My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1413 The Artillery Battle Begins

Chapter 1413 The Artillery Battle Begins

On the city wall, the watchman put away the telescope in his hand and flew down.

"Report, report to His Majesty, report to the general, the rebels have begun to attack the city again."

Li Baiyu, who was coaxing the little cutie to eat the sauced beef, paused, stuffed the sauced beef in his hand into his mouth, and casually wiped off the grease on the already dirty cloak and stood up.

Taking the binoculars from the lookout, Li Baiyu lifted it up and looked outside the city wall.

The little cutie's mouth was full of sauced beef, and her cheeks were bulging. Hearing what the watchman said, the little cutie swallowed the sauced beef sullenly, wrinkling her nose.

"It's endless, it's endless, and it doesn't stop even after eating."

Cuiyun took out a handkerchief and wiped the scum from the corners of the cutie's mouth and the grease on her pretty face.

"Princess Yue'er, don't be irritable, you can continue to eat after it's warmed up."

The cutie nodded depressedly, and got into Cuiyun's cloak like a little chick: "Call me out after the fight."

Looking at the extremely skillful cutie, Cuiyun nodded with a light smile, wrapped up the cutie and began to snuggle under the battlements.

Li Baiyu put down the binoculars in his hand, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Soldier, go and invite Lu Aiqing here."

"According to the order."

After a while, Lu Tao trotted over holding the binoculars as usual: "Your Majesty, I know what you mean by calling me here. The offensive formation of the rebels has indeed changed, and it has become unreasonable."

Li Baiyu raised the binoculars again and looked around.

"They know how difficult it is to attack the city, and they shouldn't be able to attack the city so quickly, and their formation is completely incomprehensible to me. How can their siege vehicles be arranged so densely?"

"Let's go down with a round of artillery, as long as we hit, we can destroy half of their siege vehicles."

Lu Tao shook his head silently: "The old minister is also puzzled, unable to guess their intentions."

"Do they want to gather siege vehicles and plan to bombard a little bit to make a gap in the city wall?"


"The messenger!"


"Ask about the situation of the other three gates, and see how the rebels are attacking."


"Old Aiqing, what should we do? Do we want to shoot and bombard their siege vehicles as soon as we get within the firing range? With such a dense gathering, it would be a missed opportunity if we don't fire."

"As long as their siege engine is destroyed, it will be even more impossible for them to attack the city wall just by relying on the ladder!"

"It will take at least two days or more to rebuild or repair the siege vehicles. In this way, we can wait for reinforcements for a few more days."

Lu Tao looked a little hesitant: "There must be a reason for what happened. They suddenly changed the unreasonable siege formation. It must be weird. Let's wait for them to get closer, and let's observe clearly with binoculars!"

"I respect what Lao Aiqing means. After all, you have a lot of experience. If I say you won't command offside, you won't command offside."

"Your Majesty, thank you for your understanding."

"Report, Your Majesty, General Qi, the rebels' offensive formations outside the other three city gates are justified as before, only the rebels at the south gate are weird."

The orderer's reply made Li Baiyu and Li Baiyu frowned even more.

Sure enough, it was weird, but Li Baiyu and the others still couldn't figure out what was weird about Li Baiyu.

Lu Tao stroked his beard and thought for a moment, then nodded thoughtfully: "Your Majesty, the siege vehicles are so tall that you can't see what's going on when they gather together."

"Is there something weird behind the siege engine? The siege engine is just a 'scapegoat' thrown out by them. The real siege weapon is hidden behind the siege engine?"

Li Baiyu was taken aback, bowed his head and pondered for a moment, then felt a sudden heartbreak, and suddenly raised his head to look towards Lu Tao.

At the same time, Lu Tao also looked at Li Baiyu.

The two said in unison.


After saying the same answer, the two gasped.

Lu Tao raised his binoculars and stared intently at the back of the siege vehicle, as if he wanted to see through the siege vehicle.

After a short breath, Lu Tao put down the binoculars silently: "It's too dense, and with soldiers blocking it, I can't see anything at all."

"But since there are cannons as a siege weapon, why didn't they use them early, so that the bricks and stones in our city gates would have been blasted away by shells."

"What's the purpose of delaying it until now?"

Li Baiyu looked at the slowly approaching rebels in disbelief. The secret agents he had sent out had not found the existence of artillery in the rebel camp. Over time, Li Baiyu believed that the rebels really did not have such artillery Siege weapon.

