Chapter 1409
After three days.

It snowed heavily for three days without stopping, and the inside and outside of the capital was covered with a vast expanse of whiteness, and the sky and the earth were pure white.

The little cutie was wearing a big cloak and a thin brocade quilt wrapped around her body, and slowly walked down the steaming tower.

"Ha Qiu, it's so cold."

The little cutie looked like she had just woken up, rubbing her nose and looking at the refreshing snow scene around her, her big and exquisite eyes lit up.

"Wow, so beautiful."

"Yue'er, wake up!"

Cutie looked down, and it turned out that Li Baiyu was wearing a thick cloak, standing beside the lit brazier on the city wall, holding a binoculars and looking at the rebels outside the city who were starting to clear the snow.

"Morning, uncle."

"Morning, did you rest well last night? There is nothing wrong with Cuiyun serving you, right?"

"No, sister Cuiyun is very considerate, thank you uncle."

The gentle and friendly manner of the two people is not at all like the emperor of the enemy country and the princess of the enemy country, but like a harmonious family.

A brazier was placed on the city wall for the imperial guards and the nine guards of the City Patrol Division to keep warm. The little cutie threw away the brocade quilt in her hand and squatted on the brazier and stretched out her little hands to keep warm.

The imperial guards on the side smiled lightly and stepped aside. For this smart and cute little princess of the Kingdom of Jin who helped the capital break the three-day siege, the imperial guards really liked it.

Even if he is the little princess of the enemy country.

"Thank you uncle."

"His Royal Highness is joking."

There are mostly braziers on the city walls, and the temperature is not low, causing the surrounding snow to show traces of melting.

The little cutie grabbed a handful of snow and rubbed it on her little face, instantly she became more awake.

The little cutie stood up slowly and looked out of the city: "Uncle, is this the third day?"

Li Baiyu nodded with a light smile, with a hint of relief on his brows: "Yes, it's the third day, and it will take at least a day for the rebels to clear up the route to attack the city, without hurting a single soldier. Four-day city, you are really uncle's lucky star."

Li Baiyu couldn't hide his love for the little cutie in his eyes, looking at the little cutie's exquisite face, if it wasn't for the little cutie's age, plus the identities of each other, Li Baiyu would have kissed him fiercely to express Own thanks.

Li Baiyu could only sigh silently in his heart, but it's a pity that the little cutie is not his daughter.

Thinking of this, Li Baiyu felt a little sore in his heart, and he didn't know how his wife and children were doing now.

After leaving the capital, no one knew their identities, and they wondered whether they could safely pass through the ice and snow barrier and join King Qin's army.

The little cutie grinned: "It is said that there must be an effect if there is a cause. Uncle did not kill Yue'er and planted a good cause. Yue'er helped uncle defend the city and produced a good fruit."

"By the way, uncle, is there ice on the city wall?"

Li Baiyu nodded with a light smile, gently took the little cutie's hand and hugged her to the battlements.

"Look for yourself, there was already a layer of ice, but now every night behind Luoxue, my uncle asks someone to water it, and now it is two fingers thick, and the rebels' ladder can be pushed down the city with a little force .”

"The ice layer under the city wall is enough to deflect feathered arrows. Uncle has ordered the prison officials to water the caltrops overnight. When the time comes, sprinkle them on it and effectively stop the rebels for a period of time."

"Watering? What is watering?"

Li Baiyu was startled, and his eyes dodged unnaturally: "Casting, uncle is wrong."

"Oh! Uncle let them cast more."

Cutie carefully touched the smooth ice layer on the city wall: "It's really slippery, so Yue'er and Uncle can wait until Daddy comes to rescue us."

Li Baiyu carried the cutie to the city wall, looking at the cutie's relaxed expression complicatedly.

"Yue'er, aren't you afraid of going against your original intention when you help uncle out of the siege?"

Cutie shook her head melancholy: "Yue'er can't do anything about it, my uncle can't kill Yue'er, but the third uncle can, Yue'er didn't see her father, how could she be killed?"

"Helping uncle, you are helping Yue'er herself."

Li Baiyu was taken aback, and nodded with a wry smile: "You are right, helping others is not helping yourself."

"After today, it's not right to stick to it for another eight days. It's enough to stick to it for another nine days. King Qin's army is rushing for thousands of miles. How can we retreat from the enemy if we don't spend another day."

"We'll be safe and sound for another nine days."

As soon as Li Baiyu finished speaking, a figure appeared erratically on the city wall, and the guards around him had already gotten used to it, quietly watching the gray-robed man walking towards Li Baiyu without any reaction.

However, the warming hands still touched the saber at the waist subconsciously, chatting and laughing in a low voice.

"Old slave, see Your Majesty."

Li Baiyu hurriedly stepped forward to help him: "Senior Zhou, don't be too polite."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Li Baiyu looked at Zhou Fei expectantly: "Senior Zhou, how are you doing? Can you seize the opportunity to capture some of my brothers?"

Zhou Fei shook his head regretfully: "They have long known about the existence of the old slave, and their guards are very strict. The king's tents are scattered far away, and countless martial arts masters are on guard day and night. It is very difficult to succeed with one blow without striking the grass."

"The rest of them will be on guard immediately after capturing one. This will only force them to jump over the wall in a hurry and speed up the attack speed, especially when they almost succeeded last time, their vigilance has increased a lot."

Li Baiyu nodded in disappointment: "Sir, you are a congenital master and you can't succeed?"

Lao Zhou nodded melancholy: "Your Majesty, congenital experts are also mortals. We are not afraid of anyone one-on-one. However, when innate masters fall into the army, their internal energy will be exhausted, and the result will inevitably be dead without a whole body."

"The current 20-strong army is not full of wine and food. They are all the best of the best. We are in a hurry but there is nothing we can do."

"Several princes have paid a lot of money to recruit a lot of half-step innate masters. If you fight the old man head-on, you can kill him with one blow, but it's impossible to make a secret move without being noticed."

"Thank you for your hard work, let's find another chance."

"Your Majesty, it's not that the old slave has gained nothing. After lurking for so many days, he finally got something unexpected."

After Lao Zhou finished speaking, he looked around, took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Li Baiyu.

"Your Majesty, after reading the letter, you will naturally understand."

Li Baiyu took the letter and hurriedly opened it to read it.

After a while, Li Baiyu's face brightened, and he held the letter in his hand.

"Fourth Brother"

Li Baiyu's tone paused, and he hurriedly stopped the next words, looking forward to seeing Lao Zhou slowly walking over and asking in a low voice.

"Is the news true?"

Old Zhou nodded solemnly: "We went to see King Jing in person, His Majesty has seen King Jing's difficulties in the letter, and you will know if it is true or not after checking."

"As long as His Royal Highness King Jing can turn against him secretly and bring order out of the chaos, coupled with his great achievements in suppressing the rebellion, he can also be exempted from the death penalty for participating in the conspiracy."

Li Baiyu took a deep breath and nodded: "I can guarantee that as long as the fourth brother sincerely helps me, whether he is forced to participate in the rebellion, or suddenly wakes up, I can spare him the death penalty, including his family."

"I understand, King Jing means the name of Wolf Smoke."

"As long as the timing is right, immediately cooperate with His Majesty internally and externally."

"I understand, I will trouble seniors to work harder again."

"Let's leave."

After a few ups and downs, Lao Zhou's figure disappeared on the city wall, and the cutie was taken aback for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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