My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1275 Reversing Black and White

Chapter 1275 Reversing Black and White

Young Master Liu slaughtered many people on the battlefield, and saw countless corpses!

However, Young Master Liu came to a place like the morgue for the first time. To be honest, he felt a little creepy as soon as he entered, and his hairs stood on end.

Although there were many people around, Young Master Liu still felt that there was an eerie feeling around him.

Perhaps it was caused by psychological effects, but Young Master Liu, who had always been daring, suddenly realized that he also had something to fear.

Young Master Liu tightly held Liu Ying's wrist, and he kept comforting himself in his heart.

Isn't it just a corpse?I have never experienced such a mountain of corpses and seas of blood on the battlefield, what can a small morgue do to me?
Didn't the brothers under my command laugh out loud in the past, saying that the evil spirit on me and others was so strong that even ghosts and gods dared not approach easily.

First Young Master Liu let out a breath slowly, calming down the fluctuations in his heart.

Isn't that where the corpses are parked?There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

Ye Kaiming and the two stopped, and waved to the office workers and government servants around them: "You guys step back first!"

"As ordered!"

All the people withdrew, leaving only young master Liu and four in the spacious room.

"Mr. Ding, Mrs. Yun, the phoenix-body official of the empress has been ordering people to guard at the side. I didn't get His Majesty's order, and I don't know how to arrange it."

Liu Mingzhi quietly looked at the corpse lying on the wooden bed, perhaps because of his identity as 'Yun Xiaoxi', a layer of brocade cloth was laid under the rough wooden bed.

Liu Mingzhi walked towards the corpse with a gloomy expression, and gently lifted the red hijab on the corpse, revealing a corpse exactly like Yun Xiaoxi's.

It was not the first time that Young Master Liu had seen this double, and he still felt a little surprised after seeing him again.

Mr. Qianbian is indeed a well-known man with a reputation. If he hadn't known the ins and outs of the incident in advance, he might think that the corpse lying on the wooden bed was his cousin Yun Xiaoxi himself.

It's hard to tell if it's true or false.

The strange people under the old man should not be underestimated!
The sound of Liu Ying's weeping woke up First Young Master Liu, and he subconsciously looked towards Liu Ying, only to see Liu Ying's tearful appearance and emotional expression.

Seeing Liu Ying staring at the dead body with sincere eyes, Liu Mingzhi understood.

Liu Ying met a double like her daughter and was worried about her daughter's future.

Touching the scene.

Although the daughter escaped from the marriage arrangement as she wished, it is just that the road ahead will be difficult.

You can't show your true identity, and you can't show your face for a long time.

From then on, she could only live an incognito life, how could Liu Ying not be sad.

Only a mother can understand the deep emotion of the flesh that fell from her body.

Ye Kaiming and Ding Jian sighed silently, they didn't know how to comfort Liu Ying for a while.

The dead body of your daughter is right in front of you. It is inhumane and unrealistic for you not to let someone become a mother. The daughter who was sent out of the house two hours ago has become a girl in the blink of an eye. It is unacceptable to put a dead body on anyone.

Seeing Liu Ying showing her true feelings and being unable to control her emotions for a while, Young Master Liu had no choice but to remind her.

"Auntie, I'm sorry, let's figure out the doubts about Xiaoxi first! Only in this way can I get some evidence, and I will avenge Xiaoxi in the future!"

Liu Ying wiped away the tears on her cheeks with a handkerchief, and she also understood what was more important.

"Please the three of you go out for a while, Mrs. Ben wants to check her daughter's wound and see what's going on!"

Ye Kaiming and Ding Jian looked at each other with a relaxed expression on his face.

It's not convenient for them to examine Yun Xiaoxi's body, but Liu Ying can.

No matter how much the Empress Empress looks after her mother, the mother-in-law will examine the wound on her daughter and it will be all right.

Liu Mingzhi didn't hesitate, and walked out first, followed by Ye Kaiming and closed the door, leaving only Liu Ying'mother and daughter in the room.

After a cup of tea, Liu Ying opened the door and walked out.

"Mingzhi, my lords, Mrs. Ben came out because of the lack of blood on Xiaoxi's body."

Ye Kaiming hurriedly waved to Wu Zuo who was beside him: "Prepare pen and ink records!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Liu Ying glanced at First Young Master Liu and said softly: "In February Erlong raised his head, the weather is still a bit cold, and today's sky is a bit gloomy!"

