Chapter 1261
The Li Bohong brothers were startled by the sudden voice behind the bead curtain, and their hearts trembled.

When the speaker came, I and others didn't notice at all.

Except for the Li Yunlong brothers, all of them gave the guards standing behind them winks. If the words I waited for just now were accidentally spread, it would be enough for my brothers to die several times!

Li Yunlong raised his head slowly, signaling to the brothers to stay calm.

Although Li Baihong and the others didn't know the reason, they still chose to believe in Li Yunlong. They had to believe, after all, they were all grasshoppers on the same rope.

No one could run away if something happened, but no order was given to the guards to cancel the alert.

After all, it was a matter of killing the head, so it is better to be careful in everything.

Li Yunlong glanced into the bead curtain with a calm face, but the bead curtain was set up very cleverly, the people inside could roughly see the situation outside, but from the outside looking in, they could only vaguely see two figures.

Unable to know the true face of Lushan, Li Yunlong was a little disappointed, and gently raised the wine glass in front of him: "May I ask which one is coming?"

"Wan Yang, the Imperial Commander of the Kingdom of Jin, is very polite. I have met all the princes."

When the queen revealed her identity, except for Li Yunlong sitting quietly, the hearts of the other four brothers suddenly thumped.

Li Baihong stared at Li Yunlong closely, and tapped his fingers on the table in front of him uneasily: "Third brother, you said that someone can help us achieve great success, so you are talking about people from the Kingdom of Jin?"

"Do you know what you're doing?"

The fourth son, Li Yunping, originally wanted to retreat from this matter, but now that the empress is from the Kingdom of Jin, he felt even more reluctant.

"Third brother, don't forget who we are, and we can't fight too much about our family's affairs, but if we hook up with people from the Jin Kingdom, it's tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger."

"You must not be a national thief, otherwise, in the next hundred years, what face will we have to meet the ancestors of the Li family, and what face will we have to meet the emperor?"

Li Qing, the fifth brother, and Li Zhi, the seventh brother, also looked at each other: "Third brother, fourth brother is right!"

"Ordinary people are familiar with the truth, not to mention we are the nobles of the Li family."

"The people of the Kingdom of Jin have been eyeing my big dragon all the time, how could they kindly help us win the throne?"

The words of the brothers seemed to be heard by Li Yunlong, but they were actually said by the empress behind the bead curtain.

It can be seen that except for Li Yunlong, although the other four brothers are envious of that chair, they have not been dazed and know what to do and what not to do.

The empress behind the bead curtain narrowed her eyes slightly, and glanced at the brothers outside. She thought that the third child had already told the brothers about the matter, but the brothers still came to the appointment because they were dazzled by the benefits.

Now it seems that things are far from being as simple as I thought.

Li Yunlong kept them in the dark, and planned to drive the ducks to the shelves after meeting with him.

The queen paused slightly, staring at the position of the second child Li Baihong thoughtfully.

She noticed the hidden slyness in Li Bohong's eyes, after a little thought, the Empress nodded with understanding, and couldn't help but look at Li Bohong a few more times.

In the bottom of my heart, I secretly thought that the second child's thoughts were indeed unusual.

Although she was secretly happy but still pretended to be awe-inspiring, the empress guessed that the second child might use the idea of ​​cooperating with the enemy to remove Li Yunlong's stumbling block in the future, and she would inherit the throne grandiosely.

In other words, Li Bohong is planning to use the third child as a stepping stone.

Sure enough, people born in the royal family do not have a master with a simple mind.

On the contrary, the fourth child, the fifth child and the seventh child sincerely don't want to deal with him.

Especially the fourth child, the firm look in his eyes cannot be faked.

The queen smiled faintly, shook her head slightly, and looked at the fourth son Li Yunping with pitiful eyes.

How can you not get your shoes wet when you often walk by the river? It is difficult to get off on a pirate boat.

This is a road that is doomed to have no way to turn back. If you participate in it once, you are doomed to go only one way to the dark.

"My lords, don't be in a hurry to make a conclusion, why don't you listen to the meaning of this commander?"

Li Baihong and the others cast their gazes behind the bead curtain, wanting to hear how the queen persuaded him and the others.

The queen picked up the teacup and sipped it: "My lords, do you think that without my Dajin as a foreign aid, how sure are you that you will pull the new king who has gradually grasped the power of soldiers and horses from the dragon chair?"

"The commander will stop talking nonsense!"

"As the prince said just now, as long as the new king and the young lady of the Yun family are married, the Yun family will definitely stand by the new king. No choice."

"Three of the six guards of northern Xinjiang are in the hands of the new monarch."

"Perhaps you still think that there are three guards that can be used."

"It's just that the six guards of Northern Xinjiang are connected with each other. Do you think you have a good chance of winning over the other three guards?"

"Add 30 new cavalry and [-] imperial guards."

"With 70 elite soldiers in hand, if you don't have foreign aid to help you, you will only rely on some of the government soldiers you coerce and lure, and the soldiers in your respective fiefs."

"Although your personal soldiers have already exceeded the 5000 number stipulated by the Dalong Court, although the exact number of commanders is unknown, it is unlikely to exceed 20."

"The new king doesn't even need to go to war. Half of the 30 Northern Xinjiang Six Guards can draw out half of the experienced soldiers and strong generals to beat your rebels to pieces."

"The frontier soldiers who live by sucking blood from their knives are not a group of government soldiers with wine bags and food bags. They can be compared with the soldiers you have just recruited."

"Leaving aside the Six Guards of Northern Xinjiang who have been on the battlefield in Northern Xinjiang, your soldiers and horses are no match for the 30 new troops stationed in the capital."

"The 30 cavalry have been trained for four years from the four years in Ryan to the first year of Tai'an."

"Although they haven't been to the battlefield, their training methods must have been heard by you. It is the training method carefully formulated by Liu Mingzhi, the Duke of Ding of your country. Their instructors are all veterans who have returned from the Western Regions. .”

"This commander is not afraid of embarrassing the princes. When your troops meet them on the battlefield, they may not be able to stop their collective charge and they will be defeated in one blow."

"At that time, what will happen to the princes and even your wives and children, I don't need to go into details!"

Li Yunlong gently fiddled with the tea cover in his hand, although he didn't say a word, he kept his eyes on the brothers from the corner of his eye.

Except for the fourth brother Li Yunping, the other three were a little moved but hesitant, but whether the second child's expression was true or not, only he knew from the bottom of his heart.

"Second brother, fifth brother, seventh brother, you should think about it clearly. A person who always keeps an eye on your property suddenly said that he would help you seize the property. Do you think this is realistic?"

"A misstep will cause eternal hatred, it is not too late to rein in the horse!"

"If you dare to collude with Jin Guo, Li Yunping will not agree even if he dies. At worst, he will confess the matter to the elder brother."

"It's killing or cutting, my brother admits it!"

"In a word, my little brother has nothing to say about my family's affairs, but if I let my little brother treason the country and surrender to the enemy, I would rather die than obey!"

"Just one thought of you may kill my opponent with a million soldiers from the Great Dragon."

"At that time, what can you do if you have won the throne? Without the guards of the frontier soldiers, you will become the food on the plate and the wine in the glass in the eyes of Jin people!"

"Although the imperial throne is important, the 600-year-old Jiangshan community of my Li family is even more important!"

(End of this chapter)

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