Chapter 1417
When Li Baiyu arrived at the west gate, there was a fight going on at the gate.

One group is Ouchi guards holding Yanling swords, and the other group are clan mansion guards wearing special armor.

There were corpses lying on the ground, from both sides.

At a glance, Li Baiyu saw an old man who was guarded by a group of government guards. The old man was dressed in purple brocade clothes. He was over 70 years old with white beard and hair. Once he stood there, he had an aura of calmness and prestige.

With an indescribable aura about him, he is Li Chengzhong, the magistrate of the clan's mansion.

Li Baiyu's great-uncle and Li Zheng's fifth uncle.

Li Baiyu came with a large number of generals, and Li Chengzhong naturally heard the movement. Looking at Li Baiyu, who was covered in armor, covered in blood and messy hair, Li Chengzhong's expression was a little unnatural, and he subconsciously looked at Li Baiyu. look elsewhere.

Li Baiyu stared at Li Chengzhong closely for a moment, and looked at the hundreds of masters fighting together under the city gate, and glanced around with gloomy eyes.

Looking at the gray-robed man Li Baiyu who had already appeared, he waved his hand lightly.

"Quick battle and quick decision, kill without mercy."

Countless gray-robed men quickly leaped towards the city gate waving their weapons and joined the battle group.

Facing Ouchi's guards, who were able to handle the clan's mansion with ease, they were instantly at a disadvantage when facing the spies who flew over.

Li Chengzhong didn't panic at all, Li Baiyu was astonished and panicked by such a reaction.

Could it be that the great-uncle Li Chengzhong still has something behind him?
Just as Li Baiyu's thoughts sounded, thousands of people wearing the armor of the clan mansion rushed out of the surrounding streets again.

The military commander behind Li Baiyu was slightly stunned, and immediately drew out his weapon to protect Li Baiyu behind him, watching cautiously the thousands of men and horses who were encircling towards the city gate.

Li Chengzhong waved his hands with a faint smile on his lips.

"Stop them and delay the time for the King of Shu to lead his troops to come."

Beside Li Chengzhong, a young man who was about the same age as Li Baiyu nodded lightly, drew out the long sword behind his back and swung it.

"Boys, come with me."

This person is Li Baiyu's cousin, Changhe County King Li Shuo, and the grandson of Li Chengzhong.

Li Baiyu's wrist holding the Tianzijian trembled a little, and he stared at Li Chengzhong who was twenty steps away.

"Originally born from the same root, why is it too urgent to fry each other."

"Grandpa, the late emperor has always treated you well. Since I became the throne, I have never treated you badly. Why? Why do you want to do this kind of thing."

Li Chengzhong's face was a little embarrassed, and he gently pulled the wrench in his hand.

"The third one and the others have entered the city, this Zongling will give you an explanation."

Li Baiyu took a breath, got off his horse and glanced around, took out a bamboo tube from his arms and pulled it, a flash of fire flashed towards the sky.

In an instant, a dragon's fireworks exploded in the sky.

Looking at the astonished Li Chengzhong, Li Baiyu smiled coldly.

"Do you really think that I don't have any cards? Old man, your death is not far away."

When Li Baiyu was still the prince of the East Palace, the Prince's Mansion, a group of people watched the fireworks exploding in the sky and put down their work one after another.

A man in his early thirties took a deep breath and yelled out with internal force, the voice instantly spread inside and outside the Prince's Mansion.

"Your Majesty is in trouble, call Yinlongwei to rescue him."

A moment later, thousands of men and horses rushed out of the large and small houses of the Prince's Mansion, carrying all kinds of weapons and leaping towards the city gate.

Judging from his figure, both of them are masters.

"Grandpa, there are about [-] unidentified masters from the Prince's Mansion rushing towards Ximen."

A figure came running from a distance and stopped in front of Li Chengzhong.His face was a little panicked.

Li Chengzhong looked at Li Baiyu calmly.

"Capture the faint king, and the army will come right away."

"Yes, brothers, come with me and capture the faint king."

Seeing this, Li Baiyu sneered while holding the Emperor Sword in his hand.

"Rebellious ministers and thieves, for your own self-interest, mess up my Li family's country and society. Everyone of you will punish him, kill him!"

Dozens of spies who were guarding the surroundings fought towards the guards of the clan's mansion who rushed over.

The surrounding generals just stood by Li Baiyu's side and did not rush forward to fight.

They have self-knowledge, let them lead the army to charge, they also have self-knowledge, let them mix with spies and spies, and fight with the masters trained by the clan for the royal family since childhood, it will not only cause trouble for spies and Ouchi guards.

