Chapter 1259 Illusion
"His Majesty is here!"

"My ministers see my emperor, long live, long live!"

"My dear ones, please take your seat without courtesy."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The same old rules, except that the person on the dragon chair is no longer Li Zheng, but Li Baiyu.

Li Baiyu also changed into a dragon robe made by Shangyifang, and quietly scanned the civil and military officials below.

Compared with the day when he ascended the throne, Li Baiyu's state of mind at this moment is very different from that at the beginning, although during his father's reign, he helped his father deal with the memorials a lot.

But those were all small memorials, and the real big decision was made by the father.

At that time, I didn't feel anything, but now that I really sat on the dragon chair and looked down at the civil and military officials, Li Baiyu really realized the feeling of his father sitting on the dragon chair.

How high-spirited, powerful, and the heroes of the world are in my hands.

Perhaps this is the fundamental reason why this chair is so attractive.

Li Baiyu glanced at the vassal brothers who had not yet left for the fiefdom because of his father, and slowly withdrew his gaze.

He knows that these brothers are still not convinced by him, but the world has been fixed, so what if they are not convinced.

Li Baiyu gave a slight nod to Zeng Hai, the chief executive at the side, and gave a look.

Zeng Hai understood, cleared his throat and stretched out the imperial edict he was holding.

"Emperor Dalong issued an edict!"

"The country cannot be without a king for a day, and the harem cannot be without a master for a day!"

"I have heard of Yun Xiaoxi, the daughter of General Hu Benwei Yun Chong's knee."

"Tasting this woman, Shuzhen is sincere, diligent and submissive, graceful and elegant, and gentle in nature."


"Be the lord of the harem, command the six palaces, and be the mother of the world."

"Today, Yun Xiaoxi can be conferred the title of Empress Xiaochun."

"Three days later, on the auspicious day, we will have a national wedding."

"Amnesty to the world, blessing to all people."

"Kin this!"

"My Emperor Shengming, long live long live!"

Prince Jing Yunyang, who was dozing off with squinted eyes, also opened his eyes and came out holding the wat: "Thank you, Your Majesty, the old minister accepts the order!"

Holding the imperial decree, Zeng Hai walked down the Dragon Terrace, and respectfully handed the imperial decree into Yunyang's hands. Facing a veteran of the three dynasties, he, the newly promoted chief executive, did not dare to put on airs in the slightest.

"Aiqings, do you want to play?"

Young Master Liu looked at each other tacitly, and Wei Yong walked out.

"Your Majesty, on the first day of the Great Court Meeting, all ministries and divisions have not received any memorials from the state governments except for the backlog of official documents from years ago."

"Your Majesty, we have not received it either."

"Now the big dragon is peaceful and peaceful all over the world."

"Since this is the case, all love ministers will perform their own duties and start to deal with the backlog of memorials."

"Ministry of Rites, the Clan House's House of Internal Affairs is starting to prepare for the wedding between me and the Queen!"

"The ministers obey the order."

This is the case for the Great Court Meeting every year. When Li Zheng was in power, the first court meeting came and went quickly, and Li Baiyu did not make any major changes when he inherited his father's business.

The only thing that was busy was the third department of the Ministry of Rites to deal with the wedding of Li Baiyu and Yun Xiaoxi.


"Sir, please retire!"

Liu Mingzhi glanced lightly at Yunyang who was yawning and leaving. The incident about Xiaoxi might make this old fox come to his senses.

But Liu Mingzhi has no choice!

Both the old man and the aunt have reached this point, so I can only help with all my strength.

"My lord, the late emperor made a great trip. The Kingdom of Jin and the Turks sent many envoys to deliver the funeral, but they are still stranded in Honglu Temple. My lord, let's see how to properly handle this matter!"

"Originally, I wanted to report this matter today, but your majesty is preparing for the wedding. It is unavoidable to mention the funeral of the late emperor. I don't know what you mean?"

