Chapter 1418
Li Baiyu and a group of generals clenched their fists tightly.

He secretly prayed that Li Yunping would stand up to the [-] rebels and buy time for sealing the west city gate.

After an unknown amount of time, corpses were left all over the field at the west city gate, and the two armies fell into a stalemate.

The sounds of fighting at the west gate subsided.

Li Baiyu hurriedly turned around and looked down the city tower, and his brows were filled with joy when he saw the scene below.

Li Chengzhong and dozens of Li's clan members, both young and old, were escorted to the city wall by the Yinlong Guard and spy shadow spies with weapons.

An Ouchi guard ran up first.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, all the people who came to the clan's mansion have been killed, only these guards who are willing to surrender and Zongling Li Chengzhong who was captured alive."

"Right now, we are resealing the West City Gate."

Li Baiyu breathed out slowly: "Great, press Li Chengzhong up."

"Except for the necessary personnel to seal the city, everyone will go to the east city, and the two gates of the south city will help Jingyuan wait for them to retreat from the enemy."

"According to the order!"

A moment later, Li Chengzhong and a group of guards who surrendered were escorted up by spies with weapons.

Li Baiyu looked coldly at Li Chengzhong, who was ashen-faced: "Uncle, you know what it means to be unvirtuous, and the world will not protect you, right?"

Li Chengzhong sighed silently: "The winner is the king and the loser, this Zongling has nothing to say."

Li Baiyu grabbed Li Chengzhong by the collar and stared at Li Chengzhong, gnashing his teeth.

"I ask myself, I have never treated any of the Li family members in the family mansion badly, and none of the salary and rewards have been postponed. Why did you do this?"


"What exactly do you want to do?"

Li Chengzhong looked at Li Baiyu who wanted to eat him with complicated eyes: "Since your father ascended the throne, he has repeatedly suppressed the power of the Li family in the clan's family."

"After your father was firmly seated on the throne, the Clan Mansion, which used to be an important department to deal with Li's clan, was reduced to the point where it could only train guards for the royal family."

"The rights of the Clan Mansion shouldn't be like this."

"Your father, through the hands of your fourth uncle Duanwang Li Yang, completely removed the Clan Mansion from the imperial court, and reduced it to the point where it was even worse than the Third Division."

"The descendants of the royal family are not allowed to participate in the imperial examination, are not allowed to join the army, and are not allowed to participate in politics. Is this still a clan mansion?"

"We and you all share the blood of Emperor Taizu Gao, why does he suppress us like this?"

"After you ascended the throne, just like your father, you will fall to the side of the clan's mansion as always."

"Even if the Clan Mansion, one of the Nine Ministers, does not dominate the government and become the most important position among the Nine Ministers, it should not be reduced to this point."

"The ancestor bell can only be rung on the bell tower when important things happen during the great sacrifice and court."

"What your third younger brother, the king of Shu, promised us is to return to us the rights that belonged to us that your father removed."

"That's all."

Li Baiyu glared at Li Chengzhong angrily: "It's because of your rights that you help the second and third to rebel?"

"Is that not enough?"

"Isn't your father's right to remove the clan mansion just to consolidate his own rights?"

"You are the least qualified person to question this order."

Li Baiyu slowly let go of Li Chengzhong's sleeve.

"The descendants of the Li family have nobles but no rights, and are not allowed to participate in politics. This is the rule set by the Taizu Emperor Gao himself."

"This ban is engraved on the stone tablet outside the Hall of Qinzheng. What rights do you want?"

"You are not rebelling against me, but against Emperor Taizu Gao."

"Father is not deliberately suppressing you, but is implementing Taizu's order."

"In the 17th year of Weihe, Li Ke, the king of the clan mansion, took power."

"Weihe has been in power for 20 years, and the king has exercised power."


"In the eighth year of Xuande, King Cheng exercised power."

"One by one, your clan's house is all to blame, and you are used to it."

"What rights do you want?"

Li Chengzhong shook his head silently: "This order has nothing to say."

"Yeah, not only do you have nothing to say, you won't be able to say anything in the future."

Suddenly, there was a thunderous cry of killing from the north gate of the capital. According to the sound, it was easy to perceive that the shout of killing was not outside the city but inside the city.

Li Baiyu paused and looked towards the north gate of the capital in astonishment.

The rest of the generals were also dumbfounded, not knowing what happened at the north city gate.


Li Chengzhong suddenly burst into laughter, and looked at the astonished Li Baiyu with some contempt.

"What? Don't you wonder where your seventh uncle Li Chengbai went?"

"Have you heard the movement at the North City Gate? Now that the matter is up to now, my Zongling is not afraid to tell you. The sound of killing at the North City Gate is the [-] soldiers and horses under your seventh brother who have been lurking for a long time. With the assistance of your seventh uncle Li Chengbai Killed in."

"The movement at the west city gate is just for you to see, to deceive others."

"As the clan's order, the old man can benefit the clan's house, even if it is death, it is worth it."

Li Baiyu looked at Li Chengzhong who was laughing with trembling lips.

"You, you poof."

"His Majesty!"

A group of generals looked at Li Baiyu, who was spurting out a mouthful of blood, and hurried forward to help him.


The little cutie who didn't know when she climbed the city wall hurried over and looked at Li Baiyu worriedly.

Li Baiyu looked sadly at the little cutie who was supporting her leg with a worried face and smiled miserably.

"Ancestors, you have seen it, you have seen it."

"The princesses of the enemy country know to help the unworthy descendant Li Baiyu defend the city and protect the country, but the descendants of the Li royal family are doing the deed of deceiving their ancestors and selling their ancestors."

"You have spirits in the sky, have you seen it?"

"Are you all blind? You have left behind such a group of disobedient descendants."

"Cough, cough, cough"

"Uncle, stop talking and take a rest."

Li Baiyu broke free from the support of a group of generals, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, stroking the little cutie's head.

"Yue'er, I'm afraid uncle can't protect you anymore."

"Uncle, Yue'er is not afraid!"

The sound of charging at the north gate of the city spread to the surroundings in a short while, and the rebels charging in at the north gate had already boarded the city wall and started fighting with the imperial guards.

I don't know how long it took, Jingyuan Hou Chen Jin and Guan Ning Hou Lu Tao ran over with the support of their personal guards, bloody all over their bodies.

The four tremblingly looked at Li Baiyu who was absent-minded and knelt down.

"Your Majesty, I can't keep it anymore."

"Over 20 troops have all entered the city."

Li Baiyu was stunned for a moment, then closed his eyes unwillingly.

"Decree, let the soldiers put down their weapons and surrender."

"Don't die in vain!"

All the generals knelt on one knee in front of Li Baiyu, looking at Li Baiyu sadly.

"Your Majesty, the minister is incompetent!"

"Let's deliver the decree."

"God bless me, Li Baiyu."

Li Baiyu tremblingly walked towards the city wall, lowered his head and grinned at the cutie who was clutching the hem of his clothes tightly.

"Yue'er, how about sitting with Uncle Qinzheng Palace?"

"How about seeing my uncle's mountains and rivers for thousands of miles?"

"How about seeing how uncle abandoned the prosperous world?"

Cutie shook her head worriedly: "Uncle, Yue'er will take you to find Grandpa, he will definitely save you."


"The country is lost, what face do I have to live on?"

(End of this chapter)

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