Chapter 1274
Seeing Young Master Liu impatiently about to walk into the yamen of the Ministry of Justice, Liu Ying gently reached out to stop Young Master Liu!
"Xiao Mingming, don't worry, my sister hasn't finished talking yet!"

"Although Ye Kaiming saw a lot of clues from the corpse, before my sister came to the Ministry of Punishment, His Majesty had already summoned my father-in-law to the palace!"

"My sister speculates that for the face of the royal family and the Yun family, and because His Majesty needs to consolidate his imperial power, he will definitely discuss with Eunuch how to minimize the impact of this matter!"

"After all, if you can't even protect a queen who hasn't been married, His Majesty's prestige will be greatly affected."

"Once the incident about Xiaoxi breaks out and spreads, the Yun family and the royal family will sooner or later be forced to renounce their rulers and ministers under the terrifying pressure of people's words!"

"This is what His Majesty doesn't want to see, he really needs to attribute the power of the Yun Family to his subordinates!"

"So, it's not us who are most anxious about this matter, but Your Majesty!"

Liu Mingzhi calmed down and pondered for a moment, then looked in amazement at Liu Ying whose face was stained by tears.

The title of vixen was firmly established in Young Master Liu's heart again.

A woman who has never been to the court, but she can analyze the trend of the court very well.

Is it because of being by my uncle's side, or is my aunt just a heroine?
"Auntie, having said that, I still plan to make two-handed preparations. In case His Majesty summons the old Duke, it is not what we think, but there is no reason for us to be very passive!"

"In any case, the Dali Temple of the Criminal Ministry must be stable!"

"You said just now that Ye Shangshu and the others have discussed to report the results of the autopsy. Once His Majesty knows the content in advance, it is possible to change his mind."

"Now they must be stabilized."

Liu Ying thought for a moment and nodded slightly: "That's fine, that's fine too! The more you plan, the more chances you will win!"

"Auntie, let's go in!"

"and many more!"

"Auntie, is there anything else?"

Liu Ying secretly threw something out of her hand, it turned out to be some dogwood.

"Sister, I don't want to use this dogwood to make tears anymore, it's too uncomfortable, and my eyes are burning and hurting!"

As she spoke, Liu Ying lifted her sleeves, revealing her fair lotus arms.

"Come on, you bite my sister and make her cry. Later, my sister will cry and make trouble when she sees the opportunity, and make them mess up!"

"Uh, aunt, this is inappropriate, I can't speak, and I can't control the strength, why don't you twist it yourself and try it yourself!"

"I can't do it myself, don't worry, my sister won't blame you! Otherwise, if you can't cry, Old Man Ye and the others will definitely be suspicious!"

"Well, if it hurts, just say it, and I'll stop right away!"

"Sister can bear it, come on!"

The corner of Young Master Liu's mouth twitched twice, why did he feel that the conversation was suddenly a little weird!

Looking around, young master Liu grabbed Liu Ying's white lotus root arm and put it in his mouth, slowly and gradually exerting force.

"Xiao Mingming, haven't you eaten yet? Use your strength, my sister can't even feel it!"

Young Master Liu's eyes twitched, he always felt that there was something in Liu Ying's words, he hoped he was thinking too much.

After all, it is not uncommon for this enchanting aunt to do anything to herself.

With a sudden force on her teeth, Liu Ying let out a soft cry.

"Yeah. You're going to die, do you want to eat my sister? Let go!"

Young Master Liu hastily let go, a row of neat teeth marks were left on Liu Ying's white lotus root arms, and some of the teeth marks were already a little bloodshot.

Liu Ying rubbed her arms with tears in her eyes, and glared at First Young Master Liu fiercely: "If you are told to use force, you will really use force. I don't know how to pity you, and you are bleeding!"

Young Master Liu looked at Liu Ying with black eyes: "Auntie, although the matter of Xiaoxi has come to an end, don't you think we have more important things to do?"

"I think we should put the topic on serious things!"

Liu Ying put down her sleeves, cast a coquettish look at Young Master Liu, and hung half of her tender body on Young Young Master Liu's arm: "I don't understand the style, I helped my sister in, my sister was so sad and exhausted physically and mentally, this way is more realistic!"

Young Master Liu looked helplessly at Liu Ying's movements, you call this a support?

This is my aunt, dear aunt, the sky is falling apart.

