My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1419 Who dares to touch me Liu Zhian

Chapter 1419 Who dares to touch me Liu Zhian

Li Baiyu walked down the city slowly with the little cutie in a daze.

Seeing this, a group of generals could only lower their heads and followed up with a disappointed expression. Before they finished their mission, they gave Li Chengzhong and others in the clan's mansion a hard look, wishing to eat their flesh and sleep their skins.

A group of power-hungry things.

As Li Baiyu said, they are not even as good as the princess of the enemy country.

The spy shadow spies looked at each other, and lightly waved the weapons in their hands.

Except for Li Chengzhong, all the guards of the clan's mansion fell to the ground, and they didn't know what happened until they died.

Li Chengzhong, who had a tough face just now, immediately trembled like chaff when he saw this.

"What are you doing? The dynasty is about to change. Killing this sect will make you all die."

The spy agent who was escorting Li Chengzhong sighed silently, lightly wiped the long sword in his hand, and Li Chengzhong's neck was dripping with blood and limp on the ground.

"Go to redeem your sins with the first emperor, a group of greedy guys."

The leader glanced around at a group of spies: "Think of a way, see if you can bring His Majesty out of the capital to join King Qin's army."


The rebel camp outside the capital.

"It's wrong to report to the prince, to report to His Majesty, all the gates of the four cities have been broken, and the emperor has ordered to surrender. We can enter the city at any time."

Seeing Jiang Zhou's excited appearance, Li Yunlong stood up and laughed.

"Let's call him Lord, it's too early to call His Majesty."

"Although the eldest brother surrendered, the second and fifth children have not settled down yet. It is still too early to ascend the throne."

"Yes, the general knows he was wrong, but the general believes that the prince will definitely be able to ascend the throne as emperor."

"For so many years, no one in this world is qualified to be the master except the prince."

There was some fanaticism in Li Yunlong's eyes, he picked up the teacup and pecked lightly.

"Fifth Uncle, Seventh Uncle really did not disappoint the king, I'm afraid that the second and fifth are still confused, don't know how to take down the good city wall, so they took it down."

"My lord, what shall we do now?"

"Wang Qinian obeys the order."

Wang Qinian, one of Li Yunlong's three generals, stepped out immediately: "The last general obeys orders."

"You lead the trembling soldiers and horses with the fourth brother, the traitor, and the soldiers who attacked the city wall with the seventh child to try to find out the soldiers and horses hidden by the second and fifth children, and get rid of them."


"Everyone, follow me into the city."

"My lord, please!"

Li Yunlong got out of the big tent and rode his horse in the lead towards the capital.

Looking at the familiar city gate, Li Yunlong sighed softly.

"Father, you can see that my son has succeeded."

"My son took back what belongs to me."

"After all, the heir you choose is not as good as your son."

"The king of Shu is mighty."

"The king of Shu is mighty."

"The king of Shu is mighty."

A group of generals around hurriedly echoed and complimented, dreaming about a life of prosperity and wealth.

Now I and the others are all servants of the dragon, once the prince ascends the throne as the emperor, I and the others must be regarded as extremely human servants.

High-ranking officials are well-paid, and gold, silver and jewelry are available.

As soon as Li Yunlong and others entered the city, a cavalry came and stopped.

"My lord, King Qing, and King Yun have already led their soldiers and horses towards the palace!"

The generals under Li Yunlong's command looked anxious and looked at Li Yunlong anxiously.

"My lord, let's hurry up too, we will be at a disadvantage if we go late."

"That's right, it's obviously the capital that you broke through with your tricks. How could you take advantage of them? Otherwise, after so many years of hard work, wouldn't it be that you made wedding dresses for others?"

Li Yunlong straightened the cloak on his back, glanced at the surrounding generals with a light smile and shook his head.

"What's the rush? If you arrive at the palace first, you won't necessarily be able to sit on that chair. Let's not rush to the palace right now."

"We should go to a place more important than the palace first."

Lu Gui looked at Li Yunlong puzzled: "My lord, the last general dares to say, are you confused, is there any place in the world more important than the imperial palace?"

Li Yunlong's chief staff thought for a while and his eyes lit up.

"My lord, are you planning to go to Duke Ding Liu's Mansion?"

Li Yunlong nodded in satisfaction: "Mr. who knows me."

Looking at the blank eyes of the surrounding generals, Li Yunlong shook his head helplessly.

"You guys, use your brains and think about it, what is left in the treasury after fighting for so long?"

"But the Liu Mansion is different. Liu Zhi'an is the richest country in the world, especially after the mutual market, it can be said to be incomparably rich. As long as we snatch it, we can recruit more soldiers and horses."

"Only when you have soldiers and horses in your hands can you stand firm."

"This king and Liu Mingzhi have long been life-and-death enemies. With such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, why leave him a way out."

"This king will completely cut off his retreat."

"My lord is wise."

"That's right, the last general, Yulu, can only act as the prince's pawn."

Li Yunlong smiled coldly, thinking of how Young Master Liu suppressed him in the past, he waved his hand lightly.

"Assemble five thousand elite soldiers and surround the Liu family."


