Chapter 1268
The leader of the Suyi people subconsciously glanced at the explosion in the sky, and the foreign aid finally sent a message.

From the interception to the present, it seems like a short moment, but Su Yiren feels that the days are like years, after all, he and others are doing a rebellious thing.

Once captured, it will definitely end in ten deaths and no life!

But since they are alive, no one wants to die. If the task is completed before the Imperial Guards arrive, there is still a chance to retreat!

"Brothers, don't be entangled with difficult ideas, just set rockets on fire and burn the sedan chair, and burn Yun Xiaoxi to death!"

When Zeng Hai heard the leader's shouting, his face became completely panicked, and there was even an ambush behind him.

Now all the masters are supported by the plain-clothed killer, and there is no room for resistance at all if there is a backhand!

With Zeng Hai's tearful expression on his face, dozens of men in plain clothes suddenly appeared on the roof of Changjie Street, lighting the feathered arrows in their hands on the bow strings of iron tire bows and shooting them directly at the curtains of the sedan chair.

"Dog thief, our family is fighting with you!"

Seeing the arrows shooting towards the sedan chair, the leader of the plain-clothed man had a little joy in his eyes: "Brothers, retreat!"

"Stop the traitor, our family will never die with you!"

"Where is the master, he came to the hinterland of my Dalong capital to intercept and kill my Dalong's future mother, he simply doesn't take my Dalong seriously!"

A gust of wind blew past, and dozens of rockets that shot towards the sedan chair suddenly stopped half a foot away, and were instantly shattered and scattered by the strong wind.

Hearing this voice, Zeng Hai's face suddenly became joyful: "Old Ancestor, it's great that you're here, hurry up and capture this daring traitor!"

Although the leader of the plain-clothed man couldn't see the expression on his face, he could see the frightened look in his eyes just by looking at them.

Looking at the sedan chair that was still safe and sound, and the former chief executive Lao Zhou standing on the top of the sedan chair, the man in plain clothes slashed Zeng Hai back, and looked at Lao Zhou in horror.

"Didn't you go to Li Zhengshou's tomb? Why are you here?"

Old Zhou snorted coldly, and stared at the leader of the plain-clothed man with a frightening look in his eyes: "We went to guard the tomb for His Majesty, but we didn't die in the imperial tomb!"

"Your actions made the late emperor unhappy, we let you all go to be buried with the late emperor!"

As soon as Lao Zhou's words fell, the figure parked on the top of the sedan chair left only an afterimage, and the leader of the plain-clothed man flew out before he could react.

A mouthful of blood was scattered in the air, and the leader of the plain-clothed man rolled on the ground for a dozen steps and stopped!


The black cloth on the plain-clothed man's face was nowhere to be seen, and his face was crimson, covering his chest and looking at Lao Zhou who was standing where he was just now.

"Tiantian. Tiansha palm, I have seen. Know."

Lao Zhou looked at the leader of Su Yi with a look of surprise on his face: "Unexpectedly, you have cultivated a whole body of horizontal skills. You are a genius who can withstand our slap of the sky with a mere half-step!"

"But if you dare to come to Dalong to be presumptuous, you still have to die!"

"Little Haizi!"

Zeng Hai looked at Lao Zhou respectfully: "Old Ancestor, please tell me!"

"Stop these thieves, my ancestors, I will deal with them one by one, and you will support the archers on the roof yourself. Don't give them a chance to shoot arrows. The imperial guards are coming soon. If you dare to disturb the late emperor, Today they all have to be buried with the late emperor!"

"The child has to be ordered, I have to thank the ancestors!"

Lao Zhou waved the fly whisk in his hand, glanced at the unharmed sedan chair and walked towards the leader of the Suyi man with confidence.

In the alley next to the street, a middle-aged man dressed in common people's clothes looked at the old man beside him: "Elder Tian, ​​let's do it, otherwise, all the people like Yingshawei will be decapitated. If you can't kill Miss Biao, the mission will fail." , the master's order must not be missed!"

