Chapter 1412

Li Yunlong's face was gloomy, and he raised his hand to vigorously pick up the tea sets on the table, and they all scattered on the ground.

The generals were so frightened that they all bowed their heads and did not dare to say anything, for fear of offending Li Yunlong's bad luck. They have been with Li Yunlong for a long time, and they know Li Yunlong's character too well.

Li Yunlong took a breath: "Asshole, asshole."

"This is a trick of a guy whose mother gave birth to a father and didn't raise him. It's really disgusting."

"Is there no better way to attack the city?"

Lu Gongwang shook his head with his sleeves behind his back: "Oh, please calm down, Your Majesty is taking advantage of the right time and place to forcibly delay the day of defending the city!"

"It's freezing cold, a little bit of water on the city wall will freeze quickly, and it may be difficult for the ladder to be firmly attached to the city wall."

"If we give up the opportunity to siege the city at this time, and they pour water on it at night, the city wall will freeze again tomorrow. Our siege vehicles will not be able to move up, and it will take time to break through the ice."

"The water veins in the capital are smooth, and the water is inexhaustible. It is really easy to make another ice layer."

"I really don't know when His Majesty recruited such a strange man and turned the right time and place into his own use."

"I can't help it. Who told us to raise our troops in the twelfth lunar month of winter."

Li Yunlong glanced at the general in the tent: "Is there no other way for you?"

A group of generals shook their heads helplessly!
All the gates of the capital city were sealed by solid bricks and stones. If you want to break into the city, you can only enter from the top of the city wall, but the city wall is slippery and you can't go up unless you fly in.

But martial arts masters are only a minority after all, and even a 20 army can't take out a few.

There is not enough manpower, and the killing is also to deliver food to the imperial guards.

Lu Gongwang sighed silently and looked at Li Yunlong quietly.

"My lord, there is no other way. Use artillery. There is no need to continue hiding. The longer it is delayed, the worse it will be for us."

Li Yunlong glanced at the generals around him, all his cronies were in the tent, and they all knew about the artillery.

Li Yunlong looked a little hesitant: "Sir, where is the second child, the fifth child? The main reason is that you know the disadvantages of our artillery."

"My lord, I want to celebrate the king in a lowly position, and nine times out of ten, King Yun also has cannons in his hands. Since that's the case, it's better to have an open and honest talk."

"Of course we are aware of the disadvantages of our artillery. The blueprints we have obtained are incomplete. The range of the artillery produced is not as far as that above the city wall, and the power of the shells is not enough."

"Especially, we only have [-] cannons that can be used safely. It is precisely because of this that the prince should join forces with King Qing and King Yun."

"Our cannons are far inferior to the cannons in His Majesty's hands in terms of power and quantity. It is likely that the cannons cast by the other two princes are also like this, with various drawbacks."

"That's why we should concentrate all the artillery, and concentrate artillery fire on a city gate before the artillery on the city wall has time to fight back."

"As long as the city gates are blasted open, it will be a breeze to capture the capital."

"It is impossible to attack the city by the city wall. Only breaking through the city gate is the most effective method, and it takes the shortest time."

"After all, it only takes midnight to pour water into ice, but we have to pay a high price to break the ice."

"Under the freezing weather, as long as you can't break through the city wall for a day, they can freeze the position under the city wall to prevent us from attacking the city."

"time is limited."

"In a word, His Majesty can afford it, but we can't afford it."

"Now it depends on which of you can make up your mind to bring up the artillery issue first."

Li Yunlong pondered for a moment, then quietly looked at his staff member Lu Gongwang.

"Sir, if this king proposes to use artillery first, I don't worry about the seventh child. The fourth child was forced to put ducks on the shelf by our brothers and had to rebel!"

"But you know what the second and fifth are thinking. What if they continue to kill me and don't have artillery in their hands after I bring up the artillery issue?"

Lu Gongwang shook his head silently.

"My lord, I don't know if I should say something or not?"

"Sir, please tell me, how can this king blame you?"

"My lord, you raised troops together with King Qing and King Yun. It's not good to say that you are a lowly position. You are too early to guard against them. If you want to guard against them, you have to wait until the city is broken to decide who will sit on the throne before you use your hands and feet."

"At this time, you need to unite as one and break through the city."

"If you hadn't been wary of each other all the time, and hugged each other as soon as possible, I'm afraid the capital would have already been in your hands."

"That's all for the humble job, how to proceed with the next plan, the prince will decide on his own!"

Li Yunlong picked up the only remaining teacup and took a sip of the warm tea in the cup. His eyes rolled for a long time and Li Yunlong nodded helplessly.

"I know I'm wrong, I'm listening to my husband."

"In the future, if you have any remonstrance, just speak up, and I will definitely not blame you."

Seeing this, Lu Gongwang nodded in satisfaction.

"The prince already has the basic ability to ascend the throne."

The ambition in Li Yunlong's eyes vented without hesitation: "Come here, invite the other four princes to come over, just say that this king has something important to discuss."


After half a stick of incense, Li Bohong and his four brothers came hand in hand and got into Li Yunlong's big tent.

Looking at the mess on the ground, except for the fourth brother Li Yunping, the other three brothers did not look surprised at all.

Because the situation in his tent is exactly the same as the appearance in Li Yunlong's tent.

For those who take advantage of the right time and place to pour water into ice, it is an itchy root of hatred.

During the siege of the city for so many days, thousands of soldiers were lost before reaching the top of the city wall. This is a tragic situation that has never been seen before.

Li Baihong sat on a chair beside him, looking at Li Yunlong indifferently.

"Third brother, if you're not busy attacking the city, what are we brothers doing here?"

The fifth brother, Li Qing, agreed: "Second brother is right. Could it be that third brother thought of a good way?"

Li Yunlong looked at the brothers quietly, and tapped the table lightly.

"There is no good way to attack the city, but there are some good things to attack the city!"

"I think it's not just this king, the brothers are hiding some good things in their hands, right?"

"Up to now, the situation has become more and more serious. One more day of entrustment will bring King Qin's army one more day. This runs counter to the original intention of our brothers."

"In that case, we brothers might as well have an open and honest chat and take out all the good things in our hands."

Li Baihong and Li Qing's eyes shrank imperceptibly.

The fifth brother, Li Qing, muttered for a while, and looked at Li Yunlong pretending to be puzzled.

"Third Brother, I'm a little confused, I really don't know what good things Third Brother said."

Li Yunlong narrowed his eyes and smiled faintly.


"Brothers, don't be in a hurry to deny it. Since the king has said it, there will definitely be one."

"It depends on what you mean. If we don't unite at this time and continue to guard against each other, sooner or later we will become the souls of the elder brother."

"I don't want to nag and say something useless."

"Whether to take it out or not, the brothers can decide for themselves."

For a while, the big tent fell into silence.

Half an hour later, Li Bohong and the others got out of Li Yunlong's big tent with complicated expressions but relaxed.

Only Li Yunlong's curses were left behind.

It's not about cursing Li Baihong and his brothers, but the guy around who advised Li Baiyu.

He kept cursing the bastard whose mother and father did not raise him. After breaking the city, he must do something about him. It was because of this talent that he had to expose all his trump cards in advance.

Li Baihong looked at the regular staff around him and gave instructions in a low voice.

"After the city is broken, find a way to find someone who will help the boss. This person is a great talent, and find a way to use it for his own use."


(End of this chapter)

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