My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1260 It is unknown who will kill the deer

Chapter 1260 It is unknown who will kill the deer

A long time after Young Master Liu left, two figures walked out of a three-story restaurant on the side of the main street.

It is the empress of the Kingdom of Jin and Huier, the commander of the admiral who is inseparable from her.

Hui'er looked at the empress who also frowned tightly with lingering fear in her heart: "My lord, when did Master Liu's insight become so sharp? Is this still a person in the eighth-rank realm?"

"It's normal, not to mention the eighth-rank realm, even half-step Xiantian Hui'er doesn't show her aura, and others can't notice it, but on the other hand, Master Liu, we just stared at him twice, and Master Liu reacted!"

"Could it be that Young Master Liu has broken through to a higher strength long ago, but has been hiding his strength?"

"Or did Master Liu have some incredible adventures in two months?"

The empress looked in the direction of Liu Mansion, but layers of restaurants and inns blocked her view, and the empress could not see anything at all.

The queen did not answer Huier's question directly, but stood by the window and quietly scanned the crowd on the street.

After a long time, the empress stared at one place for a long time, and pondered for a moment thoughtfully.

The queen raised her hand and pointed: "Hui'er, did you see those two men in plain clothes standing by the booth pretending to be shopping?"

Hui'er leaned forward and stared at the two men in plain clothes silently: "The mind is not on the goods, obviously they are not the customers who really want to buy the goods."

"The standing position between the two is both offensive and defensive. The shoes on the feet are Qingyun shoes worn by people in the Dalong Jianghu. They are light and nimble in action!"

"The hands holding the goods are slightly swinging outwards. It can be seen from the habit of holding weapons all the year round!"

"Watching in the direction of the Dragon Palace intentionally or unintentionally, there must be ghosts."

"Especially these two people who have a vague evil spirit and are very concentrated. At first glance, they look like dead soldiers who have been trained by others."

"Hui'er is in charge of the Admiral's Department, so she is too familiar with the aura of these two people. At first glance, it looks like a murderous existence."

"I just don't know which faction these two belong to!"

While Hui'er was speaking, the two plain-clothed men took out their silver and bought two ordinary items and left hand in hand.

Huier's brows were full of doubts: "Why did you leave? Aren't they monitoring the Dragon Palace?"

The queen tilted her head slightly, and nunu cherry lips turned in another direction: "Look over there!"

Hui'er turned her head to look, and saw that although the two men in plain clothes were slightly different in dress, they were not the same. They changed booths and continued to talk with the boss. Their behavior was the same as the two men in plain clothes, observing the palace from time to time. Direction, everyone will pay attention to everyone who enters and exits the palace.

Huier nodded in amazement: "You are so vigilant, monitor Dalong's palace in batches, and avoid letting the stall owner get acquainted with your appearance!"

"Why has Huier never heard of such a rigorously trained force?"

"And why do these forces monitor Dalong's palace?"

"The unconscionable person doesn't necessarily have a different expression when he finds our traces. Maybe it's the casual observation of these evil-looking people in plain clothes that made him realize that something is wrong."

The queen smiled faintly: "It's a friend, not an enemy. Since the palace that monitors Dalong may be my Dajin's friend, let Mingque try to get in touch with them and see if we can make friends!"

"Maybe there will be unexpected gains!"

"Yes, Huier will take the opportunity to arrange it."

"My lord, do you want Hui'er to notify Master Liu of your arrival, after all, it's not easy to come to Dalong, it's a pity not to see each other!"

The empress was slightly startled, her bright eyes were struggling, and after a long time the empress shook her head resolutely: "No need, I am not here for Dalong this time."

"Now the situation is grim, it is better to be rare or rare."

"As long as the great cause is successful, there will be many opportunities in the future, not in a short period of time."

"Yes, Huier understands!"

"The black crow sees the Lord!"

The queen turned her head slightly, and looked at a beautiful woman who was disguised as a man but was still difficult to be pretty: "How is it? Have the arrangements been made properly?"

"Returning to the Lord, we have already contacted. The five vassal kings of Dalong are waiting for the Lord to visit us at the Tianzi Pavilion on the top floor of Tianxiang Tower."

"The subordinates have already made arrangements. The master will talk to them through the bead curtain. The identity of the master will never be revealed."

The queen nodded slightly: "It's done well. Is there a spy shadow tail behind them? This is not the capital, and the spy shadow people are everywhere. I don't want to be captured by the dragon's people before I finish my mission. If it happens, I will be captured by the dragon emperor." Blackmail Yue'er and Uncle Huang's bargaining chip."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the spies watching them have already been lured away by Ziniao and the others."

"The few of them were also very cautious. They changed clothes with the servants after going around a long way, and sneaked into Tianxiang Tower in disguise!"

"The possibility of the Lord being in danger is extremely slim!"

The queen glanced at the two men in plain clothes outside the window and walked directly to the door: "Hui'er, go to the appointment!"


Huier took out an ingot of silver and threw it on the table, followed the Queen out of the restaurant and rushed towards Tianxiang Tower.

The black crow disappeared without a trace.

In the Tianzi Pavilion of Tianxiang Tower, Li Baihong and his brothers sat facing each other with sullen expressions.

"As long as the funeral period of the father is over, we will all have to leave Beijing. If we want to make another appointment, we will be restricted everywhere. We must finalize the matter now."

The hesitation on the brows of Li Yunping, the fourth child, still did not decrease.

"Second brother, third brother, the father has arranged all the funeral affairs for the eldest brother before the emperor's visit."

"Second sister, Li Ran, has always followed her elder brother's lead since she was a child."

"General Wan Mingliang of the Tiger and Leopard Guard already has a good feeling for the elder brother, and the second sister's reconciliation must have already stood on the elder brother's side."

"Flying Eagle Wei Nangongye is Big Brother's biological uncle, he must be determined to support Big Brother!"

"The marriage between eldest brother and that little overlord of the Yun family has also been settled. After getting married, Huben Jun will definitely be on the side of eldest brother."

"The six guards and three guards in northern Xinjiang have become the eldest brother's."

"Longwuwei, Huxiangwei, and Xiaoguowei are the three guards. Zhang Kuang is loyal to his father. After the eldest brother succeeds to the throne, he will support him in all likelihood!"

"Tiger Flying Guard and Xiao Guo Guard have no chance of winning."

"The Six Guards of Northern Xinjiang break the relationship between bones and tendons. How do we fight?"

"The only chance is to win over my brother-in-law Liu Mingzhi. He has commanded 40 troops of the Six Guards of Northern Xinjiang for the Western Expedition. There are many prestigious disciples and old officials in the army!"

"Although it can't be said that he raised his arms and responded completely, it's still better than our small fights here!"

"But now you have seen how my brother-in-law treats my elder brother too well. That is my full support. There is no possibility for us!"

"I have no choice but to come here today, but I still hope that the brothers will think twice."

"The universe has been decided, don't waste your efforts!"

"Father is wise and wise, he has already paved all the back roads for eldest brother, we can't beat father."

"So what if there are some storms, the final result is not calm, and the heads of the few of us will be sent to the eldest brother for nothing!"

"My lord, this commander thinks that what you said is a bit premature!"

"Thousands and miles of mountains and rivers, the virtuous live there, the capable live there, and the ambitious live here!"

"The general trend of the world is changing rapidly, especially who will die!"

(End of this chapter)

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