My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1279 You are young

Chapter 1279 You are young

The smile on the corner of Li Baiyu's mouth gradually disappeared, and his eyes became a little gloomy.

"A thief who succeeds once means he can succeed a second time!"

"That is to say, there is a deadly sharp knife hanging over my head all the time, and the death of the Queen's substitute maid is assassinated, which means that one day in the future, I and you will also be killed by thieves without knowing it. Cut off the top of the head!"

"I am heartbroken. The land of the capital, the hinterland of the Great Dragon, a hundred thousand forbidden troops, and layers of defense by the great masters can make the thief escape calmly after a successful assassination."

"Don't you feel a little bit of shame? Don't you feel a chill down your back?"

"Fortunately, I have prepared in advance this time. If there is no precaution in advance, the future queen will be assassinated and killed, and the whole world will cause an uproar."

"In the eyes of the people of the world, where will you be placed, and where will I be placed?"

"If you can't even protect the mother of a country, how can you have the face to protect the people of the world and the country and the country?"

"In this assassination, although the thieves did not succeed in their original purpose, I and you have already been disgraced!"

"The salary of eating the king, share the worries for the king, that's how you share the worries for me!"

"Your Majesty, please forgive me!"

Although First Young Master Liu bent down to salute and apologized, the corner of his eyes lingered on Yunyang and Li Baiyu with complicated expressions.

When it comes to the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, apart from Jing Guogong and Li Baiyu, the real insider is himself.

Only you know what the truth of the matter is.

Sure enough, my aunt guessed right. The one who most hoped for a peace of mind was not herself, but Li Baiyu, who had just ascended the throne and was not yet secure on the throne.

Although Li Baiyu is already a justifiable new king of the dragon, he should be the son of heaven.

But compared to his father, Li Zheng, most of the forces in the court have not yet been controlled, and he needs the support of generals.

Especially for a leader in the military like the Yun family.

Yunyang and the second master of the Yun family are veterans of the three dynasties, and they have made great contributions in northern Xinjiang. Few people can match their prestige in the army.

Yunchong of the next generation is also the general of the Huben Army, and the power of the [-]-strong Huben Frontier Army under his command cannot be underestimated.

It can be said that Li Baiyu was too eager to get the support of the Yun family, so he could concentrate all the rights of Dalong in his hands as soon as possible.

Not to mention, just a few vassal brothers are enough for Li Baiyu to worry.

Knowing that these brothers are not dead, but as long as these brothers do not rise up and threaten to rebel and seize the throne, Li Baiyu will have no chance to cut down the feudal clan.

In particular, the father, in order to prevent himself from enthroning himself as the emperor with great power and having difficulty controlling his own temper, set up five auxiliary ministers.

For these five people, Li Baiyu knew his brother-in-law's support for him.

Xia Gongming, a veteran of the four dynasties, is hard to say whether he is loyal to himself, but his loyalty to Dalong Jiangshan Sheji is unquestionable.

The prime minister on the left and the prime minister on the right have been fighting openly and secretly during Li Zheng's reign. It remains to be seen whether they are united with him.

Yunyang is the only auxiliary minister who controls the power of soldiers and horses. It can be said that as long as he has the support of the Yun family, his throne will be stable sooner or later.

But Yun Xiaoxi was assassinated on the day of his wedding.

Li Baiyu, who wanted to find out the truth of this matter, got the advice from his mother, Nangong Meng, and immediately understood that his throne was still in jeopardy.

Sitting on the dragon chair does not necessarily mean that you will be convinced by the civil and military forces of the Manchu dynasty.

The five auxiliary ministers only have three years to restrain each other, which means that they only have three years to hold Dalong firmly in their hands amidst trade-offs.

At that time, the real foundation is stable, and the country is eternal!
Liu Mingzhi fixed his eyes on Yunyang, he knew in his heart that what Li Baiyu said were just excuses.

The truth of the matter is that it was the 'real' Yun Xiaoxi who was assassinated.

He really wanted to know how Li Baiyu persuaded Yunyang.

How could Yunyang accept his proposal in the pain of losing his grandson.

Liu Mingzhi silently withdrew his eyes, he was becoming more and more incomprehensible to Yunyang, the Duke of Yasukuni who didn't have much dealings with him.

Is the old fox really loyal, or is Li Baiyu's methods comparable to his father Li Zheng's?

"Half of the [-] forbidden troops belong to the Ministry of War, and half belong to the Kyoto Ministry of Internal Affairs. Although the Ouchi guards make their own decisions, they belong to the imperial guards."

"The defense of the city gate is under the coordination of the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Households, the Dali Temple, and the Ministry of Punishment. There are so many killers entering the city, and you and the others are not at all wary."

"This time the thief assassinated successfully, and you all have an inescapable relationship."

"The Minister of the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of War fined half a year's salary, the Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment fined him eight years, and the commander of the imperial guards, Song Qing, fined him three months."

"Dingguo Gong Liu Mingzhi, as the supervisor of the household department, the military department, and the auxiliary minister of Dali Temple, is guilty of negligence and will be fined for one year!"

"Left Chancellor Wei Aiqing supervised the Ministry of Punishment for the crime of negligence, and was fined for one year!"

"Are you convinced?"

"I am convinced!"

Ye Kaiming, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments, and Ding Jian, Minister of Dali Temple, looked at each other, looking at Young Master Liu with gratitude in his eyes.

