My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1296 Dream Maker

Chapter 1296 Dream Maker
Yun Xiaoxi sat on the side and heard the topic of discussion between the two brothers, and consciously walked to the side of the kitchen to get ready for food!
Although there is no name of husband and wife with my cousin, they already have the reality of husband and wife.

Yun Xiaoxi's ladylike upbringing let her know when to do what, what to listen to, and what not to say.

In Yun Xiaoxi's view, this is a woman's duty, and it is also the greatest support for a man.

Young Master Liu didn't say anything when he saw Yun Xiaoxi leaving, and he loved the well-behaved Yun Xiaoxi even more in his heart.

Tapping the table with his fingers lightly, Young Master Liu looked at Huyan Yunyao opposite him with a mysterious look in his eyes.

"Brother, I don't understand what the younger brother said!"

Huyan Yunyao playfully played with the teacup in her hand, looked up at the clear blue sky

"It doesn't matter if the son-in-law pretends to be confused, or if he is really confused, as long as senior brother understands it in his heart!"

"However, if Yun Yao wants to use the talent of her son-in-law, nine out of ten the former is the majority."

Huyan Yunyao sighed faintly: "My son-in-law, although the tiger father has no dogs and sons, the son-in-law should understand the truth of the emperor and the courtiers!"

"Although Li Baiyu is a good person, he has won Li Zheng's way of being a king, but in Yunyao's view, Li Baiyu is inferior to his father Li Zheng after all."

"The mentor chose to devolve power and retire, and everything was able to end well. Li Zheng is indeed a peerless hero, and he has lived up to the expectations of the mentor!"

"However, who can tell in the future!"

"After all, the son-in-law has never been a mentor to Wen Renzheng, and Li Baiyu is not his father Li Zheng after all."

"In the future, son-in-law, you may not have a happy ending like your mentor!"

Liu Mingzhi slid his fingers on the rough wooden table, his eyes turned frequently, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

After a long time, Young Master Liu leaned on the chair lazily.

"Junior Brother is trying to drive a wedge between Brother Wei and His Majesty's monarch-subject relationship. To put it another way, what Brother Brother said is really persuading Brother Wei to rebel!"

"I'm just saying this as the great Khan of Huyan Wangting Taichang, my brother. Can I think that you want to stir up civil strife in my court so that I can profit from it?"

"The snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's benefit, or sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight?"

"I've thought about it for my brother, but I can't think of any other reason."

Huyan Yunyao was startled, shrugged her shoulders needlessly, and spread her white and tender hands.

"In all fairness, Yunyao really expects to see civil strife in Dalong."

"After all, the deadline for the covenant is just around the corner. The more chaos the dragon brings, the more beneficial it will be for my Turkic people. As a Turkic Khan, Yunyao doesn't think it's hard for me to have such thoughts."

"I don't even think there is anything shameful about this!"

"On the contrary, since the moment the son-in-law stepped into the court, why hasn't he persevered in helping Dalong annex our Turkic and Jin kingdoms, and thus dominate the world?"

"Everyone is half-hearted, and there is nothing worth covering up."

"You and I are brothers and sisters who came out of the same school. Although what we learn is slightly different, we end up with the same goal after all."

"The only difference is that, concubine, you plan for the Li family, while Yun Yao plans for herself."

"All in all, everyone's goal is the same, and the result depends on who will be the best in the future Three Kingdoms battle!"

"Confucianism often says that the world is so big that only the virtuous live there!"

"Yunyao has a different opinion. The world is so big that even the overlord can know it."

"I don't know what the son-in-law thinks of Yun Yao's words?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded lightly: "These remarks are very suitable for the identity of the younger brother, but domineering the world will not last long after all! My Dalong is the best example!"

"The six hundred years of Guozuo is rare in the world!"

"Hegemony can be a short-term strategy, but for a long time, kingly rule is needed."

"Yunyao didn't refute the words of the son-in-law, but the son-in-law ignored the essence of the matter. Without domineering to rule the world, how can he rule the world in a kingly way?"

"Whether it is kingly or domineering, after all, they complement each other!"

"The kingly way controls the people, and the overbearing controls the outside world."

"Yun Yao believes in the words of the saints, but never thinks that the words of the saints in the past are in line with the current situation in the world."

"People are treated the same except for the ten months of pregnancy. You have to admit that there will really be class distinctions after you are born."

"Not only will there be, but it will be especially obvious!"

"The great unity of the world is nothing but an illusory idea."

"In Yunyao's view, not to mention the unification of the world in the future, even after ten years, a hundred years, or a thousand years, people will still be divided into classes."

"The wine and meat of Zhumen will stink, and there will still be countless frozen bones on the road."

"As long as people's selfishness exists, there will be no harmony in the world!"

"My son-in-law, no one can escape the reality, even if you don't admit it, because the morals of the world are always real."

"Innocence only exists in those poor women who have just entered the brothel."

"Because only they will foolishly believe that one day there will be a champion who will become their guest of honor, and will save us from the sea of ​​suffering after they are named on the gold list in the future."

"When innocence meets reality, innocence is always the one who gets hurt in the end."

"Let's just say that your Dalong Law seems to be well-organized, extremely fair, and people-oriented."

"But son-in-law, you have to admit that the emperor is the one who made the Dragon Law."

"In other words, as long as the emperor intervenes in the law, the law will never be truly fair and just one day."

"Rights are something that the inferiors bestow on the superiors, but the superiors restrict the inferiors with their own laws."

"My son-in-law, tell Yunyao, based on this, how can the world be unified?"

"He who is full feeds the hungry."

"The so-called world is just a dream."

"Some people weave dreams, and some people sleep soundly in dreams that have been woven."

"With the status of a son-in-law, he is now one of the characters who weaves a beautiful dream."

"But why isn't the son-in-law in a dream woven by others?"

"And the person who weaves the beautiful dream is Li Baiyu, the current Emperor of the Great Dragon."

"My son-in-law, you just entered another dream from Li Zheng's dream."

"However, they are all beautiful dreams, and their essence is not different!"

"My son-in-law, this is the true meaning of this world, it's just that you have been unwilling to wake up!"

"What Yunyao did was only to become a dream weaver, and to do my best to make all the sleeping people have a better life!"

Liu Mingzhi sat softly on the chair, his originally bright eyes were a little dark, and became simple and unremarkable.

In the collision of idealism and materialism, who can tell who is right and who is wrong.

"Junior brother, you are right."

"The true meaning of the world is so, but what is the nature of the world, have you ever understood?"

Huyan Yunyao was startled, took a sip of tea and thought for a moment.

"Yunyao listens all ears!"

First Young Master Liu stood up and stretched.

"The essence of the world is that you know that this world is wrong, but you can only go with the flow."

"Even if you know that you are in a dream woven by others, you dare not wake up."

"There are too few people who are awake and alive from the dream, so many people are willing to sleep soundly in the dream."

"There are 9000 million registered people in Dalong, and after sweet potato was introduced to Dalong, there are about [-] million people who have not registered yet, but among the [-] million people, there is only one Liu Mingzhi. "

"The grassland is unified. Although Turks, men, women and children can be generals on horseback, but now there is only one Huyan Yunyao out of the 700 million Turkic tribes."

"There are more than 800 million people in the Kingdom of Jin, but there is only one ZTE master, Wanyan Wanyan."

"The world is so big, one person can't change anything!"

"Sometimes you realize that it's actually good to be confused."

(End of this chapter)

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