Chapter 1269
"Vice General Xu, lead the brothers to search the entire city for traces of the rebels, shoot them to death!"


Yang Fang, the commander of the imperial guards, led the three thousand imperial guards, and finally came late.

It can't be said that Yang Fang came late, the time for the assassination was too short, since the capital is so big, from the time he got the news, until the moment Qi soldiers rushed to help, Yang Fang's reaction at such a fast speed can be said to be fast enough.

But compared to the corpse of 'Yun Xiaoxi' in the sedan chair, Yang Fang's arrival was still too slow.

The future empress has become a corpse, even if you fly over early, it will be too late.

Deputy General Xu led three thousand imperial guards to hunt down the killer's traces throughout the city, and Yang Fang hurried towards Lao Zhou who was kneeling in the direction of the imperial mausoleum.

Both the commander of the imperial guards and the head of the Ouchi have lived in the capital for a long time, and they are already very familiar with them.

Yang Fang looked at the bewildered Lao Zhou, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

Walking towards the sedan chair with heavy footsteps, Yang Fang hesitantly opened the curtain of the sedan chair, and saw the corpse of 'Yun Xiaoxi' inside the curtain, which had been pierced by two arrows through his chest, and felt dizzy all of a sudden.

The future queen was assassinated to death on Qinglong Avenue in the capital, and even the commander of the imperial guards himself could not escape the responsibility.

"Yang Fang!"

Hearing Lao Zhou's voice, Yang Fang came back to his senses: "The boss is in charge of you, the general is listening!"

"Take care of the empress's body, and wait for the people from Dali Temple and the Yamen of the Ministry of Punishment to arrive, and let the maids serve and send it to the autopsy room!"

"Send someone to rush to the palace to report this matter to His Majesty, let's hunt down the traitor!"

"Even if we die, we have to give the first emperor an explanation before we can go see his old man!"

Yang Fang looked at Lao Zhou who seemed to be ten years old in an instant, and nodded with sore eyes: "Yes, boss, please be careful!"

Around the sedan chair, he was still crouching on the ground, his face was covered with dust, and Yun Xiaoxi, who couldn't see his original appearance at all, secretly took aim at the scene where he made a big fuss because of his own affairs.

I feel extremely uncomfortable in my heart, and I feel a little sorry.

But thinking of becoming a victim of politics and becoming a pawn to consolidate Li Baiyu's imperial power, Yun Xiaoxi's guilt eased a lot.

I didn't think about rebelling, doing something rebellious and immoral.

I just don't want to put my life in the hands of others.

I am a person, not a commodity that is randomly exchanged on the shelf.

Everyone wants to be the mother of the world, but I just want my own life!

Why should Li Baiyu's imperial power sacrifice my life's happiness to consolidate it? I just want to live a little more freely, that's all.

Yun Xiaoxi was afraid that people would find out about him, so he withdrew his eyes and crouched on the ground like other eunuchs and maids, praying in his heart for his cousin to come and take him out of the city, away from this seemingly prosperous place, But it is a place where people live involuntarily.

Li Baiyu was cheerfully smiling at all the ministers of civil and military affairs who were congratulating him, and a big internal guard hurriedly walked up to Li Baiyu's ear and whispered.

In an instant, Li Baiyu's cheerful expression suddenly changed.

Li Baiyu's accession to the throne is still short, and he has not yet achieved the true honor and disgrace, and does not show others his joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

The change of expression on Xinjun's face was immediately noticed by the civil and military ministers who were congratulating him, and they all secretly wondered what happened to make His Majesty's face so ugly.

Although Liu Mingzhi knelt and sat in his own place to rest his mind, but the corner of his eyes was always staring at Li Baiyu's position.

Seeing Li Baiyu's face, he let out a silent breath and said to himself: "The storm is coming!"

Du Chenghao was the closest to Li Baiyu's position, hesitated for a moment and asked: "Your Majesty, I dare to ask, but what happened?"

Li Baiyu came back to his senses, his face turned pale, and he glanced subconsciously, this time he found that everyone's eyes had already been on him.

The news that Yun Xiaoxi was assassinated on the bridal sedan could not be concealed, Li Baiyu's mouth trembled and he turned to look at the Empress Dowager Nangong Meng who also had worried eyes.