Wang He, Minister of Honghe Temple, was walking to Young Master Liu, and asked bluntly, after all, Honglu Temple was also under the name of First Young Master Liu, the assistant minister.

Liu Mingzhi pondered for a moment: "I will not report this matter to His Majesty for the time being, and deal with it immediately according to the old system!"

"Understood! It's just that my lord, Xiaguan has something to say. I accidentally discovered that among the envoys from the Turks of the Kingdom of Jin, there seemed to be two people who had quite a relationship with the King of Shu and His Royal Highness King Qing. many."

"There won't be any spies among these messengers!"

"The lower officials thought about it for a while, worried that they might push the King of Shu and the others away."

Wang Hezheng didn't say the next thing, but Liu Mingzhi already understood it in his heart.

Frowning slightly, Liu Mingzhi looked at the King of Shu and the others who were leaving hand in hand: "Master Wang!"

"My lord, tell me!"

"Besides me, don't tell anyone about this matter for the time being, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings."

"King Qing, the King of Shu and the others have the blood of the Li family's royal family, so they shouldn't be confused about matters of right and wrong."

"If you let this matter out, Wei Xiang, Tong Xiang and the others take advantage of the criticism of the royal family's name and go online, it will be difficult for both of us."

"You send people to watch secretly first. Before there is any real evidence, it's as if this incident didn't happen!"

"Xiaguan understands, there is nothing else, Xiaguan will go back to the yamen first!"

"Well, go slowly!"

Liu Mingzhi looked in the direction of the palace gate with a gloomy gaze. The second Emperor Wen Jing worked hard to manage and accumulated so many family fortunes, and only then did he gain the reputation of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty through the ages.

The hard-working generation of Emperor Weihe played the name of Weihe's military disaster and allowed Dalong to recuperate for 20 years. The hardworking generation of the first emperor laid the foundation for the prosperity of Dalong. It depends on whether His Majesty can create the glory of Emperor Wu of Han again.

One of the young master's woman and daughter is the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, and the other is the princess of the Kingdom of Jin. The young master insisted on his own heart and did not do anything that left him with eternal infamy.

You guys have the blood of the Li clan in your body, so don't do something that angers people.

Otherwise, if the foundation laid by the two generations of previous emperors is destroyed in your hands, you will be traitors who can be punished by everyone.

Thinking silently in his heart, First Young Master Liu rushed home with his hands behind his back.

The matter of cousin Yun Xiaoxi has been finalized, and it is time for him to discuss the action plan with the old man.

After all, the matter of 'assassinating' the future queen cannot be sloppy, and a miss will cause eternal hatred.

One mistake could implicate the entire Liu family and even the Yun family.

After discussing the long-term plan for so long, First Young Master Liu still can't feel completely at ease. Only when he sits down and strives for perfection, can he be sure that nothing will go wrong, can Liu Mingzhi feel at ease in his heart.

After all, although doing so is not rebellion, it is no different from rebellion.

Once the matter is revealed, even if Li Zheng has abolished the torture of Yi San Zhu Jiu, the whole family of the Liu family still cannot escape death.

There is nothing more meritorious than rescuing someone, and no greater crime than treason.

The decree to avoid death once can't avoid this matter.

Although Liu Mingzhi was unwilling to do this in his heart, the old man and his aunt had already eaten the weight and made up their minds to do this.

If you don't want to wade through this muddy water, you have to wade through it, and there is no turning back at all.

"Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi, because of your escaping marriage, the whole family of the Liu family will be mobilized. After you hide your name, you must not expose it!"

"Otherwise everyone will be implicated."

"In today's world, Li is still the head of the family!"


Out of the palace gate, Liu Mingzhi, who turned on his horse and walked a few meters away, was stunned, the Heavenly Sword in his hand was slightly unsheathed half an inch, and his eyes scanned the surroundings cautiously!

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi withdrew the Heavenly Sword, and hurried towards the door in a daze.


(End of this chapter)

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