My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1410 The plan worked

Chapter 1410 The plan worked
The next day.

After a night of silence, the east saw white, Li Baiyu, who was sleeping soundly holding the Tianzijian, was awakened by the sound of drums and horns outside the city, subconsciously opened his eyes suddenly, held the Tianzijian and left the attic under the tower.

Li Baiyu, who has experienced more than 20 days of war, is now more like a battle-hardened general than a king of a country.

Li Baiyu watched the imperial guards gathered on the city wall waiting in formation and looked outside the city.

Li Baiyu sighed wryly as he watched the rebels pressing up one after another.

"I can't wait, it seems that you are under more pressure than me."

"Your Majesty, the rebels are attacking the city again."

Lu Tao was fully armored and ran towards Li Baiyu with a weapon in hand. His face was full of fighting spirit. It was a blessing in heaven that the Imperial Guards were complacently resting for four days, and the exhausted Imperial Guards regained their fighting spirit.

"Let's order the brothers to be on guard. As the days go by, my brothers must be getting impatient. The rebels must be attacking fiercely. The ice outside the city is not a natural moat, and it won't last long."

"After holding on for so many days, seeing that King Qin's army is about to arrive, all the hard work is in vain when the city is broken."

"The old minister understands, the old minister is going to command."

The little cutie rubbed her big sleepy eyes and got out of the gate tower. Beside her was a pretty maid of about seventeen or eighteen years old. Presumably it was Cuiyun who Li Baiyu said was serving the little cutie.

Cuiyun looked anxiously at the cute little girl who looked like she hadn't slept enough.

"Princess Yue'er, let's go down quickly. Once the rebels attack the city, it will be dangerous on the tower."

The cutie stared angrily at the rebels outside the city, stretched her waist and nodded helplessly: "Okay, sister Cuiyun, let's go down."

"Princess please."

Cuiyun protected the little cutie with one hand, gently lifted her heavy cloak with the other hand, revealing a sword hilt, Cuiyun pulled lightly, a soft sword like a spirit snake was held by Cuiyun in her hand to protect the little cutie In front of him, he walked towards the bottom of the tower.

Li Baiyu turned around when he heard the movement behind him, and saw the two people walking down the tower, nodding to Cuiyun.

"Protect Yue'er, she hurt a hair, I'm asking you."

"The slaves obey the order."

On the battlefield, Cuiyun didn't care about being different from the little cutie, she gently raised her cloak and wrapped the little cutie in and shrank under the battlements, the soft sword in her hand was tightly held in the jade hand in a defensive posture.

Although the battlements can withstand bows and arrows, occasionally falling stones from trebuchets happen to fall here.

It is precisely because of this that Li Baiyu deliberately passed on a good female university master who disguised herself as a court lady to protect the safety of the little cutie.

Just as Li Baiyu said, cutie is now the only bond that can maintain the relationship between him and his brother-in-law Liu Mingzhi.

The city was destroyed, and it was understandable for the little cutie to die in the hands of the rebels. There must be no problems with the little cutie now.

Every time before the rest of the defense of the city, Li Baiyu would recall the words that Li Zheng taught him when he was alive.

In the past few days, Li Baiyu sorted out all the words and summed them up in one sentence.

If you want to reuse Liu Mingzhi and guarantee Liu Mingzhi's loyalty, you must treat his family well.

As long as his family members are not harmed, he and Liu Mingzhi can continue the good story between their father and his ministers.

The safety of his family is the prerequisite for Liu Mingzhi's loyalty to the court.


With the wave of the command flag of Lu Tao and the others, the artillery on the city wall fired dense shells towards the rebels who had already entered the range.

Li Baiyu guessed right just now, Li Yunlong and the others are now in a hurry.

Looking at the ferocious posture of the rebels charging desperately regardless of the artillery fire, one can know that the Li Yunlong brothers have given the order to die.

There is no way, Li Baiyu can afford to wait, Li Yunlong, Li Bohong can't afford to wait, one more day will be one more day to face the crisis of King Qin's army.

As long as they invaded the city, threatened the royal clan of the clan's mansion to pray to the world, and sat on the throne logically, King Qin's army could only stare blankly when they arrived.

Unless you want to bear the name of rebellion like yourself and others.

Then the situation faced by the vassal king's rebellion and the foreign minister's rebellion was completely different.

One is to rebel against one's own family. As long as Jiangshan's surname is still Li, the clan's family will solve this matter.

One is the rebellion of the courtiers. When the time comes, the generals of soldiers and horses from all states in the world will gather to respond, and the whole Dalong will be completely chaotic.

Based on what Li Yunlong and Li Bohong knew about these veterans, they would definitely not do such a thing. The only thing that changed was Liu Mingzhi.

But as long as he is on the throne, the evidence of the relationship between Liu Mingzhi and Jin Guoxiaocute's father-daughter relationship will be revealed to the world.

It is hard to say what the outcome will be at that time.

Li Ye, the two sons of Li Baiyu, was supported, and one of Li Tao's brothers ascended the throne as emperor, inheriting his father's throne.

It's a pity that the queen's position has not yet been determined. The two brothers Li Ye and Li Tao only have the status of princes, and they have not been established as princes by Li Baiyu.

Secondly, the two brothers are too young. If it is based on the overall interests, the old people in the clan's mansion must be biased towards Li Baihong and Li Yunlong, who used to have a good reputation.

After all, except for the stigma of rebelling against the superior, the means, the two mental brothers are almost the same as Li Baiyu, the only difference is the difference in personality.

"General, there is a thick layer of ice under the city wall. The siege vehicles and trebuchets can't be transported up at all. The brothers can't stand still while carrying the ladders. The archers on the city wall are shooting and killing the brothers without fear! "

Lu Gui and Jiangzhou, under Li Yunlong's command, looked at each other with gloomy expressions as they watched the ex-army brothers twist and turn under the city wall.

Lu Gui withdrew his gaze and sighed: "They poured water and froze a line of defense bestowed by heaven, what should we do? Brothers will die in vain if this continues."

Jiangzhou thumped his palms hard: "There is no other way, the prince can't wait any longer. It will snow for three days and clear the snow for two days. If we wait any longer, King Qin's army will kill us."

"Although we are elite, we still can't compare with the frontier army. We must attack and enter the city as soon as possible."

"What do you say, if you continue to attack like this, you will let the brothers die in vain. If the siege equipment can't go up, you can't let the brothers climb up?"

"Order the former saber and shield soldiers to step forward to cover and guard against the rain of arrows, while the rest of the brothers break the ice."

"Brothers in the rear of the Chinese army retreat, out of the range of the guards' shells."

"That's the only way to go. Give the order. I'll report to the prince."

"Okay, go and tell the prince about the situation, I'll be here to supervise the formation first."

The situation of the rebels was exactly as Lu Tao and the others expected. Facing the ice that had been frozen for four days and nights, the rebels' heavy siege weapons could not be transported at all.

The ladder is light, but it can't stop the rebel soldiers from slipping on the ice.

All of a sudden, this happened on all four walls.

The rebels wanted to attack and couldn't go up, and the offensive side became the passive defensive side.

The siege battle fell into a stalemate in a short period of time, and the little cutie's strategy completely worked.

(End of this chapter)

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