My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1411 Strange Uncle

Chapter 1411 Strange Uncle

Li Baiyu looked happily at the rebels who could only be beaten passively under the city wall.

Although they were all soldiers under their own rule in name, they obeyed the orders of their brothers, the rebels, and sent troops to attack the city to rebel against them.

Li Baiyu is also a human being, and he has already regarded the rebels as traitors and traitors.

I have given them a chance, as long as they put down their weapons, set things right, and help themselves put down the rebellion, they can all be exempted from the death penalty.

But they made up their minds to go all the way to the dark. In this case, Li Baiyu would not be sad no matter how many rebels died, because this was destined to be a struggle for the throne, so it was either you or me.

However, Li Baiyu is destined not to be happy for long.

Hou Jingyuan Chen Jin and the others made it very clear that the ice layer can only effectively stop the speed of the enemy's siege, but it cannot stop the enemy's attack forever.

Under the cover of sword and shield soldiers, the rebels began to break the ice regardless of casualties.

The hammers and pickaxes used by the auxiliary soldiers to build siege equipment went into battle together, and the ice layer was broken little by little and approached the city wall.

After stepping on the barbed wire, the rebels gained a lot of wisdom after eating a ditch, and directly used their shields to clean up the hidden weapons hidden under the snow. Cleaned up perfectly.

The generals under the command of several kings began to issue orders to attack the city again.

Without the barrier of ice, the momentum of the rebels rushing under the city wall against the artillery fire was only a moment.

"Thunderstone Rolling Log, cast."

"When pouring the golden juice, be careful not to melt the frost on the wall."

The Thunder Stone Rolling Wood consumed almost the same amount, and the imperial guards had already prepared a sufficient amount of green bricks and started throwing them down after receiving Li Baiyu's order.

Compared with stones, blue bricks have edges and corners, which are more convenient to use.

The rebels who were gaining momentum found the second block when they attacked under the city wall and used the ladder.

The ladders couldn't be stabilized on the battlements at all, and the siege ladders, which could normally be supported by two people, couldn't be prevented by five or six people.

As soon as the barbed ladder touched the battlements, the guards quickly cut off the barbs hanging on the battlements, and with a slight push, it tilted down along the slippery wall, toward the ground.

Some of the rebels who climbed halfway had good lives and some had small lives, and those with bad lives fell directly under the city wall to death on the spot.

It was impossible to attack the city wall, but there were thousands of huge green bricks on the city wall that were thrown down all the time.

For the first time since the rebels attacked the city for more than 20 days, they did not attack the city wall and suffered heavy casualties.

The siege vehicles can approach the city wall at that time, but the siege vehicles are extremely heavy, and there are only hundreds of them on a city wall.

However, without the assistance of other brothers, the rebels who jumped to the top of the city wall with hundreds of siege vehicles were not as outnumbered as the imperial guards. As soon as they fell on the city wall, they were hacked to death by the officers and men of the patrolling division of the imperial guards.

The trebuchets could temporarily suppress the speed of the archers on the city wall, but the number of stones was limited, and the army was unable to attack the city wall for a long time. Many trebuchets were smashed to pieces by the counterattack stones on the city wall.

The catapult that was unfortunately hit by the artillery turned into a pile of rotten wood.

After receiving the report, the Li Yunlong brothers had no choice but to leave the corpses on the ground and retreat.

Looking at the rebels retreating hastily under the city wall, Li Baiyu excitedly waved the Emperor Sword in his hand.

Today's defense of the city was the happiest I've been in the past 20 days.

The officers and men on the city wall had no chance of receiving any damage, and they captured a large number of rebels.

"Yue'er, the rebels have retreated, come out."

The little cutie crawled out from under Cuiyun's cloak and looked out of the city curiously.

"Uncle, why did they give up attacking the city so quickly today?"

Li Baiyu looked at the cutie excitedly: "Yue'er, this is all thanks to you, uncle really doesn't know how to thank you."

The little cutie nodded with a smile: "I want to eat fresh sauced beef, but the food is too bland these days."

"The beef in sauce sauce is fine, it's fresh."

Li Baiyu looked a little hesitant, and finally gritted his teeth: "Fresh sauced beef, fresh sauced beef."

Li Baiyu made several gestures, and a man in gray robe flew down.

"Old man Li Jia sees His Majesty."

Li Baiyu looked around secretly: "Senior Li Jia, find a way to kill a cow and let the imperial chef make a fresh beef sauce for Yue'er to eat. Don't be seen by anyone."

"It's not easy for me to explain where it is passed on to the censor."

Li Jia glanced at Li Baiyu strangely, and then set his eyes on the little cutie. It is not so easy for Dalong to slaughter live cattle. Every cow is the biggest contributor to the cultivated land. There are records in the government to record the situation of farm cattle .

Li Baiyu actually violated the rules set by the Taizu Emperor Gao in order to satisfy the cute little tongue, which was beyond Li Jia's expectations.

Seeing the little cutie licking her lips and swallowing her saliva, Li Jia nodded helplessly.

"The old man retire."

"Yue'er, you can eat it in a while."

"Yeah, thank you uncle, let's eat together later."

"Yue'er is so good, if you are my daughter"

Li Baiyu's tone paused, and he glanced at the cutie with strange eyes: "Yue'er, can uncle ask you a question?"

"Uncle, tell me, what's the problem?"

Li Baiyu's face was a little embarrassed, he hesitated for a while, and slowly squatted in front of the little cutie, carefully sizing up the delicate face of the little cutie who had inherited the queen's beauty.

"Do you want to marry Dalong and become Dalong's next queen?"

Cutie looked at Li Baiyu blankly: "Why did Yue'er marry Dalong and become his queen?"

Li Baiyu's face was filled with embarrassment. It can't be said that uncle has taken a fancy to your intelligence and talent and wants you to be my son's good helper.



"Because of your uncle's daughter, one of your cousins ​​is going to marry your elder brother Liu Chengzhi as a wife, and you can also marry your uncle's son as a bride."

"That way we can get closer."

Li Baiyu himself felt a little blush for coaxing a little girl less than ten years old.

But thinking that if this matter really happens, the benefits will be immeasurable.

Yue'er is the only heir of the Kingdom of Jin. If she marries her son, wouldn't it be possible to bring the Kingdom of Jin into the Great Dragon without bloodshed?

Taking advantage of the fact that the little cutie is still underage, and she is still in a state of ignorance about the love between men and women, it is simply unreasonable not to start at this time.

Such a clever girl became the queen of her own son, she was simply perfect.

And the status is equal, and the family is right.

It's just that Li Baiyu has some doubts, whether his son will be able to suppress this enchanting little girl in the future.

The little cutie tilted her head and looked at Li Baiyu: "Does it mean marrying someone when you marry Dalong?"

"A marriage is not considered a marriage."

Li Baiyu's eyes dodged a little when he said this.

"Yue'er has never thought of getting married, and Yue'er will always be with Daddy."

"Yue'er, you heard from my uncle that it's human nature for a man to be married when he is a college student and a daughter should be married when he is a college student. Your father loves you so much, why would he want you to die alone forever?"

"One day in the future, you will marry someone sooner or later and leave your father!"

The cute little pink mouth shrunk, and with mist in her eyes, she snorted at Li Baiyu, raised her little foot to Li Baiyu's instep, and walked towards the tower.

"When Daddy made mistakes, he only blamed uncle and not uncle."

"Very wrong."

"Uncle strange, Yue'er ignored you!"

(End of this chapter)

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