The old man nodded slightly: "Send a message to the elder, let him take someone to shoot Miss Biao, I will go to meet my old friend from the past, if there is no master to let Brother Sai spare no effort to save me with that palm, I will die a long time ago." It's warped!"


The voice of the old man who had just spoken to the middle-aged man disappeared without a trace with the breeze.

"The chief executive is as majestic as ever. My old friend doesn't know if the chief executive still remembers it. The old man's palm is still fresh in his memory!"

"I've said hello, the chief manager will take the knife from my old friend!"

The air on the long street seemed to have calmed down, and Lao Zhou, who was slowly walking towards the leader of the plain-clothed man, waved his palm back with a solemn expression.

A huge palm print was condensed by internal force and slapped towards the air. What greeted the palm print was an invisible saber energy, which hit the palm print with a reach of about three feet.

With a loud bang, the surrounding dust was swept away, and the dust in the entire long street was scattered towards the distance, and the figures around the sedan chair became clear in an instant.

The head manager now took about three steps back from where he was standing just now, and looked at the old man standing on the street restaurant in astonishment, whose hind feet had fallen into the pillar of the restaurant.

"The five tyrants of the Heavenly Saber, you are still alive. Didn't you have your heart broken by our palm back then?"

"It's been 17 years, how can you still be alive!"

"Yan Wangye won't accept this old man, let this old man come to take revenge, and take this old man again!"

The figure of Feng Wuba suddenly disappeared above the restaurant, and the head manager turned his palms lightly with his eyes fixed.

"Feng Wuba, we will definitely give you an account of what happened in the past, now there are thieves attacking me, Dalong, and you are also Dalong's martial artist!"

"Let us execute these thieves first, and then we will have a good fight with you. How about the competition?"

Xuan'ao's voice came from all directions: "Chairman, this old man is also a thief in your mouth. He was entrusted by a noble person to assassinate your dragon's queen! Do you think this old man will stop?"

"Fire arrows!"

As soon as the word "shoot the arrow" fell, the figure of the old man descended from the sky, with the strange long knife in his hand pointing directly at the top of Lao Zhou's head.

Old Zhou raised his head, palmed into the knowledge of the sky, and swung out a big void palm print again.

"Old Ancestor, you have fallen into the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain!"

Lao Zhou flew away in a daze for a moment, looking at the sedan chair from the corner of his eye.

With my innate master's eyesight, I could see dozens of burning arrows shooting towards the sedan chair, but there was no time to stop them.

With bloodshot eyes, Lao Zhou shouted towards the sedan chair: "Your Majesty, run away!"

The voice of the old man burst into laughter: "Brothers, you have won, don't continue to fight, the secret passage under the city gate is ready, retreat!"

"Chairman, there must be a battle between the old man and you, goodbye!"

Lao Zhou looked at the swarms of men in plain clothes retreating, then at the sedan chair, finally gritted his teeth and leaped towards the sedan chair.

"Xiao Haizi, take people to chase, and don't let anyone go!"

"Yes, ancestor!"

"You come with our family, our family will kill these thieves!"

Lao Zhou clapped his two palms, and the rocket on the sedan chair went out instantly.

With trembling hands, Lao Zhou lifted the phoenix curtain on the sedan chair. Seeing the scene inside the sedan chair, Lao Zhou's old body trembled twice.

Although the rocket didn't have time to burn the sedan chair, the two feathered arrows had already penetrated the delicate body of 'Yun Xiaoxi', passing through the chest!

"Mistress. Mistress"

Lao Zhou hesitantly lifted Yun Xiaoxi's hijab, and the corners of his mouth trembled as he watched the lifeless Yun Xiaoxi.

Walking out of the sedan door tremblingly, she knelt on the ground with a plop and looked in the direction of the imperial mausoleum!
"Your Majesty, the old slave has committed a crime in protecting the country, and he deserves death!"

(End of this chapter)

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