My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1403 For Stuttering

Chapter 1403 For those who stutter (monthly ticket plus update)
Lu Gui ordered to suppress the archers on the city wall, and the rain of arrows on the city wall became much sparser.

The government soldiers began to charge down the city wall carrying the ladder.

When the clattering sound continued, hundreds of ladders attached to the crenels of the city wall, and the sword and shield soldiers held their shields and began to climb up the ladders.

The thunder stones and logs dropped by the imperial guards on the city wall, mixed with the foul-smelling golden juice, once again caused dense screams under the city wall.

"The archers waited for the opportunity to shoot and kill the rebel soldiers outside the city, the thunder stones and logs were used sparingly, and the pikemen stepped forward!"

In a short while, countless government soldiers with swords and shields climbed up the city wall holding their tokens.

Before they had time to be happy, four or five spear points pierced their chests.

With a scream, he fell towards the city wall.

The sound of knocking on the gate under the city wall sounded, and Lu Tao's face did not change in the slightest. He methodically commanded the imperial guards to attack the rebels who climbed up the city wall.

Under the city wall, a brisk messenger ran up to Lu Gui.

"Report, report to the general."

"The city gate sounded like a city gate, and the door-ramming vehicle didn't move at all. Presumably, it was sealed from the city gate hole with rammed earth or bricks. If you want to break the city, you can only kill it from the city wall."

Lu Gui looked at the battle situation on the city wall without any surprise and nodded: "Sure enough, as the prince expected, His Majesty intends to seal the city to the death."

Lu Tao cut down a rebel who had climbed up the city wall, and subconsciously glanced at the situation outside the city.

Looking at the general's flag outside the city, Lu Tao sheathed the Pu knife: "Soldier, take my general's rhubarb bow."


"General, your bow and arrow!"

Lu Tao took the bow and arrow and began to bend the bow and nock the arrow, aiming to loosen the arrow in Lu Gui's hand under the banner, then leave the string and shoot towards Lu Gui.

Lu Gui, who was explaining the siege plan to the messenger, felt a chill in his heart, and bent down subconsciously, a special wooden feather arrow gently drifted past Lu Gui's neck when he was standing upright, and fell powerlessly to the ground.

"Protect the General!"

The surrounding guards noticed something was wrong and immediately surrounded Lu Gui.

Lu Gui straightened up with gloomy eyes, glanced at the position of the city wall, and looked back at the wooden feather arrow that fell on the ground, and gasped with lingering fear.

"Fortunately, the distance is far away, and the strength of the arrows is not strong enough. If it is the bed crossbow, General Ben will probably explain this place!"

"The order!"

"The siege vehicles distanced themselves to prevent the defenders from being bombarded by artillery fire, and moved forward one by one to suppress the guards on the city wall!"


Lu Tao regretfully threw the big yellow bow to the guards, and walked over like sweeping the artillery not far away.

He patted the artilleryman on the shoulder: "Brother, can you use the artillery to bombard the people under the flag? The general gave you 20 credits!"

The artilleryman's eyes lit up, he bent down to look at the position of General Lu Gui's flag and shook his head in disappointment.

"General, the distance is too close. The shells fired from this angle must fly at least [-] steps away from the rebel general's flag. The flag is set there to prevent our artillery."

Lu Tao patted the cannon barrel with residual heat and sighed: "It's not powerful, it's absolutely powerful, but it's too bulky and has too many limitations."

"Whenever it can be small enough to hold it in your hand and fire it, it will be as light and flexible as a bow and arrow, and then you can shoot wherever you want!"

If Young Master Liu was here, he must have looked at Lu Tao in amazement, his ideas were avant-garde.

It's a pity that my young master has already made a flintlock gun, and there are also repeating guns. Your inspiration came too late.

Unable to kill the rebel general, Lu Tao had no choice but to return to his position and command the Imperial Guards to fight back according to the changes.

This fight lasted for several hours, until the sky became dark.

The rebel camp began to sound the horn of retreat.

A field of corpses was left under the walls of the capital, and the siege rebels began to recede like a tide amidst the sound of horns.

Lu Tao wiped off the blood on the simple knife, took the spear from the spearman's hand, pointed the tip of the spear at the ladder and lifted it forcefully, the tendons on the back of his hand swelled, and the siege ladder attached to the battlements was thrown aside. Sliding down the wall.

"Carry the wounded brothers under the city wall to be treated by the military doctor."


