My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1404 I hope the rising sun will shine on my soil forever

Chapter 1404 I hope the rising sun will shine on my soil forever
"The prince has an order that the first soldier to attack the city wall will be rewarded with ten thousand taels of gold, and he will be promoted to a noble rank."

"Catch the faint king alive, reward 10 taels of gold, and seal ten thousand households."

Li Yunlong's generals, Lu Gui, Jiangzhou, Li Baihong's generals Chen Meng, Jin Qing, Li Qing's generals Wu Renhao, Xue Pingfang waved their weapons and pointed at the city wall.

Commanding the soldiers of the three armies began to attack the city again.

Li Baiyu's armor on the city wall has long since lost its original appearance, and the helmet on his head is also missing. His hair is disheveled, and he looks like a madman.

The Son of Heaven in his hand was also covered with the blood of the rebel soldiers, and the blood on the hilt of the sword had dried up to black.

Hearing the sound of attacking drums outside the city again, Li Baiyu supported the battlements and slowly stood up straight with his chest, gently stroking the snow on the city wall with a sneer.

"There is no truce on the first day of the new year. How much do you want this chair?"

Qingyuan Marquis Yan Benmo and Guan Ning Marquis Lu Tao ran towards Li Baiyu from both sides.

"Your Majesty, the rebels have started to enter the palace again, so be careful."

All the soldiers on the city wall these days knew that their majesty was not a weak man with no power to restrain a chicken, but a little master who had reached the fifth rank.

Knowing this, Yan Benmo and the two were still a little worried about Li Baiyu's safety, so they ran over and warned Li Baiyu not to take it lightly.

Li Baiyu leaned on the battlements with the Tianzi Sword in his hand, staring at the rebels slowly approaching under the city wall.

"You two lovers, how long has it been?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it has been 23 days. We have resisted for 23 days. There are still [-] days before King Qin's army will arrive. We will definitely be able to hold the capital and wait for the reinforcements to come to suppress the rebellion."

"Today is the first year of my enthronement. It was supposed to be a perfect celebration, but I didn't expect to kill the enemy on the city wall. It's a day I will never forget."

"How many guards are there?"

Lu Tao and Yan Benmo were startled, their expressions were both sad and sad.

"There are more than 7000 people, and there are only 4 left who can still fight. If it hadn't been for seven days of heavy snow, which prevented the rebels from attacking the city, I'm afraid there are at most [-] brothers now."

Li Baiyu shook his body and laughed miserably: "How many rebels are left?"

"Around 20, the casualties of the government soldiers are almost the same, and the rest are elite troops. For thirteen days, we should be able to bear it."

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, even if the old minister dies in battle, His Majesty will be sent out of the city. As long as he joins King Qin's army, His Majesty will definitely be able to take back the country."

Jingyuanhou Chen Jin ran over with a sword in hand: "Your Majesty, Minister of War, Song Yusong, commanded [-] officers and men of the City Patrol Division to climb the city wall, and they have already entered the west city gate!"

Li Baiyu breathed out slowly: "There are [-] more soldiers defending the city, which increases the chance of winning by [-]%."

"The enemy is within range."

With the call of the watchman, the city wall was immediately on guard.

Li Baiyu stood aside and waited for the order from the three experienced generals.

As the guard of the South City Gate, Lu Tao waved the command flag in his hand without hesitation: "Tear off the leather blanket on the cannon to block the snow, and fire."

Yan Benmo, Marquis of Qingyuan, and Chen Jin, Marquis of Jingyuan also ran towards their respective positions to command the soldiers to defend the city.

The current situation cannot tolerate the slightest carelessness.

The offensive momentum this time is much more ferocious than the previous few times. As Lu Tao and the others said, the rest are the elite.

Fortunately, apart from trebuchets, the rebels have not used artillery as a siege weapon for more than 20 days, which has to let the guards on the city wall breathe a sigh of relief.

Compared with the previous government soldiers, the army attacking the city this time did not stagnate in the slightest in the face of the shells bombarded from the city wall, and launched a charge completely recklessly.

Although the death was terrible, the aura was far superior to that of those soldiers.

"Archer, shoot three times in a row, covered by arrow rain."

The overwhelming rain of arrows shot towards the rebel army outside the city, and the sword and shield soldiers of the rebel army immediately raised their shields and began to defend.

