My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1266 See How You Be a Loyal Minister

Chapter 1266 See How You Be a Loyal Minister

A mighty welcoming team came out of the palace, and walked towards Duke Jing's mansion with drums, music and music.

Although the welcoming team is grand, it is not too luxurious. Li Baiyu seems to have inherited Li Zheng's frugal character, which is a good thing for the people of the world.

Zeng Hai flicked his whisk lightly, and looked cheerfully at Yunyang, Duke of Yasukuni, who went out to greet him. It seemed that because of the approaching joy, Yunyang, who seemed lazy in one item, became a little more energetic today.

"My lord, the auspicious time is coming soon, so let the future Empress come out of the pavilion and get on the sedan chair, so as not to delay the happy moment between Your Majesty and the Empress."

Yunyang smiled lightly and nodded, looking at his son Yunchong who came from Beijiang: "Chonger, go and bring Xiaoxi out, don't delay the auspicious time."

"Yes, baby, let's go!"

Yun Chong gestured to Zeng Hai, then turned and walked towards the mansion.

When other people marry daughters, the groom personally leads the bride out of the court, but who makes his own daughter marry the emperor, and can only be carried into the palace alone to get married.

In Yun Xiaoxi's boudoir in the inner courtyard of the Yun family, Yun Xiaoxi was wearing a red wedding dress and sitting in front of the dressing table by the window!
On the day of great joy, there was no joy on Yun Xiaoxi's pretty face, instead there was a little sadness between her crescent eyebrows.

Liu Ying held a phoenix hairpin in her hand and looked at her only daughter sadly.

"Xiaoxi, have you thought it through? Once you leave the house, there is no turning back. Mother hopes that you will think carefully about it."

Yun Xiaoxi closed her phoenix eyes and nodded slightly: "Mother, Xiaoxi has figured it out, the intriguing place in the palace is really not suitable for my daughter."

"If Li Baiyu was not the daughter of the current emperor, he might have accepted his fate, but he happened to be the current emperor."

"During the reign of the first emperor, every time my daughter went to the palace to meet the empress dowager, she witnessed too many sweet words and swords."

"Chen Guifei, He Guifei and their two sons are so old, once the daughter becomes the queen, the daughter and even the heirs born in the future will have to live in open and dark arrows all the time."

"My daughter doesn't want to live a life like that. Mother's honor is worthless to her."

"My daughter really can't sit in that position."

"I don't want to live in a nightmare every day in the future."

Liu Ying touched Yun Xiaoxi's neatly combed hair with pity: "Xiaoxi, you have the best uncle and cousin in the world!"

"Your uncle said, as long as you don't want to do things, no one can force you with him!"

"The armor of the patrolling military guards is in the hidden compartment under your sedan chair. At that time, the female death row prisoner who disguised herself as you and stole a man behind her husband's back will become a corpse instead of you."

"My mother has told you exactly how to get out of the city, as long as you follow the instructions, you will be safe and sound!"

"Daughter knows, thank mother, thank uncle, and thank cousin!"

"Silly boy, don't talk to your mother about this!"


Ling Bi, the personal servant girl brought by Liu Ying from Liu's house, nodded slightly, opened the back window and released the carrier pigeon in her hand.

"Ma'am, the auspicious time is coming, Xiaoxi should go out, are you ready?"

Liu Ying heard her husband's voice, with a little apology in her eyes, she took the red hijab aside and put it on Yun Xiaoxi's head: "It's ready, let the band play!"

"That's fine, that's fine!"

After a while, the entire Yun family was filled with joy, and the joyful notes of various musical instruments echoed with the notes of the welcoming procession in front of the mansion.

Lingbi supported Yun Xiaoxi, who was wearing a red hijab, and walked slowly towards the gate of Yun's house.

In the secret courtyard of the Liu Mansion, Liu Zhi'an tore up the letter in his hand, looked at Liu Yuan with half-closed eyes, and took out a piece of golden willow leaf with mysterious texture: "Pass on the old man's willow leaf order!"

"Please tell the master!"

"Three hundred willows disguised themselves into the crowd, if the Shadow Secret Guard misses, immediately help him!"

"Ouchi bodyguards, spy shadows, and the guards of the Yasukuni Mansion, but if there are obstacles, they can be killed! If anyone is captured by the shadow secret guards, they will be killed, and the corpses will be destroyed, so that no traces can be left behind!"