Looking at the densely packed corpses under the city wall, Lu Tao didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

These are all the soldiers of Dalong. They were supposed to jump on their horses and raise their whips to go north to kill the enemy and serve the country, but now they are on the point of fighting each other.

Lu Tao sighed: "Blame you, blame you for embarking on a road of no return!"

"The prosperous mountains and rivers left by the late emperor were destroyed by a few Xiao Xiaoxiao. It is really towering and speechless."

"I originally talked with my old brother about the rebellion in the Kingdom of Jin many years ago, and I still talked with great interest, but now it's my turn, and I really feel the helplessness and heartache."

"They are all good Erlang of my Dalong, but they will die in the hands of their own people."


"I'm humble."

"Call the rebels outside the city and let them come to collect the corpse."


Lu Tao put the saber into the sheath and slowly climbed up the tower.

Looking at Li Baiyu who was sitting quietly on the chair, Lu Tao knelt on one knee and saluted.

"The old minister lived up to His Majesty's high expectations, and defended the first day."

Li Baiyu hurriedly stood up and helped Lu Tao up: "Old Aiqing has worked hard, so there is no need to be more polite in the future."

"There is no need to stick to these false rituals on the battlefield."

"I have seen the battle situation. This is just a stepping stone. The offensive is so fierce. I really don't know how tragic it will be once the elite rebels start attacking the city."

Lu Tao's old eyes dimmed, as if he had some memories.

"Your Majesty has never seen the battle of the frontier army. It was tragic. Thousands of people were killed or injured in a short while."

"Looking at the weather, the rebels will not attack the city today. Your Majesty should go back to the palace to rest first, and the city wall will be handed over to the four veterans."

Li Baiyu shook his head silently.

"I want to eat and live with the soldiers until the rebellion ceases!"

Dalong Mingzhou, a place where wars and rebellions have not been affected.

"Oh, I'm so hungry!"

The little cutie lay powerlessly on the horse's back, took out the purse from her waist and poured it into the palm of her hand.

As a result, after pouring for a long time, not a single copper was poured out.

Looking at the gradually dimming sky, the little cutie stared at the owner of the steamed stuffed bun stall who was gradually closing down, and kept swallowing her saliva.

"Old woman, I don't know how to give some more money as money. Would you let Yue'er beg all the way to Dalongjing?"

The smell of wine, coriander and herbs wafted from the restaurants on both sides of the street, and the little cutie shrugged her nose and covered her growling stomach.

Stuffing the empty purse into her bosom, the little cutie dismounted and walked towards a fortune-telling booth that hadn't closed yet.

The little cutie was gesticulating and muttering something to the middle-aged scribe boss.

The middle-aged scribe of Banzhuxiang Kung Fu looked at the little cutie with distressed expression, and reluctantly gave the little cutie a piece of fine rice paper and pen and ink.

The dragon gradually prospered, and ordinary people could afford rice paper, but it was not to the point of squandering it casually, and the middle-aged scribes still felt a little distressed.

The little cutie bowed to the middle-aged scribe, and led the horse towards a large-scale restaurant.

On the tethering post, the little cutie tethered the mount, rubbed her growling belly and sighed.

"Sooner or later exposure is exposure, and there is nothing wrong with early exposure!"

"Erbai, wait for a while, my sister will be back soon!"

The war horse sneezed and rubbed the little cutie's sleeve.

The little cutie patted the horse's mane, took a deep breath and walked towards the restaurant holding the rice paper.

There are two lines of beautiful and powerful regular script written on the rice paper, which is not too big and not too small, and there is a delicate seal underneath.

While cupping tea, the little cutie was pushed out by a boy with a chicken leg in her mouth.

"Little sister, even if you say that you are the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, your elder brother will believe it. Let's go, let my father see you and you won't be able to eat chicken legs!"

Little Cutie held up the rice paper in her hand helplessly, and took a bite of the chicken leg in her hand.

"Brother, you missed an opportunity to become a master!"

"If your children and grandchildren know about this, can they even dig your grave for you?"

The young man looked helplessly at the content on the rice paper, and waved his hand gently.

"Let's go, let's leave this opportunity to others!"

The little cutie looked at the content written by herself on the rice paper with an embarrassed face and shook her head. It turns out that there are really people in the world who don't love glory and wealth!

"My girl, the little princess of Jin Kingdom Wanyan Luoyue."


"For stuttering."

"Go home!"

"General Feng!"

(End of this chapter)

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