In particular, it is still uncertain whether there is artillery behind the siege vehicle. This is the most troublesome thing for the two of them.

Li Baiyu thought for a moment, then looked at Cuiyun beside him.

"Cuiyun, take Yue'er down the city wall, a hundred steps away from the city wall."

"According to the order!"

Xiaocuti heard Li Baiyu and Li Baiyu's conversation clearly, without the slightest reluctance, she obediently followed Cuiyun and walked down the city wall.

After the cutie left, Li Baiyu looked at Lu Tao: "Old Aiqing, how do we meet the enemy?"

Lu Tao observed the approximate distance of the rebels and pondered for a moment: "Turn the muzzle, aim at one place, raise the muzzle by a corner, and go over the siege vehicle to bombard the things behind the siege vehicle."

"Whether it's artillery or not, first test it with artillery fire."

"It's not the best. If it is, if it hits their shell boxes, it can destroy half of their shells."

"Okay, just do as you want, go and order!"

"The old minister retire."

After Lu Tao left, Li Baiyu watched the siege engine in the distance and subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and his hand holding the Tianzijian trembled slightly.

The more you see the power of artillery, the more you understand its power.

It has always been his own side that bombarded the rebels, but now it was his turn to be bombarded, Li Baiyu couldn't help being nervous.

My kung fu is good, and according to the martial arts rules, I am also a top-ranking person, but the possibility of surviving by blocking the shells is less than one in ten thousand.

Li Baiyu sighed, looked up at the sky and looked up silently.

Maybe the capital is really going to be captured by the rebels today.

"Fourth brother, should I trust you?"

Li Baiyu stood on the city wall melancholy, and the Ouchi guards he sent out to investigate the reality of the artillery have not replied so far, and it is not clear whether he is alive or dead.

If there are artillery, can the city gate be able to stop it?

Although the city gate was sealed, the city wall built up of bricks and stones could not stop the shells, let alone the temporarily sealed city gate hole.

"Raise a corner of the cannon and fire at the back of the siege vehicle."

The rebels entered the range for a long time, and Lu Tao finally ordered to fire, and the shells shot towards the back of the siege vehicle with flames.

The slush collapsed in all directions, leaving shallow depressions.

The rebels gathered next to the siege vehicle suddenly pulled the siege vehicle and scattered away, revealing the dark barrel below.

Lu Tao saw these sudden changes in his face through the mirror tube, and knew in his heart that he had been tricked.

The rebels went so far as to hide the barrels under the siege engines.

"Load the shell, lower the corner and fire."

A moment later, another round of shells was fired from the city wall towards the artillery of the rebels.

However, the shells exploded after falling dozens of steps into the cannon barrel, and the rebels began to set up cannon barrels against the city gate in full swing.

"General, you missed the optimal range. The artillery of the rebel army was transported too close, which exceeded the minimum range of our artillery."

"Brick the battlements and lower the muzzle."

"All the guns are aimed at the artillery positions of the rebels."


"The eight-ox crossbow turned around and fired continuously, preventing them from setting up the cannon."


Looking at the imperial guards on the city wall who were busy re-arranging artillery, Lu Tao trotted towards Li Baiyu holding the command flag.

"Your Majesty, you have fallen for the tricks of the rebels. The rebels have cannons, but I don't know how powerful they are. You can't stay on the city wall anymore. Go down to the city."

Li Baiyu shook his head resolutely, looking at the rebels who were visible to the naked eye and started to erect the barrel.

"I'm back, how can I be worthy of the bloody battle of my brothers."

"My dragon has only emperors who died in battle, and no monarchs who fled."

"Old Aiqing, defend the city."

"Your Majesty, the old minister dares to entrust you with a task. As long as you can do it, the rebels will not be able to break through the city gate even with artillery."

"Say it."

"Building a wall outside the city gate, a thick wall can be built in a short time with the number of auxiliary soldiers. After the shells hit a certain position, they can't go down. The city gate is deep, and in the end it can only be excavated manually. Now build a There's still time for thick walls!"



"I'm going to build a wall right now, and the top of the city wall will be handed over to you."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty."

"Report, General Qi, the muzzle has been lowered, you can test the cannon at any time."

"Fire immediately and bombard the opponent's artillery."


Just after Lu Tao gave the order, the gunpowder smoke from the artillery on the city wall had not dissipated, and the sound of rumbling artillery came from outside the city.

An artillery battle started in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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