"Quick battle, take Xiaoxi out of the city!"


"My brother Liu Mingzhi congratulates His Majesty on his wedding!"

"Sister Li Yan congratulates the emperor's great joy!"

"My wife, Qi Yun, congratulates His Majesty on his wedding!"

Wearing a slightly different dragon robe, Li Baiyu cheerfully looked at the young master Liu and his wife who came together: "No courtesy, no courtesy, take your seat quickly. Today is my wedding day, so don't worry about some etiquette. Just call him Brother Huang!"

"Thank you, brother!"

There were lights and festoons on the school field outside the Palace of Qinzheng, and the civil and military ministers greeted each other cheerfully after meeting.

The emperor's wedding was overjoyed, and the whole world celebrated together.

Empress Dowager Nangong Meng also put on a joyful robe, with a faint smile from her heart, she glanced at the civil and military ministers saluting Li Baiyu.

The son's position is becoming more and more stable, and there is no room for her mother to be unhappy.

Young Master Liu and his wife sat in the front seats, and Liu Mingzhi glanced around indifferently.

Everyone has vague meanings on their faces, except for two people.

Chen Guifei Chen Jie, He Guifei He Shu.

Although there were faint smiles on the faces of the two women, they were a bit against their will no matter how they looked.

It's not surprising to have such an expression, Yun Xiaoxi has become the queen of the palace, and the dreams of the two girls for many years are about to be shattered, so it's no wonder they are happy.

It is human nature to get Long and look forward to Shu.

People go to high places, and imperial concubines are far from satisfying their desire for power.

Young Master Liu himself has admitted that rights are really addictive, and it's so hard to get rid of them.

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze from the two noble concubines, and glanced lightly in the direction outside the palace.

Xiaoxi's becoming a queen died prematurely, and the two daughters are the happiest. I'm afraid the harem will be lively in the future.

Qi Yun glanced at the third princess who was going to pay respects to the Empress Dowager Nangong Meng, and lightly touched Young Master Liu's arm: "What's wrong with you, husband, why does this concubine feel that you are a little absent-minded?"

"Could it be true that what my aunt said, cousin and cousin are a natural pair, and you feel uncomfortable after Xiaoxi marries His Majesty?"

Listening to Qi Yun's teasing words, First Young Master Liu smiled and shook his head: "February Erlong raised his head, after a few days, look at the sky above his head!"

Qi Yun looked up: "It's a little gloomy! But fortunately, it doesn't look like it's raining!"

Liu Mingzhi closed his eyes silently, silly woman, the downpour is coming soon.

"Yeah, although it's not sunny, but it's not bad, it's a good weather."

On the avenue outside the palace, Empress Huier and the two led the horse and walked towards the outside of the city at a leisurely pace.

"My lord, it seems that the combination of Dalong Xinjun and the Yun family has given their brothers enough sense of crisis, otherwise they would definitely not agree to this matter so quickly."

The queen glanced around indifferently: "No matter what the reason is, it's good that this matter has been facilitated!"

"The bureau here has been set up, let's go back to China immediately, and prepare our bureau!"

"Yes, as long as Dalong is here."

As she spoke, Hui'er's expression changed and she hurriedly protected the queen behind her, her eyes cautiously scanning her surroundings.

The queen quietly touched the sword hilt at her waist with her jade hand: "Hui Er, what's the matter?"

"The smell of chilling, I always feel that something dangerous is happening on this street, it seems that the whole street is shrouded in shadow."

The queen closed her bright eyes slightly: "There is indeed a feeling of murderous aura pervading, there is no need to delay, in case something changes, leave the city immediately!"


The two queens got on their horses and watched the people on both sides of the street galloping towards the city gate.

The two empresses are on the hillside two miles away from the north gate of the capital, Zhuma City Gate.

The empress looked at the tall city wall of the capital with deep eyes.

"Li Yunlong, you are too young to plot against me."

If you have no conscience, I will do my best to let you sit on the position of Grand Marshal of the Northern Expedition. At that time, Dalong will have civil strife because of the battle for the throne.

You, the Generalissimo who holds the power of millions of soldiers and horses, still want to be a loyal minister?

A few of them have to believe it!
I'll wait and see, how can you, the general of soldiers and horses, still be a loyal minister in the face of the fragmented Dragon Dynasty.

"Hui'er, go home!"


(End of this chapter)

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