Chapter 1280

"Husband, get up and go to court. Today is the first court meeting of this month."

Qi Yun rubbed her eyes drowsily, her fluffy hair like a madman pushing and shoving First Young Master Liu who was still sleeping soundly.

First Young Master Liu opened his eyes and smashed his mouth, looked at Qi Yun who had already lit the candle, glanced at the sky outside the window, turned over, closed his eyes and continued to sleep soundly: "Going to court? What court to go to?"

Qi Yun was startled, put down the light and pulled her husband out of the bed and touched Young Master Liu's forehead, with a puzzled look on her pretty face.

"It's not hot, how can you talk nonsense?"

"Husband, you look at me sober and sober. Today is the first court meeting this month, did you forget? Did you get tired and sleepy last night?"

Young Master Liu rubbed his eyes and looked at Qi Yun with a smile: "My husband is very sober now, lady, are you so beautiful?"

Qi Yun was secretly delighted when she heard the words, and looked at Young Master Liu's beautiful eyes coquettishly.

"I can talk sweet words, don't change the topic, get up and wash up, I will help you change your clothes, if you don't get up again, it's too late to go to court."

"Just got fined"

With a scream, Qi Yun was embraced by Young Master Liu, dragged into the bed and hugged tightly in her arms.

"Going to the court? Go to the fart, sleep, a lady who disturbs her husband's dream early in the morning is not a good lady!"

Qi Yun raised her head and looked at her husband who was rubbing her chin on the top of her head, with worried eyes, she raised her hand to gently caress Young Master Liu's cheek.

"Husband, is it because of what happened a few days ago that you feel uncomfortable?"

"But my husband, once you are the emperor and the courtiers, your majesty is not the first emperor. As an assistant minister, if you don't go to the court, you will inevitably be criticized, and you will not be able to convince the public at that time."

"The new dynasty has just begun and you are so lazy, are you not afraid that others will play you a copy, and you will be proud of being favored?"

"Should I participate in it? When my father was in power, I didn't even go to court for my husband. What's the matter with love?"

"Husband, be obedient, get up and go to court."

"Yun'er, as a husband, I need some days to reflect on myself, and I won't go to court in these days."

"My husband can't figure it out for a day. I would rather stay at home and have a baby with you guys than go to court."

Although an old married couple, Qi Yun is still a little bit coquettish towards Young Master Liu's ambiguous words.

"Then when do you plan to go to court?"

Liu Da sat up cross-legged, hugged Qi Yun's waist tightly, and looked out the window silently at the slightly forgiving sky.

"The contract collapsed, it's time to go to court for my husband!"

"Contract? What is the husband, you mean the contract in Shanhaiguan?"

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his eyes and looked at Qi Yun dotingly, and tidied up his somewhat disheveled hair: "Smart, when is it time to fight, that is when I should go to court for my husband."

"Aren't you afraid of your household department, the supervision power of the Ministry of War has been emptied by the other four auxiliary ministers?"

Young Master Liu sneered coldly: "Yun'er, whoever said that if you don't go to court, you can't control the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of War? The relationship between Lao Jiang and us in the Ministry of Households is not exaggerated. It is an iron relationship, and the Ministry of War is controlled by uncle."

"Besides, even if something goes wrong on Weifu's side, the four of them don't want to touch Weifu's household department and military department."

"Your Majesty will not watch them take away the right to be a husband and let me put it aside."

"He needs to make a trade-off, three years! It's hard to say after three years!"

"Husband, what are you thinking?"

"Proud, full of vanity!"

"Ah? Bah! The concubine is serious, answer well!"

"Husband doesn't think about anything now. I think yesterday's porridge is not over yet. What do you think you want to do for your husband?"

"Yeah, I haven't washed myself yet. Love me"

In the Hall of Qinzheng, Li Baiyu looked at the cushion where Young Master Liu was kneeling in surprise: "Everyone, why didn't Duke Ding Liu Aiqing come?"

The civil and military officials also looked at Young Master Liu's position in surprise, and were a little confused for a while.

Seeing the bewildered faces of all the officials, Li Baiyu looked at Zeng Hai who was beside him: "Old Zeng, what is the reason why Ding Guogong did not come?"

Zeng Hai shook his head in a daze: "We haven't received it here. If you are sick, you should write a letter if you feel unwell."

"That's strange, why didn't you come to the court?"

"Your Majesty, Duke Ding sent a letter from his subordinates!"

Fu Hai walked around to the back of the hall and handed the folder in his hand to Li Baiyu.

Li Baiyu was startled, looking at the folder in Fuhai's hand in surprise, could it be that his brother-in-law really couldn't go to court because of something?

After taking the booklet and opening it, Li Baiyu had a strange expression on his face.

"Report to Your Majesty, my younger brother has been punished and is not in the mood to go to court, long live long live long live!"

"This... How can I criticize this?"

The civil and military officials stared blankly at Li Baiyu, not knowing what kind of memorial Dingguo had sent, which made His Majesty's complexion a colorful blue.

"Dear dear ones, Mr. Dingguo is suffering from the cold, and now he is unwell and unable to go to court, can you have a memorial to start?"

All the officials looked at each other with expressions on their faces. Why do you feel that this sentence is familiar?

It seems that when the first emperor was in power, Duke Dingguo had been suffering from occasional wind and cold, and it seemed that the worst episode of wind and cold had caused him to feel unwell for three months.

If it hadn't been for Duke Ding to come out of Tianxiang Tower reeking of alcohol after retiring from the court, he would have thought that Duke Ding had died young without anyone noticing it!
Now that the new king has just ascended the throne, you feel chilly occasionally.

Tell me about you, the Generalissimo of the Western Expedition who used to conquer cities and territories, why are you so hypocritical?
Yunyang has dozed off since the beginning of the court, and turned a deaf ear to the affairs of the court.

Hearing Li Baiyu's words, he frowned slightly, then continued to lower his head and dozed off.

As for whether he really fell asleep or pretended to fall asleep, no one knows.

"Jiang Yuanming, Minister of the Minister's Department, has something to report to His Majesty!"


"Your Majesty, there will be a bumper harvest in less than a few months. Your Majesty should order the officials under the Ministry of Households to supervise the grain fields of the state capitals."

"Where there is a good harvest and where the production is reduced, it must be reported to the General Yamen of the Ministry of Households."

"Once natural and man-made disasters occur in the future, we can deal with them quickly!"

"Please allow Your Majesty."


"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Shangshu of the Ministry of Ministers and Armed Forces Qizuo Your Majesty."

"The new army of 30 can already be handed over to Northern Xinjiang. Your Majesty, please decree to promulgate the bugle."

Li Baiyu became silent, and after a long time, Li Baiyu raised the dragon case and wrote it with a Zhubi.

Every time I wrote two characters, I read them out loudly, with a resounding voice, so that everyone could hear them clearly.





"A hundred battles."

"The fangs!"

"In a few days, our Dragon Heavenly Army will go north to the border to fight against Jin, and the Turks will rule the world."

"I hope all the soldiers of my dragon."

"A sharp fighter."

"The Polu Buddha."

"Hundred battle fangs."

"Show off my great dragon glory!"

"Your Majesty Shengming, long live long live long live!"

"The minister obeys the order."

"Your Majesty, I have something to play!"

"Your Majesty has just ascended the Great Treasure, and the new dynasty is opening. I advise His Majesty to make an exception and open Enke once, to show His Majesty's kindness to the students of the world!"


"The Ministry of Officials supervises this matter!"

(End of this chapter)

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