My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1415 The city gate is broken

Chapter 1415 The city gate is broken

Lu Gui led five hundred soldiers and rushed towards Li Yunping's army to intercept them.

However, in order to prevent stepping into the range of the Imperial Guard's artillery fire, Lu Gui and Jiangzhou stood too far away when they were in charge of the battle, and there was no time to stop them.

The 500 men and horses guarding the artillery couldn't resist at all. They could only watch helplessly as a general led his soldiers and horses to destroy all the artillery shells.

This general is none other than Li Yunping's confidant Feng Zhiping.

Feng Zhiping wanted to take the only remaining artillery with a fire, but he knew that the power of the explosion of the artillery shells would affect his brothers around him, so Feng Zhiping could only take all the artillery shells with the water bags prepared in advance. Get soaked.

"Brothers, don't love to fight, join the prince and retreat."

Thousands of soldiers and horses fought and retreated, leaving a place on the artillery position with the corpses of each other's soldiers and quickly evacuated towards the north of the city.

Lu Gui looked at the far away army, looked at the messy battlefield, and tremblingly picked up a wet cannonball to look at, and threw the cannonball to the ground with flaws.

"Feng Zhiping, I will definitely kill you."

"General, what should we do now? Do you want to call the brothers to pursue?"

"Are you a pig brain? After finally attacking the city wall, what should we do if we chase after their city wall?"

"Yes, I know my mistakes."

"Go to the prince's big tent first, and see what the prince means."

In Li Yunlong's big tent, Li Baihong and others who got the news had already rushed over, but Li Yunping was the only one who disappeared without a trace.

Li Yunlong panted heavily with angry eyes: "It's ruined, it's all ruined!"

Lu Gui knelt down on one knee with a gloomy expression.

"The last general is incompetent. They turned back too suddenly. The last general has not yet arrived and the artillery and shells are all destroyed."

Li Bohong's hand holding the teacup trembled a little, his eyes narrowed slightly coldly.

"Does the fourth child not care about his wife and children? What on earth does he want to do?"

"What on earth does he want to do? He has already participated in the rebellion. Can the boss spare him? What did the boss give him so that he would not hesitate to defect."

Old Fifth Li Qing stood up slowly: "The matter has already happened, it is too late to say anything, now many soldiers have attacked the city wall and started fighting, now immediately mobilize the soldiers and horses from the other three gates to gather in the south city, and the west city Siege the city."

"Before I came, I took a look at the city gate from a distance. Although it didn't completely collapse, I can already carry stones!"

"Let's work together and work together to get into the city today."

Li Baihong, Li Yunlong, and Li Zhi looked at each other and nodded silently.

"It's only going to be like this until now."

"Let's mobilize troops to attack the city at the south gate."

above the city wall.

"General Qi, Jingyuan Hourang will inform you at the north gate that the rebels at the east gate have changed positions, and they will immediately bring troops to help."

"it is good!"

"Brothers, work harder to kill them. The brothers from the east gate and the north gate will come to support us immediately."

Lu Tao led the imperial guards to meet the enemy, and Li Baiyu was never idle under the city wall.

"You quickly build bricks, and I will help you mix mud."

With the enemy at hand, Li Baiyu completely forgot his status as the emperor, and stirred the adjusted soil with a public lift.

A group of auxiliary soldiers gradually got used to it from being unadapted, and continued to thicken the walls with their heads down.

"Uncle, Yue'er pours water for you."

"Yue'er, why did you come out?"

"There were no cannons outside the city, so Yue'er asked Sister Cuiyun to take me out. It's important to defend the city. Yue'er doesn't want to be killed by the rebels, so Yue'er will help you."

"it is good!"

"Report! Report to His Majesty, left side, right side him. He."

Li Baiyu frowned and looked at the panting little eunuch: "Don't worry, just take a breath, what's wrong with them?"

Li Baiyu's heart was agitated, he was afraid that Wei Yong and Tong Sansi would lead the courtiers to cause some accidents from the eunuchs.

At this time, Li Baiyu can be said to be full of fear and fear, and he will subconsciously think of the bad about everything.

The little eunuch breathed a sigh of relief: "Your Majesty, Prime Minister on the left and Prime Minister on the right, he summoned all the civil and military officials and brought the guards from their respective mansions to help defend the city. At this moment, they have already left Xuanwu Street. The number of people is about 2 to [-]. "

Li Baiyu was stunned, his eyes moistened slightly, he resisted going back, and looked towards the direction of the inner city.

