My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1297 Yun Yao's Provocation

Chapter 1297 Yun Yao's Provocation

Young Master Liu Huyan Yunyao followed Cai Cai's words, and the two brothers and sisters started an argument about expressing their views.

"My son-in-law, let's talk about the most typical example."

"You and brother Qin Bin Qin, our half-time classmate and friend."

"We participated in Qiuwei with our colleagues, and the senior brother has been advancing unimpededly since the day he entered Beijing. On the other hand, brother Qin can only change his predicament step by step and slowly climb up."

"Yun Yao does not deny that the son-in-law is a rare talent in the country. With his extraordinary appearance, which is different from ordinary people, he has repeatedly made extraordinary achievements, so he can be promoted step by step."

"But the son-in-law can't deny that it may not be because of the senior brother's family background."

"Senior brother climbed faster than Brother Qin, a large part of the reason is that the starting point of senior brother is much higher than that of Brother Qin."

Young Master Liu was about to say something when Yun Xiaoxi seemed to hear something wrong with the tone of the conversation between his cousin and Huyan Yunyao from the kitchen room. Exquisite vegetarian dishes, and two plates of processed jerky.

"Cousin, Sister Yunyao, after talking for so long, I must be hungry. Let's eat something to fill my stomach."

"Especially sister Yunyao, you came from afar. My sister didn't prepare in advance. I just made two simple simple meals for my sister to clean up the dust. I hope my sister doesn't mind."

"As for the soldiers under my sister's command, Xiaoxi has little strength alone, so I can only let them solve it by themselves!"

The appearance of Yun Xiaoxi eased the tense atmosphere between the brothers and sisters.

Huyan Yunyao shook her head with a faint smile: "It's okay, they brought their own dry food, so don't worry about my sister!"

Yun Xiaoxi lifted the jug, filled the two with wine, and then poured himself a glass.

"Xiaoxi respects my cousin, sister Yunyao, have a glass of wine. After drinking this glass of wine, you can have some appetizers, and try to see if Xiaoxi's craftsmanship has improved!"

With Yun Xiaoxi in the middle, the meal was finally a happy ending for the host and guest.

Young Master Liu lazily drank the tea to clear his stomach after dinner, and looked in surprise at Yun Xiaoxi, Huyan, Yunyao, who came out of the kitchen hand in hand, talking and laughing.

Although they were old acquaintances before, they didn't get close to each other.

After a meal, they became good girlfriends who seemed to talk about everything.

Young Master Liu had to sigh again, the affection between women really has no reason.

I sighed softly to Yun Xiaoxi in my heart, this stinky girl, can't you see that your sister Yunyao has been greedy for your cousin and me?
This is a relationship between rivals in love. Is it really okay for you to be so close to her?

I believe that I was robbed that day, and there was nowhere to cry.

Under Young Master Liu's puzzled eyes, the two girls walked towards Yun Xiaoxi's boudoir talking and laughing.

Young Master Liu drank half a pot of tea, and the two women took the bamboo basket of Huanxi's clothes and walked out of the yard with a smile, ignoring Young Master Liu who was half lying on the chair.

Young Master Liu stood up stiffly, smuggled at the courtyard door and looked at the beautiful shadows of the two girls walking towards the river. He seemed to understand what the two girls were going to do, but he looked a little uncertain.

Young Master Liu's face was a little tangled, and he lowered his head and muttered to himself.

Go take a peek, it's too beastly.

Don't take a peek, it seems that some animals are not as good as them.

First Young Master Liu clicked his tongue and muttered a few words, his eyes lit up.

There are often wild beasts in this desolate place, and I should go to give them an upright guardian because of my feelings and reason.

peep?Where to start?
This young master has always acted in an upright manner, how could he do such a vile villain's behavior!
"My son-in-law! What are you doing so sneakily?"

Young Master Liu trembled, looking up with a bit of embarrassment at Huyan Yunyao who didn't know when to go and come back again, her phoenix eyes came back with a strange sense of narrowness.

"Junior brother, the weather is good today hahahahaha."

"Let's talk about sneaking and sneaking. This is brother Wei's and Xiaoxi's home. I want to stay where I want. It has nothing to do with junior brother, right?"

"But the grassland is Yunyao's territory!"

"The son-in-law regards the grassland as his home, is he admitting in disguise that you and Yunyao are a family?"

Young Master Liu never expected that Huyan Yunyao would be so preoccupied with the question about the son-in-law, that she was really greedy for her body.

"Well, the weather today is very good, the wind is light and the clouds are light, and the sun is shining brightly. It is really a good day for riding and grazing."

When Huyan Yunyao saw First Young Master Liu, she began to talk left and right again, with a pair of lotus root arms lightly wrapped around her chest, making her already exquisite figure stand out even more.

Slowly approaching Young Master Liu, Huyan Yunyao looked narrowly at Young Master Liu who wanted to make jokes.

"The son-in-law is right. It is precisely because of the good weather that Yunyao and Xiaoxi made a plan to go to the river in front of the yard to take a bath together."

"The son-in-law has a great reputation, so he must be an upright and upright gentleman, so he shouldn't be peeking, right?"

"Of course not, how could Brother Wei do such a nasty act of peeping, I don't know how many pretty beauties in Dalong have thrown their arms and hugs at Brother Wei, and Brother Wei even dismissed it!"
"Brother who sent it to his mouth would dismiss it, so how could he peek at the two of you taking a bath?"

"I, Liu Mingzhi, the dignified Duke Ding, can't get any kind of woman."

"Please don't doubt my young master's character!"

Huyan Yunyao nodded playfully: "Really?"

Young Master Liu nodded heavily: "The world can prove it!"

"Oh, of course Yunyao believes in the character of the son-in-law, but there is a saying how to say it."

"That's right, that's right, Yun Yao remembered, and the stolen things are even sweeter!"

"There's another saying, home flowers don't have the fragrance of wild flowers!"

"Yunyao thinks that the so-called character is not worth mentioning in front of beauty."

Young Master Liu was speechless, because what Huyan Yunyao said was right in Young Master Liu's arms, character?This young master has a shameless reputation, so you talk to me about your character.

Huyan Yunyao smiled lightly: "But, Yunyao came here to tell the son-in-law that Yunyao is going to take a bath with Xiaoxi!"

"Two beauties who are alluring, is the scene of the beauties coming out of the bath really not tempting?"

"Yunyao also served in the Dragon Army Department, and knows that you have a telescope in your hand, but Yunyao always thinks that the drama of the telescope is not clear enough!"

As Huyan Yunyao talked, she tore off the ribbon around her waist, and a light blue bellyband embroidered with delicate peonies caught the eyes of First Young Master Liu.

Huyan Junyao's clavicle and lotus root arms, which are crystal clear like jade, are shining brightly against the sun, making the young master Liu, who has many ladies and knowledgeable eyes, unable to take his eyes off all the time.


Young Master Liu's reaction made Huyan Yunyao smile triumphantly, casually put on her skirt and put on a belt, twisting her exquisite and slender body and walking towards the river.

"My son-in-law, Yunyao, you and my senior brother haven't had a real fight since we left the teacher."

"Yunyao doesn't know the size of the concubine, and the concubine doesn't know the depth of Yunyao."

"Given a good opportunity today, in such a beautiful place, how dare the son-in-law explore the depths?"

(End of this chapter)

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