In the Liu Mansion, Liu Yuan hurriedly ran towards Liu Zhi'an's study, but Liu Zhi'an was already boiling tea in the gazebo in the inner courtyard calmly.

"My lord, the city gate has fallen, and the rebels have entered the city."

Liu Zhi'an calmly changed a pot of tea, and sighed silently.

"Li Baiyu's skills are good, but Li Yunlong's skills are superior. The prosperity of the mountains and rivers fell apart in just over a month."

"Li Baiyu didn't escape in order to prevent the people in the city from being slaughtered. It's a pity that Li Baiyu is a wise king."

Liu Yuan also nodded with a complex expression: "Yes, it's a pity."

"Without this rebellion, His Majesty should have become a hero far surpassing the late emperor."

Liu Zhi'an blew on the tea in his hand and took a sip.

"Ma'am, have they all been sent out of the city?"

"Yes, madam and young madam, young master and young lady have already left the capital through the secret road."

"Have you found the trace of Yue'er?"

"I found it. I followed His Majesty to the Palace of Qinzheng."

"The two elders, Heaven and Earth, have secretly lurked in the palace, and they will take Miss Yue'er out of the city whenever they have the opportunity."

"After the Second Elder Xuanhuang sent off his wife and young lady, he will immediately return to support the master when you go out of the city."

Liu Zhi'an looked at the snow scene in the mansion with a complex expression and sighed, then stood up slowly and put down the teacup in his hand.

"I've lived for so long, and I feel a little bit reluctant to leave suddenly."

"Report, my lord, there is an army outside that surrounds the Liu Mansion, and the person leading the army is Li Yunlong, one of the anti-kings."

Liu Zhi'an just stood up, Liu Yi's figure was fast, and after a few ups and downs, he stopped in front of Liu Zhi'an.

Liu Zhi'an was startled, and he started to pat lightly with his hands.

"Hehe. It seems that some people are still reluctant to leave this old bone of mine."

"Forget it, let's entertain this distinguished guest."

Liu Zhi'an said the word hospitality very seriously, Liu Yi nodded silently and disappeared into the courtyard after a few ups and downs.

Liu Zhian sat down slowly and shook his head with a light smile:
"Turn into a dragon when encountering a storm, Li Yunlong? It can't be such a coincidence!"

"Liu Yuan, welcome the guests with tea."

"Yes, sir."

As soon as Liu Yuan poured out the tea and put down the tea tree, Li Yunlong rushed in with a group of elite soldiers.

Looking at Liu Zhian, who was drinking tea with a calm face, Li Yunlong narrowed his eyes and walked slowly towards Liu Zhian.

"Patriarch Liu is kind-hearted, and even wants to drink tea. Is he planning to catch him without a fight?"

Liu Zhi'an paused while serving tea, and raised his eyes to glance at Li Yunlong lightly.

"Arrested without a fight? So the prince is not a good person?"

"Guess the old man, the prince won't be interested in the old man's humble family business, right?"

Li Yunlong quietly sat on the stone bench opposite Liu Zhian and chuckled a few times.

"Master Liu's family is old and wise."

"This king is not being polite anymore. Everyone knows that the Liu family is rich and famous. Now this king is in urgent need of these things."

"Two paths lie in front of the Patriarch of the Liu family."

"I'm going to die, I still want the family business."

"Ha ha."

Liu Zhi'an drank the tea in his cup and laughed.

"What a big breath."

Li Yunlong's eyes were a little gloomy, he stared at Liu Zhi'an closely.

"Is the king's words funny?"

"Hmm! Not only is it ridiculous, it's simply the greatest joke in the world."

Under Li Yunlong's increasingly gloomy face, Liu Zhi'an stood up slowly, looked at the rebels surrounded by the courtyard with his hands behind his back, and shook his head.

"Boy, boy, you can't be too impatient."

"Even if your father, Li Zheng, wants to touch this old man, he has to weigh the consequences."

"As for you"

Liu Zhian turned his head to look at Li Yunlong with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

"In the eyes of the old man, at best, it's just a dish."

With a bang, Li Yunlong pulled out the saber from his waist and pointed at Liu Zhi'an.

"Aren't you afraid that the king will kill you?"

Liu Zhi'an looked at the sword in Li Yunlong's hand and clapped his hands lightly.

In an instant, strong winds blew up in the entire Willow Mansion, countless people in green robes performed lightness kung fu and stood all over the surrounding courtyard walls and roofs.

These people in green robes all wore green robes, embroidered with delicate willow leaves.

The courtyards around Liu's Mansion had long been under the name of Liu Zhi'an, and all the surrounding houses were connected into Liu's Mansion.

In just a short moment, tens of thousands of people in green robes appeared in the Liu Mansion, and without exception, they were all first-class kung fu masters.

Looking at Li Yunlong's astonished face and the panicked rebels around him, Liu Zhi'an gently pushed the tip of Li Yunlong's sword aside, and looked at Li Yunlong with contempt.

"Looking at the world, there are four clans and seven mountains, eight sects and one spies, I don't take the initiative to cause trouble."

"Who the hell dares to touch me Liu Zhi'an."

(End of this chapter)

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