The rain of arrows on the city wall had just ended, and the rebel archers below the city immediately began to fight back, and there were uninterrupted screams of arrows on the city wall.

The moment the rain of arrows ended, ladders and siege vehicles began to appear under the city wall, and the dense rebels began to climb up the city wall, brandishing their weapons.

"Golden juice, prepare fire oil, burn their siege vehicles and ladders. Pikemen are ready, ready to kill the enemy at any time."

"Report, there is not much left of Thunder Stone Rolling Log!"

Li Baiyu frowned: "Lu Aiqing, order the auxiliary soldiers to dismantle the inner walls, city ladders and city bricks and use them as thunder stones and rolling logs."

Lu Tao hesitated for a moment and nodded: "Abiding by the order."

The moment the kerosene was poured on the ladder, the imperial guard immediately raised the torch in the brazier and lit it up.

With a slight touch, the raging fire burned down the ladder, and the rebels who were still on the ladder were surrounded by the fire before they could retreat in time.

"Splash fire oil and fire rockets at the rebels below the city."

Many soldiers poured kerosene on jars and jars, and then threw the jars down the city.

Many imperial guards who were too late to retract their bodies were directly killed by the suppressive arrow rain under the city wall and died on the spot.

Then the rockets on the city wall covered them. As soon as the rockets landed, countless fires were ignited immediately.

There was also a big fire on the surface of the moat, because the kerosene was floating on the water.

A continuous flame completely cut off the footsteps of the rebels attacking the city outside the city. Many rebels could only watch helplessly as their brothers rolling and screaming in the flames were burned to death.

The howling of retreating soldiers sounded again from the rebel camp outside the city.

The rebels retreated slowly while guarding against the arrows on the city wall.

The moment the rebels retreated, countless blue bricks were carried onto the city wall by the auxiliary soldiers.

Looking at the retreating rebels outside the city, Li Baiyu wiped off the blood on the Emperor's Sword with his cloak, leaned on the battlements and slid on the city wall.

I resisted for a long time.

"Report, there is not much fuel."

"Report, the arrow can last at most seven days."

Listening to the reports of the soldiers, Li Baiyu felt extremely sour in his heart, and slowly closed his eyes.

The capital is now an isolated city, and the supplies in the city are less and less, and there is no replenishment at all.

"Brother-in-law, uncle, old Yun Aiqing, when will you all arrive, I can't bear it anymore."

Suddenly there was a messy sound in the city, and Li Baiyu hurriedly opened his eyes in shock. Could it be that the people in the city couldn't bear the pressure and set off a civil revolution?

If this is the case, the capital city is really facing internal and external troubles.

Li Baiyu, who had killed seven enemy troops just now, was physically and mentally exhausted, but he had to get up and walk towards the city ladder, eager to know what happened.

"Report, to report to His Majesty, to report to the General, the people in the city gathered towards the gate of the city wall, at least thirty to fifty thousand people."

The thought of the civil uprising flooded Li Baiyu's mind again, and the arm holding the Emperor's Sword trembled imperceptibly.

"Report, Your Majesty!"

"Say it!"

"Your Majesty, the people in the city spontaneously went out to bring us dumplings."

"They said that today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, and the soldiers should not be allowed to defend the city on an empty stomach. They brought dumplings to the brothers."

Li Baiyu was startled, and looked down the city with trembling corners of his mouth.

Watching batches of civilians keep putting dumpling bowls in the hands of the imperial guards, Li Baiyu's eyes suddenly felt a little sore.

Li Baiyu closed his eyes and took a deep breath, forcing the water mist in.

It is not in vain that I did not abandon the city and flee.

What the people want, what the people want, why worry about the uncertain situation.

Looking at the corpses of the imperial guards who were carried by the auxiliary soldiers under the city wall, Li Baiyu felt extremely sad.

In just half a day, another group of soldiers died for the country.

Li Baiyu stood in front of the pillars of the tower with the Tianzi Sword in his hand, and lightly waved the Heavenly Sword in his hand, leaving four lines of large characters on the pillars on both sides.

"Emperor Li Baiyu of Taihe tells the descendants of future generations!"

"I hope the morning sun will shine on my land forever, and I will never forget that the blood of the martyrs is all over the ground."

"Defend the family and the country!"

(End of this chapter)

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