Chapter 1267
Zeng Hai took the lead and walked at the forefront of the bridal sedan chair line, cheerfully throwing happy money to the surrounding people!

Celebrating the whole world, it is natural to let the common people feel a little bit of royal happiness. After all, the day of great joy can not only win the favor of the common people, but also increase the impression of His Majesty in the hearts of the common people.

A good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

Zeng Hai knew very well that he and Li Baiyu were in a relationship of both prosperity and mutual loss. Only when the emperor's power was stabilized could he be able to go smoothly.

The emperor's power has fallen, and he, the chief executive, will naturally also fall.

Zeng Hai, who was throwing wedding money, suddenly changed his face in shock, and leaped high on the sitting horse. The moment Zeng Hai got off the horse, the sword flashed, and the horse neighed and collapsed on the ground. for two halves.

There is not even a moment of respite!
Such a shocking scene made the surrounding people scream and flee in all directions after a short period of loss of consciousness.

Zeng Hai landed steadily a few steps away from the horse's corpse, looking with horror at the main road not far away, a plain-clothed man holding a simple knife twirled an orchid and pointed.

"How dare you dare to intercept the sedan chair of the empress, and even cut off our family's mount. Our family will definitely kill you without a whole body!"

"Our family does not kill nameless people, whoever comes here dares to report their names, our family will never kill nameless ghosts!"

The Ouchi guards and the Yun family's guards who came to their senses surrounded Yun Xiaoxi's sedan chair, all the weapons in their hands were out of their sheaths, and they were staring at the plain-clothed man on the long street.

On the day of the wedding of the empress of the future, there are thieves brazenly committing crimes in broad daylight. This is a provocation to them.

Robbing?Who dares to snatch the marriage of the future empress, who dares to snatch the future wife of today's son!
For a moment, everyone didn't have time to think about it, they only knew that they must keep Yun Xiaoxi's sedan chair, otherwise they would all be punished.

The man in plain clothes was wearing a black cloth mask, staring at Zeng Hai coldly: "Whispering!"

"Brothers, do it, kill Yun Xiaoxi, you must mess up the foundation of the dragon!"

The onlookers almost fled in all directions, and there were about two or three hundred people who did not disperse. They retreated to the alley at the corner of the street to observe the situation on the eldest sister. Fluctuation is completely different from the people fleeing in all directions.

Hundreds of people in plain clothes suddenly appeared in the houses in the surrounding streets, floating towards him with weapons in their hands.

Sensing the aura of these hundreds of people in plain clothes, Zeng Hai's face changed in shock. They were all masters of the eighth-rank realm, and many of them were even in the ninth-rank realm.

What kind of power is able to come up with so many masters at once.

"Hurry up, the sedan chair protecting the empress is removed, we can't afford anything if something happens!"

The leader of the plain-clothed people waved his hand, hundreds of plain-clothed people rushed towards Yun Xiaoxi's sedan chair, and the leader of the plain-clothed people even jumped up like a big roc with wings spread, and the one in his hand rushed straight to Zeng Hai's sedan chair. Face to face.

At the same time, dozens of people in gray robes suddenly appeared around them. They were no doubt spies who were more familiar than Ouchi's guards.

Facing the murderous man in Su Yi, the spy agents each chose an opponent to fight.

The Ouchi guards wanted to escort Yun Xiaoxi's sedan chair to leave, but found that there was no way to retreat on the street, and hundreds of people in plain clothes had already surrounded the surroundings.

At this point, Tian Tian could only choose to defend the sedan chair with all his might, so as not to let the killer in plain clothes come forward.

From the bottom of my heart, I secretly prayed that the imperial guards would rush to help when they got the news.

Zeng Hai waved his whisk, and waved a mysterious palm print with his right hand, looking at the oncoming Pu Dao, Zeng Hai's expression was full of resentment.

"Our family will let you, a daring dog thief, die without a place to die!"

Fighting the simple knife with the palm, Zeng Hai must have practiced palm kung fu, the leader of the plain-clothed man didn't dare to be careless, the simple knife in his hand slightly slashed across it.

The position pointed directly at Zeng Hai's wrist.

Zeng Hai's expression changed, his palm tilted down slightly, he dodged the sharp knife, and slapped his backhand.

Zeng Hai's palm slapped the plain knife made of hundred-refined fine steel and made a buzzing sound.

"Heavenly Fiend Palm!"

"It's a pity that you are only a half-step innate realm, and you can't do anything to me if you are also a half-step innate realm. If your ancestor Zhou Fei comes, I will pay attention to it!"

The man in plain clothes was talking, but the sharp attack of the plain knife in his hand did not stop at all. He knew in his heart that there was not much time for the task entrusted to him by the master.

Must be quick.

But without receiving a message from foreign aid, he could not order his subordinates hidden on the surrounding roofs to fire rockets at the sedan chair for the time being.

