My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1416 Uncle Slaughter

Chapter 1416 Uncle Slaughter
The left minister and the right minister have experienced more battles after all, and they came back to their senses after being absent-minded for a while.

Wei Yong helped Li Baiyu, who looked ashen, and said, "Your Majesty, the most urgent thing is that you should not be so negative. You should find a way to rush to the west gate before the rebels can detour and seal the gate again."

Tong Sansi also echoed: "That's right, the fireworks just now should be a signal sent by Li Chengzhong, an old thief, to the rebels. There is a big detour outside the city."

"And we can rush over there directly, maybe it will be too late!"

Li Baiyu gradually came back to his senses and nodded, took a few deep breaths, and the melancholy in his eyes gradually recovered.

"That's right, the fourth brother still has soldiers and horses to support me outside the city. If it's in time, it will definitely be in time."

Li Baiyu looked at the Ouchi guard who had just arrived and ordered: "Wu Sen listen to the order."

"Chen is here!"

"You find a way to go out of the city from the west gate to find King Jing outside the city, let him find a way to deal with it, and buy time for me."


Wu Sen left quickly, Li Baiyu made a few gestures cryptically, and a man in gray robe floated over.

"The old man sees His Majesty."

Li Baiyu looked at the gray-robed man who was kneeling on one knee: "Senior, except for the secret agents, spies and spies came out in full force, and went to Ximen to kill the group of traitors in the clan's mansion."

"Except for Li Chengzhong, the Zongrenfu Zongling, the rest of the people who refuse to surrender will be shot to death."

The gray-robed man suddenly raised his head and looked at Li Baiyu suspiciously: "Your Majesty, they are all relatives of the royal family. Your emperor's uncle and the late emperor's uncles are all inside."

Li Baiyu's eyes were a little scarlet, with murderous intent, he waved his hand while gritting his teeth.


"Anyone who interferes with this will be killed!"

"Follow the order, the old man will leave."

Li Baiyu took a breath and scanned the surrounding officials.

"My dear friends, leave some people to inherit and continue to build the wall. The military generals who have the skills, follow me to the west gate to kill the rebels."

The prime minister on the left, the prime minister on the right, and the doctor Yu Shi just wanted to persuade Li Baiyu that a gentleman should not stand under the dangerous wall.

But thinking of the current situation, all four of them held back their words.

Now only Li Baiyu takes the lead to appease the people in the city.

Looking at the figure of Li Baiyu holding the Tianzi sword and leading the generals to ride towards the west gate, the officials who stayed behind at the south gate sighed complicatedly.

They had the same thought in their hearts.

If Li Baiyu can escape this crisis, he will definitely be a world-class hero whose literary and martial arts skills are no less than that of the first emperor Li Zheng.

It might even go to the next level.

After all, when His Majesty ascended the throne, the national power was far more powerful than that of the Great Dragon taken over by the late emperor. An Gou'er returned from sailing, who in the world does not know that there is a vast land on the other side of the sea.

As long as the world is unified, it is time to look to the West.

Thinking of the big cake that the late emperor drew for himself and others when he was alive, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty prayed silently, hoping that God would bless His Majesty to get through this crisis safely.

Not long after Li Baiyu left, a figure came erratically towards the south gate.

Before everyone could react, a man in green robes wearing a bamboo hat stopped in front of the little cutie.

The veil under the bamboo hat perfectly blocked the appearance of the man in green robe, making it difficult for people to see clearly.

On the turquoise robe, there was a large Chinese character embroidered on the chest.

When Cuiyun realized it, the green-robed man had already knelt in front of the cutie.

"Uncle Tulu, the elder of the Liu family, Liu Ye, see Miss Luoyue."

Xiaocuti was surprised for a moment, as if she had thought of something, she curiously looked at Uncle Tulu who was kneeling in front of her.

"Are you from grandpa?"

"Exactly, in order to avoid the danger of the young lady, the master specially asked his subordinates to bring you and the young lady back to the mansion."

Cuiyun has been muttering since Taishu Tulu said his name, and a moment later Cuiyun suddenly stared at Taishu Tulu with wide eyes in horror.

"Five steps, one kill, grand uncle slaughter, are you still alive?"

Uncle Tu Lu raised his head lightly, and even through the veil Cuiyun felt that he was enveloped by a murderous intent, and he couldn't even think of resisting at all.

"Little girl, you have good knowledge. After 20 years, I don't think anyone still remembers the old man's name."

Cuiyun swallowed her saliva in her white throat: "It's really you, weren't you killed by your enemies 20 years ago?"

"Hehe. It's the past, it's the past."

The cutie looked up at Cuiyun blankly: "Sister Cuiyun, what is five steps and one kill?"

Cuiyun plucked up the courage to protect the little cutie behind her, and watched the uncle slaughter cautiously.

"Fight three thousand miles, kill one person in five steps."

"Back then, he massacred 3000 people in the Western Desert Martial Arts in three days, all of whom were first-class martial arts masters. As for the reason, no one knows. There is his file in the secret files of the Ouchi. I have read the records of this past event."

Grand Uncle Tu Lu watched Cuiyun's move of protecting the little cutie behind him and shook his head silently, then slowly reached out and touched his waist.

Cuiyun jumped, and pulled out the soft sword at his waist: "What are you going to do?"

"Little girl, don't be nervous, an old man with the strength of the eighth rank can pinch you to death with a finger."

Taishu Tulu took out a delicate willow leaf and held it in front of Cuiyun: "Little girl, you should be the guard of Ouchi, you should know what this is!"

Cuiyun carefully looked at the willow leaf in Taishu Tulu's hand and slowly heaved a sigh of relief.

"Are you really the willow leaf of the Liu family?"

"Except for the Liu family, who would dare to make this old man bow his knees."

"I really have ulterior motives, so I don't need to be so polite with you. I want to take someone away. The only things that can stop me from looking at the world are a few old things."

"Miss Luoyue, go back with your subordinates, the Patriarch is very worried about your safety."

Cutie looked at Cuiyun and then at Uncle Tulu and shook her head silently.

"No, Yue'er is going to follow uncle."

Grand Uncle Tu Lu's movement of retracting Liu Ye froze: "Miss, Your Majesty is in danger, it's too dangerous for you to follow him."

"Uncle is a good uncle, Yue'er doesn't want him to be hurt, and the rebel army invaded the city, there are so many of them, so what if Yue'er hides in the Liu Mansion."

"Uncle said that if they dared to kill the emperor, they would definitely dare to go to the Liu Mansion."

"Only by helping uncle defend the city, can we all be safe and sound."

"Grand Uncle, thank you for coming to pick up Yue'er, Yue'er can't go back with you."

"This little lady, this subordinate can't explain to the Patriarch."

"Grandpa Uncle, just tell Grandpa that this is Yue'er's own idea. If you take me back by force, Yue'er will say that you molested Yue'er."

Tai Shu Slaughter's body was shocked, and the old face under the veil twitched.

"I have to go back and ask the Patriarch for advice, Miss, take care."

Before the little cutie could react, Taishu Tulu, who was kneeling on the ground just now, left afterimages on the street and disappeared.

The little cutie exclaimed and tugged at Cuiyun's sleeve.

"Sister Cuiyun, let's find uncle first, let's help him defend the city, and wait for my father to rescue us."

Cuiyun looked back at the street and nodded.

Slowly squatted on the ground.

"Princess Yue'er, come up, my sister will carry you there."

(End of this chapter)

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