My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1277 Do You Believe in Fate?

Chapter 1277 Do You Believe in Fate?
As soon as Liu Mingzhi arrived home, Liu Song greeted him: "Young master, you are finally back. The young lady has been waiting for you in the gazebo for a long time, and she said that you must go see her when you come back!"

"I see, you go to work first!"

"Yes, Xiao Song will leave."

Liu Mingzhi tidied up his clothes and walked towards the gazebo. He knew that Qi Yun must be anxiously waiting for his cousin's affairs.

"Yun'er, you are back, did Yan'er come back together?"

Hearing her husband's voice, Qi Yun rushed up to greet her: "Sister Yan'er is taking care of the Empress Dowager's body in the palace, husband, is sister Xiaoxi really real?"

Liu Mingzhi breathed a sigh of relief silently: "Yun'er, the matter of Xiaoxi is very complicated, and I don't know how to explain it to you as a husband!"

"In short, you should just pretend that Xiaoxi has been assassinated and died. Don't tell anyone about it except for your husband. These things can only be discussed privately between us and my wife."

"Just do it?"

After being startled for a moment, Qi Yun immediately covered her cherry lips with her hands, and looked at First Young Master Liu in surprise.

"Husband, you... well, forget it, I should not be involved in these things as a woman, but husband, you must pay attention to your own safety."

"Otherwise, what should the concubine sisters do!"

Young Master Liu smiled lightly and took Qi Yun into his arms, gently stroking Qi Yun's soft green hair: "Silly lady, stop thinking about it, I want to stay with you as a husband, look at Chengfeng, Chengzhi and the others." Get married and start a career, watch Yaoyao and the others get out of the cabinet!"

"You forgot, the person who cherishes his life the most in this world is his husband!"

"For my husband, I can't bear to let you delicate beauties stay in the empty room alone."

"It's good that my husband knows this. I don't want to see you in an accident. There are some things that you must think twice before doing it. Do you understand?"

"Don't worry, you have a plan for your husband!"

"Lian'er went to Miaojiang to find Gu worms for Yunxin, has she come back?"

"No! Although I don't doubt Sister Lian'er's intentions for her child, I always feel that there are scorpions, centipedes, and poisonous snakes hidden in half-grown children, which are not suitable."

"But Sister Lian'er must have her reasons for doing this, and it's not good for me to interfere too much!"

"It's okay, these Gu worms make people's scalp tingle, but they are indeed the best protection for those who have no strength, thank you Lian'er!"

"I've been running around all these years, and I don't have time to accompany her to visit my mother. The old man should be in good health!"

"Sister Ya went to Jinling to accompany my father-in-law and mother-in-law!"

"Shan'er in Ying'an doesn't want to come back with her husband!"

"Qing poetry lived in seclusion and kept quiet, and never got rid of the knot in my heart!"

"Only Yun Shu, you, Wei'er, and Yan'er can still be by your side as husbands, and now that Yan'er lives in the palace, a good house without your laughter, I'm really not used to it being deserted! "

"Fei Xiong used to always beat and beat, but now he really can't adapt to the absence of him at home!"

"Yun'er, go and take care of the children's homework, and go to the old man's place for your husband!"


Looking at Qi Yun's back, Young Master Liu had a comfortable smile on his face. To be able to marry such a reasonable, caring woman as his wife is considered a blessing from heaven.

Young Master Liu rushed directly towards the old man's study, he knew that Liu Zhi'an must be waiting for him in the study.

The door was not closed, Young Master Liu knocked on the door twice and walked in directly.

Liu Zhi'an was holding a cup of fragrant tea intoxicated by the old god, smacking his lips from time to time.

Hearing the knock on the door and the sound of footsteps, Liu Zhian slowly opened his eyes and glanced at First Young Master Liu: "You're back!"

First Young Master Liu sat opposite Liu Zhi'an, crossed his legs and looked at Liu Zhi'an quietly with his arms crossed: "It's so leisurely, you don't worry about things going wrong at all!"

Liu Zhi'an poured tea for himself with a pot: "After the age of 25, I have never done anything I am not sure about!"

"Since the old man promised your aunt about Xiaoxi, I will definitely do it and succeed!"

"Since it will definitely succeed, what is there to worry about, old man?"

"Sitting in the study to settle accounts with peace of mind, wouldn't it be beautiful to have such a carefree thing like drinking tea?"

First Young Master Liu took the teapot in Liu Zhi'an's hand, measured the temperature, and poured it into his mouth.

After a while, First Young Master Liu burped after drinking the tea.

"Where did you get your confidence? Do you know that there was a mistake in Xiaoxi's affairs? If I hadn't been quick-witted, the Liu family and the Yun family might have been wiped out! This is your so-called confidence, your so-called infallibility?"

"Isn't it just about the sedan chair and the corpse? There's nothing to make a fuss about!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Zhian who was playing with the teacup in astonishment, his brows were slightly frowned.

"You already know everything?"

"Hehe. The old man stays at home, so you can know everything about the world!"

"It's just that the price of some things will be very high, but the benefits are negligible. If this is the case, why waste human and financial resources to do some thankless things!"

"Since you already know about this matter, why don't you think of a way to remedy it in time? Do you know how worried I was all the way because of this matter?"

Liu Zhi'an put down the teacup slowly: "You said if the arrows were stained with tung oil, what would happen to the sedan chair?"

"Burning rapidly, a raging fire will ignite in the blink of an eye, and it will be too late to extinguish!"

"Yes, in this case, do you think it will be very difficult for the old man to get some tung oil?"

Young Master Liu's face was startled, and he looked at Young Master Liu in astonishment: "You did it on purpose? What do you want to do? Old man, I was a little confused about this matter from the beginning to the end, and now I can't understand it even more. !"

Liu Zhi'an got up and walked towards the window sill, looking at the scenery in the artificial lake outside the window.

"Grand Ding Ding, one of the auxiliary ministers, has become nervous about even such a trivial matter. The state of mind of you, the assistant minister, is a bit disappointing to the old man."

"No, it should be said that I am extremely disappointed."

"The sedan chair and the corpse are not even troubles in the eyes of the old man, but they make you a little frightened."

"To be fair, this old man is very disappointed with your performance!"

The teapot in his hand hangs down feebly, Young Master Liu leans on the chair feebly.

"Old man, the world shouldn't be like this!"

"No! You are wrong. The morals of the world have never changed. It has always been like this. It's just that you don't want to admit it."

"Old man, I can't understand you more and more in the past two years. What do you want to do?"

Liu Zhi'an looked at the sky with deep eyes, and his voice suddenly became a little hoarse.

"Do you believe in fate?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Zhi'an in a daze: "Why do you want to talk about such a mysterious topic?"

"Do you know? The old man doesn't believe in fate, but he doesn't dare to disbelieve."

"Some things really can't be explained with common sense."

"The old man was confident in his early years. Except for the imperial power, there is nothing in the world that cannot be controlled by money. Later, the old man gradually understood that fate is also beyond control."

"I don't know what to say, I have no idea what nonsense you are talking about!"

"I went back to rest first. In just half a day, I almost collapsed."

Liu Zhi'an stood in front of the window, neither agreed nor vetoed.

The deep eyes looking at the sky slowly closed together, listening quietly to Young Master Liu's leaving footsteps.

"My son, if there is a destiny, then you will not be able to escape!"

(End of this chapter)

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