Only when the master invites foreign aid to steal the real little master and rescue the real little master, can the mission of oneself and others be considered complete.

Zeng Hai fends off the attack of the leader of Su Yi, and his expression becomes more and more anxious, because no one would have thought that someone would be so bold as to intercept and kill the sedan chair of the future queen.

The [-] Ouchi guards in the wedding party, the [-] bodyguards from the Yun family, plus the sudden appearance of spies, are far inferior to the sudden appearance of the plain-clothed killer in terms of mastery.

As for the eunuchs and maids in the welcoming team, there are not many who can be the all-in-one enemy of the plain-clothed killer.

Seeing more and more casualties on his own side, the men in plain clothes squeezed the battle line little by little and approached the sedan chair. Zeng Hai was so anxious that he greeted all the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the imperial guards.

Why didn't you rush to support such an important thing?

"Your Excellency, do you know who the person you assassinated is? That is the future empress, and you are doing some outrageous things!"

"It's not too late to stop and retreat now, otherwise you will all be decapitated after the imperial guards arrive!"

"Our family has the virtue of good life, and we are willing to let you live!"

"Continue to entangle, and if it falls into the hands of our family, our family will make you ashamed!"

In desperation, Zeng Hai had no choice but to use the tactic of delaying the attack. In case Yun Xiaoxi really made a mistake, even if he had 1 heads, he couldn't afford it.

The leader of the plain-clothed man's eyes were cold, without the slightest expression of a normal person, and the plain knife in his hand slashed at Zeng Hai's waist, but was dodged by a big move by Zeng Hai.

"It's a joke, let me live, what a big tone."

"However, I came here with an order to assassinate Yun Xiaoxi. As long as your big dragon is in chaos, I will be worth my death."

Zeng Hai confronted the leader of the Su Yi people one by one, and neither of them could do anything to the other. The stone slab on the main road of the capital had already been shattered into stones by the internal force of the crowd, and the dust was flying all over the place, disturbing everyone Sight.

Zeng Hai's pupils shrank, and he swung the blade away from his neck with a palm. The killer in front of him made Zeng Hai feel more difficult than ever.

Every move wants to kill him, from killing his mount without declaring a fight to now, every move wants his own life.

"You Dalong, aren't you from my Dalong? Dog thief, who are you!"

"Go underground and ask Lord Yama!"

The billowing of smoke and dust became more and more serious, and a young man dressed as a eunuch around Yunxiaoxi's sedan chair glanced at the fighting crowd around him and flew into Yunxiaoxi's sedan chair.

Yun Xiaoxi's head covering had already been taken off, and when the eunuch Yun Xiaoxi suddenly came in, his pretty face changed: "Who are you?"

The eunuch signaled Yun Xiaoxi to keep quiet: "Miss Biao, the thousand-changing gentleman Yuan has no face and politeness. I wonder if Miss Biao has changed her armor?"

"It's you, why are you wearing eunuch's clothes?"

"Miss Cousin, these are not important, have you changed your clothes yet? There should be no delay in the slightest."

Yun Xiaoxi nodded hastily, and directly took off her phoenix gown, revealing the armor of the guards of the City Patrol Division inside.

Lord Qianbian took out a piece of clothing that was the same as the eunuch's clothing on himself from his arms and handed it to Yun Xiaoxi.

"Miss Cousin, put on this dress, and when the imperial guards arrive, you can fool yourself in the messy environment. In the end, the young master will arrange for you to leave the city wearing the armor inside!"

"Okay, I'll put it on now."

"Miss Biao, please stand aside!"

"it is good!"

Yun Xiaoxi huddled in a corner and wore eunuch clothes, and Lord Qianbian picked himself up on Yun Xiaoxi's sedan chair, and in an instant a dead body exactly like Yun Xiaoxi was picked up by Lord Qianbian!
Compared with Yun Xiaoxi, it is exactly the same, no matter how you compare, you can't see the slightest difference.

Yun Xiaoxi, who was wearing a belt, saw the red lips of the corpse subconsciously, and they were really exactly the same!
Lord Qianmian put Yun Xiaoxi's wedding dress on the corpse, and leaned him in the corner of the sedan chair.

"Hey, you stole from your husband and were sentenced to death. You have finally done a good deed and have a good journey!"

The gentleman in front gently lifted the corner of the curtain of the sedan chair, and after seeing the situation outside, he grabbed Yun Xiaoxi's willow waist and walked out of the sedan chair, directly pressed Yun Xiaoxi on the corner of the sedan chair and squatted down, holding his head and becoming trembling.

"Follow the plan!"

Yun Xiaoxi nodded softly when she heard the slight muttering, and squatted down around the sedan chair with her head in her arms like some eunuchs and maids.

Lord Thousand Faces backed away little by little until he reached an obscure position, and a signal flare exploded from the sky!
(End of this chapter)

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