First Young Master Liu took a deep breath, stretched out his arms to support Liu Ying and walked towards the yamen of the Ministry of Punishment.

"Auntie, leave the matter of talking to me later, and you only need to be responsible for crying."

"Don't worry, leave it to my sister!"

"Our sister and brother have a dewy marriage, and we will definitely be invincible."

"Uh, aunt, did you say that blood dissolves in water, so don't use idioms without reading the book!"

"Is there any difference?"

"True topic!"




"To shut up!"


"Master Ye, Master Ding, have you made any progress here?"

"Meet Duke Ding!"

"I met Mrs. Yun."

"Free gift!"

"Thank you, Duke Ding, Madam Yun, please sit down!"

Ye Kaiming and Ding Jian sighed silently when they saw Liu Ying who was sobbing supported by Young Master Liu.

A day of great joy turned into a day of great mourning.

The daughter was assassinated and died as soon as she left the house, and no one can calm down!
"Mrs. Yun, Duke Ding has also arrived, and I will express my condolences again!"

"Things have already happened, now we should all work together to find out the murderer and give the empress's spirit in heaven an explanation!"

First Young Master Liu also patted Liu Ying's fragrant shoulder lightly: "Auntie, what the two adults said is right, crying can't solve the problem, the most important thing now is to find out the murderer and avenge Xiaoxi!"

Liu Ying slowly wiped the tears on her cheeks: "You must find the murderer as soon as possible, give my wife an explanation, and give my poor daughter justice."

Liu Ying's tone was extremely unkind, Ye Kaiming and the others didn't take it seriously.

The pain of losing a daughter is understandable after all.

Young Master Liu glanced lightly at the memorial on the table: "Master Ye, I have lost the trace of the thief here, what progress has been made on your side?"

Ye Kaiming nodded slightly, took the folder beside him and handed it to First Young Master Liu. Originally, the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple were to assist Duke Ding in handling this matter.

It was a matter of course for Young Master Liu to take a look at Zhezi.

Young Master Liu was not polite either, and directly took the booklet and looked it over.

The more Young Master Liu looked at it, the more frightened he became. The content of the excerpt was far more specific than Liu Ying's explanation in a few words.

In less than two hours, so many conclusions have been reached without careful inspection, and it turns out that my worries are not unreasonable.

The corpse and the sedan chair are really a big hidden danger.

If Ye Kaiming had done a careful autopsy, he would have discovered that the identity of the corpse was false!

After pondering inwardly for a while, Major Liu handed the folder to Liu Ying.

"Auntie, look at the preliminary conclusion of the autopsy above!"

He had to let Liu Ying see the content on the brochure, so that he could better cooperate with Liu Ying or confuse the public!
He knew that Liu Ying would definitely understand what he meant.

Sure enough, Liu Ying returned it to herself after reading the contents of the booklet, and flicked herself under the booklet with her fingers.

Liu Mingzhi put the table aside: "Master Ye, Mr. Ding, let's go to the autopsy room to have a look!"

Ye Kaiming and the two nodded lightly: "Mrs. Yun, Duke Ding, after seeing the empress's body, I hope you can control your emotions!"

"Although it is difficult for me to say this, but in order to protect the evidence on the empress, I hope you can restrain yourself!"

"this way please!"

Looking at Ye Kaiming and the two who were leading the way, Liu Ying gently tugged Young Master Liu's sleeves, her cherry lips whispered, but her voice clearly reached Young Master Liu's ears.

"The eyes of these two old fellows are sharper than needles. I thought the clothes were seamless, but there were loopholes everywhere. What should I do? How should I round them?"

Young Master Liu pursed his lips.

"Wedding dress, Jiangmen tiger girl, guaranteed lore!"

Liu Ying was startled for a moment, then her eyes lit up, and the smile on her lips disappeared in a flash.

"It's small, it's not small anymore, big fox!"

"It's a pity that I don't know if Xiaoxixi will have a chance to see how big it is in the future. Should I let my sister inspect the goods for Xiaoxixi first, to check?"


"Master Ding, are you alright?"

"It's okay, my cousin died, and I feel sad and angry all of a sudden!"

"Understood, sorry!"

Young Master Liu looked at the sentimental Ye Kaiming silently, and the two felt like crying.

Understand shit, without such an aunt you will never understand.

"Xiao Mingming, don't be shy, my sister is also avoiding Xiaoxixi's ignorance and ignorance when she is young, so that she will miss good opportunities in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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