Looking at the direction of the inner city, some figures began to emerge from various streets and took a deep breath.

"The strong wind knows the strong grass, and the toughness knows the loyal ministers."

"Second, third, fifth, seventh, as my blood brothers, you are not as loyal as a group of foreign ministers, and you are also worthy of the blood of the Li family's royal family."

"If I survive this catastrophe, I would rather break my promise to my father and go to the eighteenth level of hell, and have you all beheaded for public display."

"I see you, Your Majesty!"

"No courtesy, no courtesy."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

The prime minister on the left and the prime minister looked at each other after getting up, it was rare that there was no hostility.

"The civil servants helped His Majesty build the wall, and the military generals brought their servants and guards to help Jingyuan wait for them to kill the enemy."


"Your Majesty, the old minister is being rude, and went up to the city wall to retreat from the enemy."

"Uncle Shou Ning, you take half of the troops to the east gate, and this general takes half to the south gate. Let's divide into two groups."

"Okay, be careful!"

"Brothers, according to what we old men have agreed, if you kill one ten taels of silver, if you kill more than five, you will be rewarded with great merit. His Majesty will reward you. The pension for the unfortunate death is 300 taels, and all the wives and children will be taken care of by us."

Following the shouts of Shou Ningbo and the others, the family guards charged towards the city wall frantically, brandishing the weapons temporarily taken from the Ministry of War's treasury.

The wages of avarice is death.

Killing one ten taels of silver is enough for a family to live for half a year.

Looking at the family guards rushing towards the city wall, Li Baiyu secretly raised his hand and wiped the corner of his eyes.

"My dear friends, let's not be idle, I remember all your contributions in my heart."

"Your Majesty, the city is broken, and there is no good end for the ministers."

"That's right, Your Majesty is a rare sage king with the character of the former emperor. How can veterans and others watch the rebellious officials succeed in usurping the throne."

"Our monarchs and ministers are united to resist the rebels."

"Liu Family Liu Yi sees His Majesty the Emperor!"

Liu Yi came first before the sound came, Li Baiyu was startled, looked along the prestige and saw Liu Yi stopped a few steps away from him and bowed.

"Liu family, is this your Excellency?"

"Under the order of Patriarch Liu Zhi'an to lead the three hundred and seventh grade Liu Yezi brothers to help His Majesty defend the city, I wonder if His Majesty will allow it?"

Li Baiyu's face brightened: "That's great, thank you Patriarch Liu for coming to help, I agree."

Liu Yi nodded silently, took out a whistle and played it, and in a moment three hundred men in green robes leaped from all directions, and leaped directly towards the city wall.

"Your Majesty, Liu Yi has also gone to help."

"Thank you sir."

Li Baiyu was extremely satisfied at this moment, and it was the first time since he ascended the throne that he felt so supported by others.


An Ouchi guard came running with a panicked expression and stopped in front of Li Baiyu.

"what happened?"

"Your Majesty, the West City Gate is broken!"

Li Baiyu was shocked, and looked at the Ouchi guard with an expression of disbelief on his face.

The surrounding civil and military officials were not much stronger, looking at the Ouchi guards in panic, not knowing what to do.

"Nonsense, the soldiers and horses at the west city gate have already changed the direction of attacking the city, how could they be breached."

"Your Majesty, it wasn't the rebels who broke through, but from inside the city."

"The spies and spies in the city have been wiped out long ago. How could someone cooperate with the rebels from inside the city?"

"It was the Clan Mansion Zongling Li Chengzhong who led the guards of the Clan Mansion to open the West City Gate. All the soldiers and horses in the West City went to support the South City Gate. No one thought that anyone would dare to do such a thing."

"By the time we found out, it was already too late. If the city gate was hit with a door bumper, the stones and masonry inside would not be able to hold up!"

"I don't know why, but now the commander-in-chief is fighting with the guards of the clan mansion at the west gate."

Li Baiyu was on the verge of falling and almost passed out, Cuiyun quickly grabbed Li Baiyu's arm.

"His Majesty!"

Li Baiyu looked towards the west city gate with trembling lips, just above the west city gate, a bright and charming firework bloomed under the dark sky.

Li Baiyu stared blankly at the firework, his face was ashen.

"why why?"

"Uncle Clan, you are all relatives of the royal family, of Li's blood, I have never treated you badly!"

"Why did you do this, and what benefits did they give you?"

"Who can tell me why?"

(End of this chapter)

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