Chapter 1278
The next day.

Young Master Liu couldn't wait to know how Li Baiyu planned to deal with Yun Xiaoxi's assassination. In the past ten years, it was rare for Young Master Liu to take the initiative to go to court so early.

Qi Yun waited on her husband to put on his official robe and fish bag.

"Husband, the matter of Xiaoxi is only known to the people in the capital, and it has not been widely publicized. Today, we must talk less and watch more."

"I am worried that someone will make a big fuss about this matter. If my husband is involved, there will definitely be a lot of unnecessary troubles."

"Don't worry, you have a good idea for your husband!"

"It's good that the husband understands, I will let the servants cook the porridge and wait for you to return from the court!"

"Understood, you continue to sleep for a while, it's still early!"

After getting dressed neatly, First Young Master Liu rode towards the palace.

As soon as he arrived at the city gate, Young Master Liu realized that he was not the first one to come, and a large number of civil and military ministers had already gathered outside the palace gate to wait.

It seems that he is not the only one who is new on this matter.

Many people are very concerned about the assassination and death of their unmarried mothers. As for what they think, only they know.

It was rare to find silence outside the palace gate, without the whispering of officials.

After Liu Mingzhi responded to the officials who greeted him, he stood there with his eyes closed and meditated.

"Mr. Ding, the next official is polite!"

Young Master Liu opened his eyes slightly when he heard Ye Kaiming's voice: "Hello, Master Ye!"

"Mr. Ding was joking. In order to draw up a reliable report, the lower official and Mr. Ding took a short rest in the middle of the night and it was time to go to court."

First Young Master Liu glanced at the curious colleagues around him, raised his hands and gave Ye Kaiming a look.

"Lord Ye, the axiom of the Ministry of Punishment is inappropriate. Lord Ye should tell His Majesty himself!"

"The next official is just to say hello to Duke Ding, there is no other intention!"

After Ye Kaiming finished speaking, he glanced slightly at his colleagues around him, returned to his seat and learned to close his eyes and rest his mind!

The palace door creaked open.

"See you with all the officials!"

Liu Mingzhi tidied up his official robes and hurried towards the Qinzheng Hall.

Looking at Yunyang, Duke of Jingguo, who was walking with him, Young Master Liu couldn't help but start talking.

There seems to be something wrong with this old man.

The granddaughter of the jewel in the palm was assassinated and died. As a grandfather, he was not at home to rest for a few days, so why did he come to court today.

Liu Mingzhi couldn't help being extremely curious about what Yunyang and Li Baiyu discussed yesterday.

However, the morning court was right in front of him, and young master Liu wanted to go to his aunt Liu Ying to find out about the situation, but there was no chance.

Young Master Liu was even more worried about his cousin Yun Xiaoxi's current situation, whether he had already connected with the Shadow Killer and arrived at the place arranged by his aunt.

After a short while, civil and military officials gathered in the Hall of Qinzheng.

Zeng Hai's sharp voice came from the back of the hall: "Your Majesty is here!"

"See Your Majesty, long live my emperor."

"Free admission!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

All civil and military officials looked in the direction of Longtai secretly, each of them kept silent and dared not be the first to speak, for fear that Li Baiyu would spread the anger of Yun Xiaoxi's assassination on himself.

However, what puzzled all civil and military officials was that Li Baiyu's face seemed to be different from what he and others had imagined.

With a smile, the lights in the Palace of Qinzheng are brightly lit, and all the civil and military officials are sure that they and others are really right.

There was indeed a faint smile on the corner of Li Baiyu's mouth.

Civil and military officials are unknown, so brothers like Liu Dashao and Li Yunlong are even more confused.

Li Baiyu's reaction was really unexpected. The queens who hadn't passed the door were all assassinated and died. If you don't say that you are full of anger, at least you should have a gloomy face.

What a smile.

Young Master Liu gently picked at the ring on his thumb, if he hadn't been personally involved in Xiaoxi's affairs.

With Li Baiyu's reaction, Young Master Liu thought that the assassin was an unrelated passerby.

Thinking of this, Young Master Liu slightly turned his neck and glanced at Yunyang opposite, and was even more curious about what kind of shady deal Yunyang had with Li Baiyu yesterday.

The granddaughter was assassinated and the grandfather seemed indifferent. The queen who had not passed the family was assassinated and died, but the emperor smiled.

I can't justify it emotionally and rationally, what's going on?

For a short moment, Young Master Liu felt that he had never been so confused.

The Li Yunlong brothers looked at each other in dismay. They could clearly see the eyes and expression of the emperor's brother when he left yesterday. Why did he suddenly change his appearance overnight?

Could it be that Brother Huang is very happy that Yun Xiaoxi, the little overlord of the Yun family, was stabbed to death?
No, if the imperial brother wants to sit on the throne securely, the support of the Yun family is indispensable. Even if he is pretending to be hypocritical, he has to pretend to be sad, and he definitely won't have such an expression.

There must be something that my brother and others are not clear about.

Li Baiyu glanced at the civil and military officials below, slowly stood up from the dragon chair, and slowly paced on the dragon platform that was neither high nor low.

"My dear friends, are you wondering why I look so happy when my future empress was assassinated and died?"

"Your Majesty, please clarify!"

All civil and military officials said in unison that they have been officials in the same dynasty for so many years, so there is still such a tacit understanding.

"A few days ago, I got a secret report from the Ouchi guards, that a group of thieves would come to assassinate me on the day of my national wedding, when the whole country celebrated with the lowest vigilance, and destroy my national wedding. trample on my prestige."

"Since he came to assassinate me before my wedding day, the thief's intentions are not insidious."

"I was so shocked when I heard it for the first time, that someone dared to assassinate the king of a country."

"Ouchi's guards immediately launched an investigation, but the thief's whereabouts were secretive, and it was impossible to find out where the thief was hiding."

"In desperation, I can only discuss with Old Master Yun, to advance the date of the national wedding and put on a good show for those thieves who harbor evil intentions, and let them come to assassinate them so that they can catch the turtle in their hands."

"I and the old Duke have set up a net to wait for the thieves to come to assassinate. Since it is an act, the bride will naturally not let my future queen, Yun Xiaoxi, play in person."

"However, there is a gap in every secret. I and the old man never imagined that a net had been laid in the palace, and the thief would turn around and assassinate the queen's sedan chair."

"No, it's not appropriate to say the queen, it should be said to be the queen's substitute maid."

"I was furious when I heard it for the first time yesterday. I didn't expect that they would actually dare to assassinate me. What annoyed me even more was that although the person who was assassinated was just a double, the queen's double could die. Does it mean that if I didn't get the news in advance? If I set up a trick, my real empress would have died just before she came out of the court and before entering the palace to marry me!"

"The majestic capital, at the foot of the emperor, was successfully assassinated by thieves in broad daylight."

"Let's leave safely and grandly. Where is my face, your face, and Dalong's face?"

(End of this chapter)

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