Li Baiyu thought for a while and looked at the trembling Ouchi guards: "The queen was assassinated by a group of rebels on the main road into the palace!"

As soon as Li Baiyu's words fell, there was an uproar all around, and everyone looked at Li Baiyu with disbelief on their faces.

The future empress has been assassinated, who is so bold and reckless, isn't this clearly against the new king?

Assassinating the queen who is about to pass by the new monarch is provoking the new monarch and the face of a monarch.

Many civil and military ministers subconsciously looked at the brothers of King Qing who were not far away. Seeing the same astonishment on the faces of the brothers, they turned their eyes away.

However, I was still thinking about the feudal kings in my heart, whether they were pretending to be like this, or they really didn't know.

"Queen! What's wrong with you, queen?"

The exclamation of the three princesses drew the attention of all the civil and military officials, and they saw Nangong Meng hurried over while holding his forehead tottering.

"Empress Dowager, take care of your phoenix body!"

Li Baiyu also walked over in a hurry: "Mother, how are you doing? Third sister, send the imperial doctor!"


Liu Mingzhi didn't expect that Nangong Meng would be so severely stimulated by Xiaoxi's matter, so he trotted over with a worried face.

Liu Mingzhi's worry was not fake at all, but he was really worried about Nangong Meng's body, no matter what the reason was.

After all, what happened to Xiaoxi was done by the old man and his aunt. In all fairness, I feel sorry for the Li family.

If Nangong Meng got angry because of this matter, and even fell into a slump, his conscience would feel a little bit sorry after all.

Although Liu Mingzhi already knew the cause and effect of the incident, or the whole incident was an assassination directed and acted by Liu Mingzhi and the old man together.

Liu Mingzhi still looked at Li Baiyu pretending to be puzzled: "Brother Emperor, what happened to Xiaoxi? You just said that Xiaoxi's bridal sedan team was assassinated, who would dare to be so bold!"

Li Baiyu glanced at his mother worriedly, then pulled First Young Master Liu to the side: "Brother-in-law, Xiaoxi was assassinated by a group of unknown thieves on Qinglong Avenue!"

"The thief should have not left the city yet. I will pass on my order. You will immediately take the commander of the imperial guards, Song Qing, and the commander of the Imperial Guard, Jia Tong, to arrest the thief. I will cut them to pieces!"

"Your brother obeys the order, Brother Lao will take care of the Queen Mother's body!"

"Go quickly, if you delay for a moment, the chance of the thief escaping will increase!"


"Department of punishment, Dali Temple!"

"The old minister is here!"

"Lead the people to go, and cooperate with Duke Ding to handle this matter!"

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Nangong Meng whose face was gradually becoming less pale, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Without hesitation, he walked directly towards Song Qing. The matter of Xiaoxi leaving the city could not be done without his assistance. Only when Xiaoxi left the city completely, this matter can be considered a successful conclusion.

Acting, if it is not realistic, it will naturally show its feet, but this matter cannot leave the slightest clue.

Young Master Liu told Song Qing about this in a few words, and Song Qing ordered hundreds of skilled imperial guards to follow behind Young Master Liu in a short while.

"Brother, lead the brothers to join the brothers of the City Patrol Division of the Imperial Guard, and I will tell Yun'er to find you right away!"

"Understood, come quickly."

"What? Xiaoxi's bridal sedan team was assassinated! How is Xiaoxi? Did you get hurt?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the worried look on Qi Yun's brows, he didn't want to hide it from Qi Yun, but it would be more dangerous if one more person knew about it.

"Yun'er, I don't know what the situation is now, my husband will take someone to check the situation immediately, and you will wait for my husband to come back until the palace is over!"

"The palace is over, you should go back first, don't tell the old man and mother about this, I'm afraid they will worry!"

"My concubine knows, Husband, please be more careful. Since the thief dares to assassinate the future empress, he must be a desperado. You must take care of your own safety!"

"Don't worry, I will go first for my husband!"

After Liu Mingzhi informed Qi Yun, he went to the unarming rack, took his Heavenly Sword, and rushed out of the palace.

Looking back at the still turbulent school grounds, Liu Mingzhi drew out his Heavenly Sword and looked at the cold blade with a complicated and unbearable expression.

"It's windy! I hope it won't cause any turbulent waves, let's calm down early!"

(End of this chapter)

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