My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1408 It Really Snowed

Chapter 1408 It Really Snowed

The sky became gloomy, and the sound of gold foil calling for gold to retreat came from outside the city.

The little cutie stood up slowly from the battlements, looked at the surrounding bloody city walls and shrank her neck subconsciously, her big eyes showed a somewhat flustered look.

Although Xiao Kei was the commander of an army of 60 outside Yingzhou City, she didn't have the opportunity to face the cruelty of the battlefield as she did now.

Averting his eyes from the corpse, Little Cutie leaned forward and looked out of the city, seeing the rebels who had withdrawn one after another turn their necks and looked around.

Finally, from a dozen steps away, the cute eyes fell on Li Baiyu, who was leaning on the battlements and panting with blood all over his body.

The little cutie walked towards Li Baiyu and trotted towards Li Baiyu, avoiding the bloodstains.

"Uncle, the rebels have retreated."

Li Baiyu turned his head to look at the cutie, and grinned.

"Uncle heard it. It's great to hold on for another day. As long as you hold on for another twelve days, your father and the others will come to rescue us."

Li Baiyu raised his hand to hold the little cutie's hand, but the little cutie avoided it subconsciously.

Li Baiyu was stunned, then lowered his head and glanced at himself to react.

"Are you afraid of uncle?"

The little cutie shook her head and nodded again, pointing to the bright red blood on Li Baiyu's armor.

"Yue'er is afraid of uncle's blood, too much."

"Yes, there is too much blood. You are still a child. War is not suitable for you. You should be raised in pavilions. I don't know what your mother thinks, but she will let you be the commander-in-chief."

"how old are you?"

Cutie counted with her fingers: "It's almost ten years old."

"It wasn't my mother who asked me to go, it was Yue'er who wanted to fight like Dad, but after passing, Yue'er realized that fighting is not fun at all, people will die, many people will die."

"Yue'er is very afraid of seeing dead people, but she dare not tell uncle."

"Uncle? Wan Yan Chi Zha?"


"Uncle, can we stop fighting in the future?"

"If you beat our country of Jin, if our country of Jin beats you, many people will die. This is not good."

Li Baiyu looked at the little cutie with a complicated expression.

"Yue'er, many things are not as simple as you think. You are still young, and there are many things you don't understand."

"The war is for longer-term peace. Now we are like the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, but now we only have three separate countries, each guarding one side."

"Your Golden Kingdom has been established for nearly 200 years, and the Turks have risen since the Five Hus. Our three kingdoms have fought for 200 years, 200 years."

"Do you know how many people will die in 200 years?"

Cutie shook her head in confusion: "Yue'er can't figure it out."

"Uncle can't count, because the people who died in battle can't be counted anymore."

"If the world is not unified, uncle and your mother will continue to fight for a lifetime, and a lifetime is very long, how many people will die?"

"If uncle can't unify the world, you will continue to fight with uncle's son, who is your cousin."

"How long the fight will continue, and how many people will die, no one can predict."

"Your father should have seen through all of this before going on the expedition."

"Only when the world is united can there be no more soldiers dying on the battlefield."

"Everyone has a heart of compassion, but compassion is not suitable for every situation."

"When you grow up, you will understand what uncle said."

The little cutie looked at Li Baiyu silently and fell silent, many things in her heart were not so comprehensive.

As Li Baiyu said, no matter how smart she is, she is still just a child.

The current cutie is completely a marionette in the hands of the queen, and she acts completely according to the queen's operation, without the ability to judge for herself.

"My ministers, see your Majesty."

Little cutie, when Li Baiyu was silent, Lu Tao, Yan Benmo, Shen Zhong, Chen Jin, the third waiter and the first uncle walked over covered in blood.

"You don't need to be too polite for the four lovers. What's the situation at the east gate, west gate, and north gate?"

The four of them looked at each other, sighed silently, glanced curiously at the little cutie at the side, and then looked away.

"There were heavy casualties. Tens of thousands of brothers were killed or injured. They attacked the city from all directions. Our troops were too scattered."

"When guarding one gate, the city wall was only so far away. No matter how many rebel troops approached the city wall, only a few could approach the city wall. But now that they are divided into four groups, our situation has already fallen far."

"If it wasn't for the brothers of the Imperial Guard who were required to be faithfully taught from the beginning of their enlistment, I'm afraid the morale of the army would have been shaken at this moment."

"I don't know what the offensive will be like tomorrow."

"If this continues, it will be difficult for us to hold on for seven days."

Li Baiyu stood up slowly leaning on the Emperor Sword.

"I asked you to discuss something with you to see if it works. If the plan is feasible, maybe we can support it until the arrival of reinforcements."

"Oh! By the way, let me introduce to you, the little princess of the Kingdom of Jin, Wanyan Luoyue."

"That is, the rumors are spreading, Ding Guogong Liu Mingzhi's daughter."

The four of them were startled, looking at the little cutie in amazement.

"Your Majesty, gossip?"

Li Baiyu smiled wryly with complicated eyes and said to the little cutie, "No!"

"Wanyan Luoyue, isn't that enough to reveal her identity?"

"Why is she here?"

"When I placed the order, I was captured by Ouchi's guards. I will talk about this matter later. Let me first talk about the idea of ​​calling you here."

Li Baiyu repeated the words of the little cutie, and clearly stated that it was the meaning of the cutie.

The four of them pondered for a moment and their eyes gradually brightened. They looked at the little cutie with a little surprise. No wonder they were able to serve as the commander of an army of 60 at such a young age. They thought it was because she was a princess.

Now it seems that there must be a reason for it.

"Young prodigy."

Jing Yuan Hou Chen Jin gave a praise without hesitation.

"Huguo Marquis Zhang Kuang used this method when resisting Du Lu's attack on Yingzhou in the past, hindering the speed of Du Lu's attack."

"Back then, he also stated this in the memorial, but it was too long, and the veterans all forgot all about it."

"Yeah, I haven't been on the battlefield for many years, and I can't think of many things."

"It's a clever plan."

Li Baiyu looked at the four people who nodded frequently in surprise: "Four lovers, is this plan feasible?"

"Of course it's possible, and it's very effective."

"If it's freezing cold today, once you pour cold water on the snow outside the city wall, it will freeze overnight. By then, the ground will be slippery, and the rebels will trample on us if they don't use us without any precautions." A lot of rebels were killed or injured."

"At that time, it will be a living target for our archers."

"After splashing water on the city wall, it is also extremely smooth after freezing. In addition to the siege vehicles, whether the ladder can be attached is a big problem."

"The siege engine is so cumbersome, it's hard to say whether it can pass through the ground after the first ice."

"If they use fire oil to burn ice, they will have no way to attack the city."

"In this way, the time for the rebels to attack the city can be greatly delayed."

"A quarter of an hour longer, we can stick to it for an extra quarter of an hour."

Li Baiyu clapped his palms heavily: "That's great, then I'll have to trouble the four love ministers to arrange it."

"The old minister retire."

After the four of them left, Li Baiyu looked at the cutie happily.

"Yue'er, not killing you is the most correct decision uncle made."

The little cutie sighed and looked up at the gloomy sky.

"It would be even better if there was some snow."

"Uncle also hopes that there will be heavy snowfall, so that the rebels... huh."

Li Baiyu's forehead felt cold, and he subconsciously looked up, looking at the snowflakes slowly falling from the sky, a little shocked.

"It's really snowing!"

(End of this chapter)

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