At the same time, it is also to give away people's heads for nothing.

They are all military generals who came out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. If they are not afraid of death, it does not mean that they will die in vain.

"Report, Your Majesty, an army of 3 soldiers has been killed on the official road in the west of the city."

"Flag King of Shu!"

Li Baiyu was taken aback, his brows furrowed tightly.

The third brother even expected to ambush a troop waiting for an opportunity!

"My dear friends, let's climb the city wall."

"Yes, Your Majesty, be careful."

A group of military generals, together with some spies around, began to surround Li Baiyu and rush towards the city wall cautiously.

Climbing up the city wall, Li Baiyu and others saw a cavalry force of more than 3 people on the official road a few miles west of the city charging towards the city gate without a telescope.

Looking at the banner above the banner, Li Baiyu suddenly felt powerless.

In order to usurp the throne, these brothers of mine have really planned for a long time, and 40 soldiers and horses are not their entire force.

Li Baiyu sighed with a complex expression.

"No wonder I sent a letter to the golden eagles in several state capitals around the capital, asking them to bring the left and right guards into the capital, and King Qin didn't receive a reply."

"I want to come to all the state capitals around the capital have fallen."

The surrounding generals also sighed with melancholy faces.

"Your Majesty, there is still a chance, there is still a chance."

"It's a big deal, let's retreat to the inner city."

"The inner city is as strong as the outer city. With the support of the national treasury, it can last for four or five days."

"That's right, Your Majesty, we can retreat to the inner city, but before we retreat to the inner city, the artillery can be taken away as long as it can be taken, and it will be destroyed if it can't be taken away. It must not be left to the rebels."

Li Baiyu nodded silently.

"It's only going to be like this until now."

"Your Majesty, look to the southwest."

Li Baiyu looked up subconsciously, and a mixed army of about 2 cavalry and infantry rushed towards the rebels on the western official road to intercept them.

Li Baiyu looked at the banner of King Jing on the banner and waved his fist excitedly.

"Fourth brother, it's fourth brother."

The generals hurriedly looked out of the city, and became excited when they heard Li Baiyu's words.

"Great, with the help of King Jing, we will attack and harass the outside of the city, and the hope of defending the city will increase by [-]%."

The two armies clashed and charged together in an instant.

Dozens of cavalry from the southwestern defenders came galloping towards the city gate alone.

It was Li Yunping, the old King of the Fourth Scenery.

For a moment, Li Yunping, under the guard of a group of personal soldiers, heard the sound outside the moat, and excitedly looked at Li Baiyu who was safe and sound on the city wall.

"Big brother!"

Li Yunping did not call His Majesty, but called Big Brother.

Li Baiyu hurriedly leaned out and looked at Li Yunping who was under the city wall: "Fourth brother, it's really you, wait a moment, brother is going to prepare hemp rope to lift you up the city wall."

"My dear friends, prepare the hemp rope quickly."

"According to the order."

Li Yunping got off his horse and knelt on one knee to stare at Li Baiyu.

"Brother, no need!"

Li Baiyu was startled: "Fourth brother, what are you doing?"

Li Yunping looked at Li Baiyu with scarlet eyes and shook his head miserably.

"Brother Mingjian, younger brother followed the second child, and the third child was forced to raise his troops and boarded a pirate ship by mistake."

"However, the rebels are the rebels. This is an undeniable fact. My little brother can't argue with a hundred words, and I don't want to make any excuses."

"But my Li family's country must not be destroyed in our hands."

"Fourth brother, stop talking, big brother forgives your innocence, forgives your innocence."

Li Yunping shook his head silently.

"Brother, younger brother's wife and children are all in the hands of the third child. If you are lucky enough to succeed in suppressing the rebellion."

"Meng Yun, the lives and deaths of Zeng Lu and the other two sisters are unpredictable."

"Li Guo, Qinglu, if the two brothers and sisters are still alive, Brother Lao will take care of the younger brother in the future."

"My younger brother knows that he deserves to die, so he can only repay and protect the 600-year-old foundation of my Li family's ancestors."

"Fourth brother, what are you doing?"

Li Yunping saluted Li Baiyu, quickly got on his horse and drew his sword, and pointed at Li Yunlong's soldiers and horses on the official road in the west of the city.

"Boys, it's time to kill the enemy and serve the country."

"Suppress the rebellion with me!"

Looking back, he stared deeply at Li Baiyu on the city wall, Li Yunping pulled the rein of his horse and led the horse with dozens of cavalry guards to charge towards him.

Li Baiyu understood the meaning in the fourth brother's eyes.

It was the princess who hoped that he could forgive her, and a pair of children.

(End of this chapter)

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