Chapter 1270
Young Master Liu went out of the palace gate, led the imperial guards under Song Qing's command, and a thousand soldiers from the City Patrol Division of the Imperial Guard under Lao Jia, and began to rush towards Yun Xiaoxi's sedan chair.

The main street of Qinglong has already become empty because of the assassination, and there are no people on the whole street except the official people!

Such an open space brings great convenience to everyone's actions.

In less than half a stick of incense, Liu Mingzhi rushed to the place where Yun Xiaoxi was assassinated.

Seeing the bridal sedan chair with only a little trauma, Young Master Liu looked a little confused.

Could it be that the old man missed his aunt?Assassination failed?

Song Qing and Jia Tuan could clearly see the changes in Young Master Liu's face, but neither of them was suspicious.

After all, the future Empress is still First Young Master Liu's cousin, so it would be strange if Young Master Liu's face remained the same.
Yang Fang, who was guarding the sedan chair, saw First Young Master Liu and his party rushing to greet him: "The last general, Yang Fang, met Ding Guogong, and Song Commander, General Jia!"

Liu Mingzhi waved his hands and looked at the sedan chair: "General Yang, how is the situation? Is the Empress safe and sound?"

Yang Fang's face darkened: "Report to Duke Ding, my lady, she...she."

"Don't hesitate to waste time, tell me what's wrong!"

"It's not good for the last general to rush to help. When the brothers arrived, the empress had already been shot and died, and her life was gone!"

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath and closed his eyes tightly.

The three of Song and Qing thought that Young Master Liu couldn't accept the facts, after all, Yun Xiaoxi was a cousin with half the blood of the Liu family.

Cousin was stabbed to death, how could cousin not be uncomfortable.

The three of them didn't know that the heavy burden in Liu Mingzhi's heart at this moment was completely let go.

The old man's aunt succeeded, and the pressure on his side didn't have to be so great.

On the way, the Ouchi guards who heard the report from the palace gave a rough account of what happened, and even the former chief executive, Zhou Fei, rushed over.

Young Master Liu's heart tightened when he first heard it. Although he had never seen Lao Zhou make a move, but according to what the old man heard from Renzheng, he must be a land god in the innate realm.

He has already made a move, can those Liu Ye and aunt's shadow killer guards be able to stop Lao Zhou's kung fu.

Knowing that the killer also had an innate master, Young Master Liu was relieved.

The risk of this incident made First Young Master Liu feel anxious all the time, but now he is finally completely relaxed.

Liu Mingzhi walked towards the sedan chair, lifted the curtain of the sedan chair, and glanced vaguely at the body of 'Yun Xiaoxi'.

The sedan chair and the corpse hadn't had time to destroy the corpse, and there would definitely be a risk of being exposed if the investigation continued.

But I have no reason to destroy the sedan chair and the corpse, after all, people from Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Justice will come soon.

If I do something strange, it will inevitably make people suspicious.

Because of Lao Zhou's sudden appearance, the plan went wrong, and Young Master Liu's mind turned rapidly, but he couldn't think of any good solution for a while.

Dispose of the corpse and the sedan chair reasonably.


Three soft sounds came to First Young Master Liu's ears. Young Young Master Liu looked at the back wall of the sedan chair and knew that it was Yun Xiaoxi who had sent him a message.

Liu Mingzhi cleaned up his face and exited the sedan chair: "Song Qing, Jia Zheng is listening to the order."

"The end is here!"

"Song Qing, you lead the imperial guards to meet up with the big inner masters, and you must intercept the traitors in the city!"


Jia Zhengjing, you lead [-] soldiers to encircle with Deputy General Xu, and guard the Sifang city gates. Unidentified people will be detained, and no one will be allowed to leave the city!

"The remaining five hundred brothers follow me!"

"Vice General Guo, you lead five hundred brothers to follow Duke Ding!"


After Song Qing and Lao Jia took their people away, Young Master Liu looked at Deputy General Guo: "Guo Kai obeys the order!"

"The end is here!"

"Lead the three hundred brothers to search the surrounding streets and alleys to see if there are any fish that slipped through the net. No matter if there is any result after an incense stick of kung fu, come to join us immediately!"


"You guys, go search with this general!"

Looking at the dwindling crowd, Liu Mingzhi walked towards the back of the bridal sedan chair, and looked at the hundreds of palace maids and dozens of disgraced eunuchs lying on the ground who still hadn't recovered from their senses.

"General Yang Fang!"

"The last general is here, Duke Ding, please give me instructions!"

"You lead the brothers to put the maids in custody first, and I put the eunuchs into custody to see if anyone can explain the specific situation!"


"You guys think of a way to search the roofs on both sides of the street to see if there are any fish that slipped through the net!"


After everything was arranged without flaws, First Young Master Liu glanced at the eunuchs on the ground, and when he saw one of the disheveled eunuchs looking up at him, Liu Mingzhi knew that this eunuch was Yun Xiaoxi!

Concealedly giving Yun Xiaoxi a peaceful look, Young Master Liu pointed to the ten eunuchs: "You guys come over with me, I have something to ask you!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

After cupping tea, the ten eunuchs tremblingly returned to their original place, Young Master Liu pointed out another ten eunuchs, and Yun Xiaoxi was among them.

"You guys come with me!"


It was time for another cup of tea, and the busy guards and absent-minded eunuchs and court ladies didn't notice at all that one of the eunuchs who had gone had returned.

And among the imperial guards searched by their respective teams, there was a slightly handsome little Langjun guard.

Just like Liu Dashao Liu Ying said when the plan was first formulated.

There are [-] forbidden troops, and there are more than [-] forbidden troops belonging to the patrol department. After the chaos, no one will notice that there is one more person or one person missing.

Everything was going according to the established plan, the only change was that Lao Zhou who came suddenly kept the sedan chair and the body from being destroyed.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the position of the sedan chair, and seemed to have to think of a way.

Small clues can lead to failure.

This is not a remote small county town, but a capital where masters gather. There are all kinds of manpower. It is hard to guarantee that no one will find clues from the sedan chair and the corpse.

And the person who was stabbed to death was not an ordinary person, but the future empress.

In other words, even though Yun Xiaoxi didn't formally marry Li Baiyu, the identity of Yun Xiaoxi's Queen has already been confirmed from the moment Yun Xiaoxi got on the sedan chair and left the gate of Yun's house!

After a stick of incense, the guards joined forces after searching for nothing, and the servants from the Criminal Department of Dali Temple also came one after another.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the position of the sedan chair with a worried expression, and waved to Guo Kai: "Vice General Guo, leave the rest to the Ministry of Criminal Justice and Dali Temple for now, and follow me to the north gate to search to see if you can find the culprit." trail."

"You bring 200 people to Xuanwu Street and Zhuque Street, and I take 300 people to Baihu Street. You must search closely, and don't let the slightest clue go!"

"The end will be ordered!"

"Follow me, brothers!"

Young Master Liu pointed at Yun Xiaoxi who had put on the guard armor: "You, explore the way ahead!"


"Brothers, come with me!"


Liu Mingzhi glanced back at Dali Temple, which was surrounded by the sedan chair, and the men and horses from the Ministry of Punishment followed Yun Xiaoxi and began to search.

I kept discussing in my heart.

It seems that after sending my cousin out, I must hurry to the Ministry of Criminal Justice!

We must find a way to deal with this flaw!

(End of this chapter)

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