Zhezi was right when he heard what the Duke said.

The Li Yunlong brothers looked at each other with complicated eyes, and their vigilance towards Li Baiyu deepened.

A disgraceful defeat, not only did not hurt the prestige of the emperor's brother, but turned the situation around.

Not only did he save his face, but he beat two of the five auxiliary ministers, and a group of important ministers were also implicated.

Several people couldn't believe that the corpse lying in the Ministry of Criminal Justice was not Yun Xiaoxi himself but a substitute maid.

But observing the old Duke Yun's drowsy and yawning appearance, he was a little uncertain.

After all, Yunyang didn't act like he just lost his granddaughter.

Especially the fourth son, Li Yunping, the scene when he was killed by Yunyang from northern Xinjiang and hanged for smoking because he offended Yun Xiaoxi can be said to be vivid and fresh in his memory.

How can a person who protects the calf and loves his granddaughter so peacefully lose his granddaughter?

Could it be that what Brother Huang had said, the wedding and the assassination incident were really just a game set up by Brother Huang and Yunyang.

Glancing at the elder brother whose behavior was becoming more and more like his father's, and scanning the brothers with complicated and unbearable expressions beside him, the regret in Li Yunping's eyes was palpable.

A wrong step is a lifelong mistake!
"Old Yun loves you!"

"The old minister is here!"

"Honorably burial Miss Xiaoxi's substitute, after all, died because of Miss Xiaoxi, we must know how to be grateful!"

The darkness in Yunyang's eyes flashed away: "Old minister obeys the order!"

"Retire from court, you guys should reflect on yourself! I will discuss the real wedding with Miss Xiaoxi again."

Zeng Hai waved his whisk lightly, and shouted sharply, "Retire!"

"Congratulations to Your Majesty, long live long live!"

Young Master Liu walked towards the outside of the hall in silence.

Today's court meeting has exceeded my expectations from the beginning to the end.

Li Baiyu in the past has really changed, he is different.

"My son-in-law, go slowly, Your Majesty is waiting for you at the back of the palace!"

Young Master Liu looked around at the civil and military officials who were staring at him in surprise, and nodded silently: "Please, Chief Manager!"

"My son-in-law was joking, please, please!"

First Young Master Liu followed Zeng Hai side by side and walked towards the back of the hall. Li Baiyu was drinking tea with a calm expression.

"Brother-in-law, here we come!"

"The younger brother has seen the emperor!"

"No courtesy, take your seat!"

"Thank you, brother."

"Brother-in-law, it happened for a reason. Forgive me for not telling you clearly about Miss Xiaoxi in advance, which caused you to worry for so long under grief."

"You should also be able to understand my difficulties. After all, it's hard to distinguish loyalty from traitors for the first time as a great treasure. If there are those thieves' eyeliner in the court, this matter will fall short."

"Punishing your salary is also a helpless move. After all, the household department and the military department are under your name, and I can't be too partial to you."

Young Master Liu looked at Li Baiyu with a complicated expression, and stood up gently from the chair.


"Your brother, leave!"

Young Master Liu gave a cold snort, and said his disciples had to leave. He waved his sleeves away in the astonished eyes of Li Baiyu and a group of court ladies and eunuchs.

Zeng Hai reacted: "Bold and bold"

Li Baiyu frowned and stared at Zeng Hai: "Don't talk nonsense!"

"Yes, we know we were wrong."

Li Baiyu rubbed his nose with a complex expression, and looked out the door: "Old Zhou"

"My brother has seen His Majesty!"

Li Baiyu retracted his words and looked at Young Master Liu who had gone and returned in surprise.

"Brother-in-law, what are you?"

Young Master Liu looked at Li Baiyu with a stern face: "Your Majesty, is it okay to change the fine salary into a demotion? If the official is gone, the ministers can make meritorious service and then be promoted. If the money is gone, it will really be gone."

Li Baiyu looked at First Young Master Liu tangled: "Brother-in-law, I have made a firm statement, and it has already been decided."



This time even the younger brother was gone, Li Baiyu looked at the door with embarrassment as he watched Young Master Liu disappear.

"Old Zhou, brother-in-law, what does he mean?"

Old Zhou walked into the hall with a slightly hunched figure: "Your Majesty, the son-in-law did not hesitate to blush the late Emperor for money, but you actually fined his salary. Isn't this cutting his flesh?"

"Senior, you know that's not what I asked."

Lao Zhou looked at Li Baiyu with a complicated expression: "Your Majesty, the son-in-law was also so fussy about the money with the late emperor at the beginning."

"We made a mistake in protecting the country, so we have to go to the late emperor's mausoleum to plead guilty."

Li Baiyu seemed to understand something: "Senior said that my brother-in-law didn't treat me as an outsider, and that's why he was so wild because of Yun Xiaoxi's matter!"

Lao Zhou smiled faintly at Li Baiyu, his figure jumped away and disappeared.

"Your Majesty, you must bear in mind the teachings of the late emperor! My son-in-law, it can be of great use!"

Li Baiyu nodded thoughtfully: "Go to the mother's place!"

Outside the palace gate, Young Master Liu got on his horse and looked at the fish bag with the official seal on his waist with a complicated expression.

"Old man, you are right, the world has always been like this!"

"The court, the world, balance."

"I'm still young!"

(End of this chapter)

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