"Xiaoxi's nanny was afraid that if Xiaoxi suffered from the wind and cold and the wedding day would be delayed, she put on two extra Shu brocade clothes for Xiaoxi. I checked Xiaoxi's wounds just now!"

"The obscene clothes inside were all stained red with blood, and Xiaoxi's bright red phoenix robe was willing, so the blood was not so obvious."

Ye Kaiming and the two were startled, looked at each other, stroked their beards and thought for a moment.

The reason Liu Ying said is completely reasonable, why is there so little blood on the empress.

Ye Kaiming muttered a few words, maybe it was because he couldn't get close to the empress to examine the wound carefully, which led to his wrong judgment.

"Mrs. Yun, I understand the question about this point, but the empress's expression seems too calm!"

"It's not like you should have some reaction when you are assassinated. The empress's expression is as if the one who was assassinated was not yourself, but a passerby who has nothing to do with you. I don't know why Mrs. Yun can see it?"

Liu Ying's temperament suddenly changed, she became different, and there was an indescribably wonderful feeling.

"My father-in-law Yunyang is the elder of the three dynasties. After many battles, he won the position of Lord Yasukuni!"

"My husband, Jun Yunchong, is one of the generals of the Six Guards of Northern Xinjiang. Under the leadership of the late emperor, he repeatedly repelled the enemy troops who invaded our border."

"Xiaoxi has been loved by his father-in-law Yunyang since he was a child, and he has always been with him and has lived in Yunzhou for a long time."

"Although my daughter does not have the body of a seven-foot man, she still has the soul of a man under the influence of her father-in-law and her husband!"

"Although she is not a hero, she is also a tiger girl!"

"As a general, the face of Taishan collapsed in front of him did not change, let alone a small assassination."

"As the daughter of a general, how can my daughter, with a look of panic on her face, smear the Yasukuni Mansion, her grandfather, and her father!"

"It's just that the heavens are not blessed. I didn't expect Xiaoxi to be brutally murdered by thieves at the feet of the Son of Heaven in broad daylight."

"My poor daughter!"

Liu Mingzhi took over the conversation in a timely manner: "Wu Guogong, Mr. Wan Buhai, and his son Wan Shoujiang, knew that the enemy's swords, guns and arrows were coming in front of him, so he still held up the flag and charged head-on."

"The word Jiangmen is as important as a thousand weights!"

"This cousin, my lord, has not insulted the style of the Yun family!"

"Using your life to protect the general's face is both sad and magnificent."

"I am honored as a handsome man in white clothes, and I don't know if the children under my knees will bear the burden of this general in the future!"

It is no secret that the old Duke Wanbuhai let his own son serve as the flag bearer of the Northern Expedition Army to charge into battle in the capital!

Ye Kaiming and Ye Kaiming fell silent while Liu Dashao, Liu Ying, aunt and nephew were singing together!

General door, maybe it's really not something that civil servants like me can understand.

There was no way to conduct a detailed autopsy, and the two had no choice but to accept the statement of Aunt Liu Ying and nephew Liu Ying. After all, there was Wan Shoujiang's example before them, and they couldn't think of any other reasons for a while.

Seeing this, Liu Ying was overjoyed in her heart, but her face was filled with grief.

"The two adults probably didn't notice my daughter's tightly clenched hands!"

"Two arrows passed through the body, and Xiaoxi didn't even cry out."

"The sons of wealthy families in the capital regard Xiaoxi as the little overlord of the capital, but who knows how much Xiaoxi has paid to protect the face of the family!"

"Even now, even my little life is gone!"

"Madam Yun's condolences!"

"My condolences! Although the empress is a woman, she has the courage of a man. The two of you admire it very much. I hope that the empress' spirit in heaven can rest in peace!"

"I heard that Xiaoxi's body was almost destroyed by thieves. Who is so vicious that he doesn't even want to leave my daughter's body to my wife!"

"If Madam Ben catches the thief, Madam Ben will definitely not let him go!"

"Mrs. Yun, Duke Ding, this official is also very puzzled!"

"Since the thieves are sure of the assassination success, why do they plan to burn the empress's body? I have discussed with Mr. Ding and many colleagues for a long time, guessing that this may be something the thieves are planning to cover up!"

"It's just that the officer still can't figure out the key point!"

Young Master Liu narrowed his eyes slightly, it seems that Ye Kaiming has not had time to check the sedan chair at this moment, so the mystery inside the sedan chair has not been exposed for the time being.

Anyway, I have already turned black and white, so I might as well take this opportunity to make this muddy water even more muddy.

If you tilt this matter a little, there may be unexpected gains.

(End of this chapter)

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