recovered from the chief executive's voice, and looked at the dying Li Zheng in shock.

Perhaps Li Zheng has done everything a good emperor should do, starting from the day he became emperor.

"Long live Long live Long live."

"Old Zhou, continue to announce the decree!"

"According to the order."

The chief steward picked up the second volume of imperial decree.

"Son of the Great Dragon told me."

"The crown prince ascended the throne, and set up five assistant ministers to assist the new emperor for three years, and returned to the original position after three years."

"Dingguo Gong Liu Mingzhi, in charge of soldiers, Hu, Honglu Temple, Dali Temple."

"Left Prime Minister Wei Yong is in charge of the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of Punishments, the Secretary of Agriculture, and the Taipu Temple."

"You Xiangtong Sansi is in charge of the Ministry of Rites, Ministry of Industry, Dianke, and Supervisor of the Shaofu."

"The right to speak out must not exceed the internal power of the six ministries."

"Duke Yunyang of Jingguo controls six soldiers and three horses, and the commander-in-chief of Anxi's Protectorate."

"Practice restraint, don't interfere with the six soldiers and three horses, and Anxi protects the internal power of the mansion."

"Xia Gongming, the imperial historian, has the right to gossip and report affairs, and supervise all officials."

"Kin this!"

"The ministers and others obey the order, long live my emperor."

Liu Mingzhi, Wei Yong, Tong Sansi, Yunyang, and Xia Gongming let out a sigh of relief, with different thoughts. It was unexpected that Li Zheng had paved the way for the prince to such an extent.

It's just that Liu himself and the others seem to be in control, but in fact all the power is concentrated on the future new king.

Liu Mingzhi's mood was extremely complicated. The military department was in charge of the world's soldiers and horses, and the household department was in charge of the world's money and food, but they were all under his own rule. I don't know if Li Zheng did this unintentionally or on purpose?

How can soldiers, horses, and money and food be concentrated in the hands of one person? Even if there is only the right to advise, but not the power to control the two ministries, this is a power that cannot be ignored.

Did Li Zheng trust him so much?

Thinking of this, Liu Mingzhi recalled what happened to him in Donghai, and felt a faint feeling of indebtedness in his heart.


"My son is here."

"At the beginning of enthronement, the power is in your hands, and it is inevitable that you will be stupid. You must always reflect on yourself and accept advice. You must not be stupid and become a foolish king!"

"Otherwise, the golden whip in Duke Ding's hand will fall on your forehead. Don't blame your father for not giving you an early warning!"

"My son must remember the teachings of my father."

"Mingzhi, my son is here!"

"The Golden Whip given to you by your father is to assist the new ruler and become a wise ruler, not to help the evildoer. You must not join forces with the prince and make the court filthy."

"Otherwise, even if I have a spirit in the sky, I can't punish you two brothers, but you can't stop the people all over the world from talking."

"People have steelyards in their hearts, so don't tilt the two of you."

"I have failed my father's painstaking efforts!"

"My son obeys the decree and never dares to forget it!"

Li Zheng let out a sigh of relief, and finally took a slow look at the Hall of Qinzheng.


"Your Majesty ordered you to retreat."

"I will send you to Your Majesty."

Li Zheng stood up slowly, looking at the backs of the civil and military officials who were slowly receding, there was no concealment of nostalgia in his eyes.

After all, the monarch and his ministers have been for many years, and they are sincerely reluctant.

Maybe this dispersal is the last time we meet in this life.


"My son is here!"

"Let Fu Hai lead the way for you, you go to the viewing platform of the Royal Garden and wait for the emperor!"

Observation deck, the highest place in the palace.

Liu Mingzhi is the place where Li Zheng presented the binoculars.

"My son obeys the order!"

(End of this chapter)

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